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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 1月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2015年01月01日 Thu. PM 10:18:20

Leo (July 23- August 22)

Your January Horoscope by Susan Miller

Leo Forecast for January 2015

By Susan Miller

This will be your year, dear Leo, for Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is in Leo for the first time since August 2002 to August 2003. Jupiter spends one year in each of the signs he visits, and last year, on July 16, 2014, Jupiter re-entered Leo. The road is open and clear - you finally have all the elements you need to succeed on something you've long dreamed to accomplish, on any level, in any part of life. Jupiter will stay with you until August 11 of this year, giving plenty of time for you to take action on a dream dear to you. The time you have now with Jupiter is precious, for you waited twelve years to have Jupiter all to yourself, and it won't be until June 2016 to have this same trend again.

Jupiter will open doors for you now and give you outstanding favor from VIPs. It's time to dust off your wish list, for the projects you start now will begin to grow and blossom financially after Jupiter leaves on August 11, when Jupiter moves into the harvest sign of Virgo.

You are about to earn an abundance of cash in late 2015 through most of 2016, but it ALL will be directly related to the efforts you make between now and mid-August 2015. Opportunities will come to you from every corner, and it will be important not to spread yourself too thin. Choose the projects that are quintessentially "you" - projects that acknowledge your need for creativity, feed your soul, and that have the most future potential. You are unique, and your projects should be as unique as you. In 2016 you won't have to "settle" for anything in your life - you should stand up for yourself confidently and keep searching for your ideal situation, for with Jupiter at your side, if you insist on that, you will find it.

When it comes to love, if you are single, this year Jupiter will help you meet your one true love from now until mid-August. If you already have found the love of our life, you may now move to commitment and set the date of your marriage. If you are already married, or in an established relationship, you will find new ways to make your love deepen, grow, and flourish. This is, very simply, your best year in twelve, so make it count!

Your residential (or other property) situation or, alternatively, your concern for a parent (or someone you think of as a parent), has been a pressing demand and continual distraction for you for more than two years. That situation will now settle down that Saturn recently left this area of your chart, December 23. Saturn, the culprit in this trend, will be back to Scorpio (the same thorny position) from mid-June to mid-September, and may bring up a rerun of the same issues. You have experience now, and you won't be thrown by anything you learn then. When Saturn says goodbye in mid-September 2015, he will not be back to your home and family portion of your chart until 2041, decades from now. As you see, demanding Saturn is leaving, and Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, is now with you in Leo. Out with the bad, in with the good. This all means your outlook is doubly good in months ahead.

On January 4, the full moon in Cancer 14 degrees (influential for an additional four days after the full moon), will light your twelfth house of privacy and behind-the-scenes activities. A secret that has been hidden, perhaps deliberately by someone close to you, is about to come to light. This full moon will be in an angry mood; the news won't be easy to take. This full moon will be in hard angle to Pluto in your solar sixth house of work projects, and also to Uranus in your ninth house of travel, legal matters, academia, publishing or broadcasting or the digital world, and international relationships abroad. You may get upset because you may find out that someone has been working at cross purposes to you, and hoping you'd never find out.

Other signs will feel this full moon more directly - they will have a harder time with it - but it's an angry moon that can cause tension, so do not have an overly packed schedule so that you can turn to take care of anything that might come up. You are an excellent manager, so you will know what you have to do, and you won't have a lot of time to take care of it. You will be able to put this matter behind you, so under no circumstances should you feel that you will "lose" anything in terms of reputation or anything else as a result. This is a very cranky full moon, but not an eclipse, and an eclipsed moon or Sun would have had a much stronger effect on you. Also, this full moon is falling in a cadent (weak) part of your chart, so it will not likely upset you as much as it would if it were lighting a different area.

Mercury and Saturn will cooperate beautifully the day following this full moon, January 5, so logic and reason will prevail, despite the emotion that will swirl about you. Saturn will lend a very stabilizing, calming influence to Mercury, planet of thinking and perception. You can, and will, react the right way.

You will have to watch your health near January 4, for this is the last house of the horoscope (your solar twelfth house), an area known to be a place of rest, and you may feel quite drained by that period.

Mercury will go retrograde later, from January 21 to February 21, not a time to make any binding commitments, whether in love, in your career, or for anything else. It is not a time to buy any electronic items or any product with moving parts, like a car or kitchen appliance. Our judgment tends to be off during these phases, so don't rush into anything new. Instead, spend time working on projects already on your desk, and work to polish them up until they gleam. Sometimes in modern life, we are not given enough time to lovingly lavish detail on a project. Now, during this upcoming Mercury retrograde period, you will have the time, as things will get postponed and schedules change. Finesse this assignment, and it will bring you a career victory by May. This is true whether you are employed by others or self-employed. Mercury will turn retrograde on January 21, but I would like you to stay far away from that date, as you will feel the slowdowns and delays much sooner than January 21. Too often readers race toward that deadline of the turning date of Mercury retrograde, and then later wonder why things didn't go according to plan. If possible, make your biggest moves in the second half of February. My favorite day for you to act on big plans will be February 26.

Financially, you may see your expenses rise from January 12 to February 19, while Mars tours your solar eighth house of other people's money, ruling credit cards, mortgage, financial aid, taxes, bank loans, lines of credit, insurance, and similar money you may receive and also pay out to satisfy financial obligations. You may expect to have to write a large check in the second half of January, but if not, slow down spending on big-ticket items until you can see the lay of the land. With Mercury in retrograde, it would not be wise to spend for items that can be purchased later at any time. Items bought with Mercury retrograde never seem to deliver the satisfaction they promise at the onset, and that includes the purchase of (or closing of) a house.

One day not to take any action that involves money would be January 19, when Mars will link to Neptune. You won't have all the facts and may make a very wrong decision. Neptune is known to fog facts and actions, so ask many questions. With Mercury about to retrograde just two days later, you will be in a highly unstable environment. I would prefer you make your biggest decisions in late February. Check financial statements carefully in case you were subject to identity theft.

Now let's turn to other elements in your chart. If you could see your horoscope map, you will see that most of the planets are situated on the Western part of the chart, putting the spotlight on partners. This indicates just how cooperative and conciliatory you will need to be this month to get results; don't be afraid to compromise now and then, for you will get to a great result if you do. You don't hold all the pieces of the puzzle now, but that seems immaterial - you may thoroughly enjoy the collaboration you will be making this month, and this will be true in work and in your private life. The new moon, January 20, in your partnership sector will open up a new era for your alliances. This new moon will be elegantly angled to Saturn, indicating plans you are making now for the future will have the strength of a sturdy old oak tree, with very deep roots.

You certainly have been focused on a partner, and with Venus in your relationship sector, your interactions should be as smooth as silk all month. Venus will remain in your committed relationship sector from January 4 to January 27. Yay! This holds true whether you are making a romantic or business relationship official soon - the point is, you will get along very well.

One of your most romantic dates will be January 13, when Venus and Uranus will be playing tag in the cutest way. Love will sparkle, especially if you are attached. (Admittedly, attached Leos will have the edge over singles in January.) The following day, January 14, will be equally wonderful, when Mercury in your relationship house will signal Uranus too. This same aspect will occur again, January 27.

If you did not travel for the holidays, January 10 to 17 would be an ideal time to go, or at month's end, January 24 to January 31. Bring your partner. When Mercury mixes with Uranus, spontaneity rules, so be flexible and go when the spirit moves you! If you have children, see if Grandma wouldn't mind doing some loving babysitting.

You will have another highly romantic day, January 23, when Saturn, now in your true love house, will signal the Sun, again in your committed relationship sector. Promises made will be promises kept, dear Leo. If you were going to get engaged, hold off until the middle to end of February, when Mercury will be regulated. You can act on Valentine's Day, which may be just what you had in mind.

In your career, you will be busy, continuing the trend that started in the third week of December when work demands were suddenly so strong they were bordering on insane. As you enter January, take things a little slower. It looks as though you will have to tie up details before you can move forward on new assignments. If you are in the middle of a project now (very possible), brace for new client input that may cause you to backtrack and reconfigure the plan when your client suddenly has an epiphany about ways you can make her project even better. Directives change, and we all have to remain flexible during Mercury retrograde periods, January 21 to February 11.

Here is a favorite day for you to put a gold star on, January 23, when the Sun your ruling star, will receive stabilizing vibrations from Saturn. Here is the perfect day to meet with an older, wise authority figure to talk about your future or to get advice. You'll have to be very realistic about any new venture you'd like to start to work on in months ahead. Saturn will have it no other way. Mercury is retrograde by now, so take time to think through your plans before you etch your plan in stone, and while you do, check all your assumptions.

One day when you will do very well on the job, impressing everyone with your mastery over your material, will be Friday, January 30. This is when Mars will reach out to Pluto in a very friendly way, and this tells me you may make a nice sum of money as a result.


As you begin January, it looks like you've been very busy at work in December, and you will have a bit of follow-up to attend to in early January. You may work in seasonal business, where the holidays required you to work hard. That work-around-the-clock emphasis is ending, so you will get a chance to give a sigh of relief.

This month, almost all the transiting planets are on the western part of your chart, suggesting you won't have full control over events. With so many planets in your collaboration / partnership sector, you will do best by being a conciliatory team member. Acting solo, and trying to lead the way alone, will not work in January or in February either, but the situation is temporary. If you have a business partner or alliance, let that person set the agenda.

It would be wise to turn your attention to your blooming private life, and if you are attached romantically, to focus on your partner. You may want to think about what you hope for your relationship's future and then to take steps to make that dream a reality. Venus will tour your seventh house of marriage all month, so you may get engaged now, or if you are already engaged, set the date of the wedding. If you are already wed, you may think of how to make your relationship deeper, perhaps by having a baby or planning new goals you can do together. Your partner will be in sync with your feelings, and you will see this to be true at the new moon, January 20, when a new path will open for the two of you.

Friday, January 23, with Saturn in lovely angle to the transiting Sun, would be a lovely date to sketch out your plans together.

If you are single, you will continue to have Jupiter in your sign until birthday time in mid-August. Having a good fortune Jupiter in your own sign, Leo, is a rare, once-in-twelve-year blessing, and will increase your likelihood of meeting your true love tenfold. This behooves you to continue to circulate. Last November or December - holiday time - may have brought an introduction to an intriguing new romantic interest. You were under excellent romantic aspects, so if you are smitten with that person, give him / her a chance and stay the course. If not, each month will bring you new opportunities, dear Leo, so look your best and continue to be open to meeting new people.

Financially, you have Neptune in your joint financial sector, so now and in the future, look over every detail in any agreement you are asked to sign. You may miss a clause, and you may suffer as a result. Having your lawyer at your side will be worth his weight in gold, something you may see on January 19 when Mars and Neptune meet. It's a day you need to be very careful in all financial talks and should also check your statements for errors.

All month, plan to be present in any discussions that would affect your savings or investments, for you will want to voice your thoughts, not have someone else speak for you, assuming they know your wishes. It is fine to have a financial advisor - most people do - but have regular conversations to let him know your goals and to review the progress of your holdings. Good days for positive financial news include January 5, 14, and 27.

Dates to Note for Leo:

The full moon, January 4, influential plus four days, will likely bring hidden facts to light. It seems to be about something you were not to ever find out about, and when you do, you may be understandably upset to learn the truth.

January 4 brings a stabilizing vibration between Mercury and Saturn, a good time to state a firm decision or action. If you must sign a contract this month, do it on this day.

Mercury will retrograde January 21 to February 11 in Aquarius. Never run up too closely to Mercury retrograde.

Mars will move into Pisces on January 12 and stay until February 19, boosting your spending.

Do not commit funds on January 19 when Mars will join foggy Neptune, obscuring important financial facts. Be present in all financial talks being done on your behalf. Guard against identity theft on January 19.

Venus will tour your house of relationships from January 3 to January 27, making your relationship happy and bright.

A new day will dawn for your closest relationship January 20 when the new moon will appear arm-in-arm with wise Saturn, helping you make all the right decisions for the future. Remember to wait until February to make firm commitments to each other due to Mercury retrograde. Any contract signed when Mercury is retrograde does not work out and has to be renegotiated later, if you would even want to continue the relationship.

A lovely day for fun and love, especially if you travel, is January 13.

On January 14, teaming up with another person at an event (or when you go to one) will turn out to bring a stellar evening.

January 23 would be great for meeting with an older, wiser executive, or for having a fun, romantic night out, due to the signals between the Sun and Saturn, now in your most romantic sector. Singles, this day would be for you.

You'll aim to impress VIPs at work on January 30, and you will, in spades. You may score another jewel for your crown.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-01-01 22:18:20
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 699 
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