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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 3月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2015年03月01日 Sun. AM 03:20:03

Leo Forecast for March 2015

By Susan Miller

A sparkling golden triangle will appear in the sky, made up of a bevy of planets working together in pure harmony. These planets include: Jupiter in Leo (good fortune) sending beams to Venus (love), Mars (action) and Uranus (surprise) in Aries in your long distance travel and foreign relationship ninth house, and Saturn (stability) in Sagittarius in your fifth house of love. You will be in rare form now, and other areas of your life may benefit in a big way too, including creative projects, efforts to further your education, efforts you may make to prove your credentials through taking exams, or by presenting your thesis. You may do well in a legal case, or you may resolve an immigration matter in a way that ends in a more favorable way than you expected. You are the celestial favorite, and you will know it now!

Days that stand out include March 3 when a surprise trip may bring all sorts of unexpected, positive results, and March 10 when love, money, luxury, and happy experiences when traveling or having to do with any of the areas outlined above has you dancing on the tables.

The full moon, March 5, may find you writing checks to settle bills or buying something costly that you've hoped to own. Neptune will be near the Sun, so if buying an electronic item, a car, or other machine, be sure to read about the product benefits and many of the critics' reviews, to be sure you are getting all that you hoped. Neptune rules the arts, so if you are buying something artistic, Neptune's presence suggests you may be buying a beautiful piece of art or another type of artistic creation to enjoy at home. If you buy from a reputable dealer, you will have nothing to fear - Neptune will likely bring joy, not disappointment.

Money will again be on your mind at the new moon solar eclipse, March 20. The Sun rules Leo, so you are always more affected by a solar eclipse than a lunar one - this one will be fabulously beneficial to your finances. The type of money you may receive (or negotiate for in the future) would be a bonus, commission, advance, royalty, insurance payout, divorce or court settlement, inheritance, or even a prize won on a game show. If you are about to take on a new job, the side benefits are likely to be considerable as long as you bargain for them just AFTER the eclipse arrives.

Saturn will go retrograde on March 14, and remain out of phase until August 2. During that time you may change your mind about the person you are dating now, or just the opposite, reconcile with a former lover. Anytime a planet retrogrades, the cosmos urges you to deliberate about how things are going and to think about possible changes you might like to make.

March 25 will be a fine time to think about your fitness routine and make a commitment to a new group class or sport. The Sun, your ruling star, will work well with Saturn to make sure the program you choose will be one you enjoy and that stays with you for a very long time.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-03-01 03:20:03
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 287 
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