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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 5月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2015-05-01 Fri. 20:57:23

Leo Forecast for May 2015

By Susan Miller

For a long time, a question involving a home or family situation, possibly involving your residence or care for a parent, stymied you. You were in charge of the situation, but the answer was eluding you, for it was tricky and complex, with no easy answer. You may have been focused with this home or family question as early as October 2012 or as late as sometime in 2014. Saturn finally left Scorpio and your home and family sector on December 23, 2014.

Saturn will retrograde back into Scorpio and your home sector next month from June 14 to September 17, so if you didn't settle things between 2012 and 2014, or did but still need to make additional changes, there's a good chance you will now. The full moon, May 3, in Scorpio 13 degrees, will appear in your fourth house, ruling these same residential matters, so you are likely to announce a final decision and conclude this chapter once and for all.

If, on the unlikely chance this does not happen near May 3, then you will during the time Saturn returns from mid-June to mid-September to this same sector. Saturn will be at 29 degrees Scorpio, a degree of completion. This suggests you will find a solution, most likely in June, but certainly by September. There will be another opportune aspect affecting home and family in mid-November that will be most favorable, but I doubt this particular question will linger that long. You may be doing something else related to home, property, or family. Because it's November, it may be that you'll be entertaining quite a bit in the second half of November in anticipation of the holidays.

For now, you may be moving in early May, or seeing a home renovation wind down. Or, you may be finished collecting contractor estimates and be ready to name your choice, giving the contractor the greenlight to begin. Alternatively, you may be gratified to see a repair project finish up or a remodeling project crystalized. You may buy, sell, or lease a house or condo, or rent a vacation cottage to use later this year. If you have been focused on a parent, you may have the solution to your mother or father's health care or on another question that requires help from you.

This full moon of May 3, influential for a plus or minus four days from this date, will be very friendly to Neptune, giving you plenty of creative inspiration to apply to your home. Pluto will also be at a great angle to the full moon (although a little far away - 12 degrees), but I still feel that if you were to change the structure of your property, such as to add or subtract a wall, you are likely to be pleased with the result. If you are redesigning a home basement, it too will go well, as Pluto governs the foundations of structures and the basement of a house. If your foundation has cracks and the house's structure needs fixing, you have a good chance of seeing a good result if the repair work needed is not too severe.

Now let's look at your career outlook, for this area of your chart has been bubbling up with much activity lately, thanks to Mars, the action planet. Mars is still sending mega-watts of energy to your tenth house of professional honors, awards, and achievement, a trend that started March 31 and will continue until May 11.

Mars has been raising your profile in your industry. It has been easier for you to showcase your talents and be rewarded for them. If you hope to land a new, more prestigious position that represents a true step up, April was and May will continue to be your most important points of the year to see progress. Use the last days of Mars' presence to work on professional aims. If you want a new job, get tips from friends and colleagues, attend a professional trade show, read trade journals, and look at job listings. Have your resume and bio polished and ready to show, a process that takes many days, if not weeks, to perfect.

On May 18, the new moon in Taurus, 27 degrees, will arrive in the same tenth house professional sector that Mars has been energizing and will likely bring up job tips for you to investigate. New moons tend to bring fresh opportunity, so in the ten days following that new moon, look at your options. This will be the best new moon of 2015 to find a position that represents a step up for you. This would be no lateral move.

In your quest to find the right position, there will be obstacles, for Saturn will oppose the moon. You may have to be patient, as the interview process might be long and drawn out. Great jobs do take time to win, and you will have to separate yourself from the competition. The seeds that you plant in the two weeks that follow this new moon of May 18 will affect your life for a year or more to come. Any job you discuss now, with Saturn so prominent, would come with considerable responsibility and influence.

Mercury will be retrograde in Gemini at the same time that the new moon arrives, from May 18 to June 11, so you might want to contact a former boss or a company that you enjoyed working for in the past. Mercury retrograde tends to bring past experiences to life, and it is often lucky to go back to a past relationship during these phases. If you are self-employed and get involved in sales, go back to former clients who you have not contacted in a while, for you would likely be able to generate more business from those individuals who already know and trust you. Venturing into new territory would not be as lucky for you - for that, wait until after June 11.

Romantically, Saturn settled into your true love sector last December but will move to Scorpio next month, and your home / family sector for thirteen weeks, as discussed earlier. This will release you from frustrations in your love life from June 14 to September 17. What type of frustrations might you have suffered? If single, you may have met only love interests who live far from you - far enough to make seeing one another difficult. Long-distance relationships can be hard. Or, the person you are interested in may be married and not yet divorced, leaving you in limbo. Or, one of you may have had to travel a great deal for work. If one of you is in graduate school, one may be studying for a big exam like the Bar, or preparing to defend your thesis, so date nights were hard to schedule.

This type of separation is common when Saturn is based in the fifth house. This won't be a problem from mid-June to September, but alas, may be for the coming two years, from September 2015 to December 2017, for that is the length of time Saturn will spend in your love sector.

Saturn is testing the depth of feeling that exists in you, and your sweetheart. Saturn will not test you if you are attached, for your relationship would fall in the seventh house, not the fifth house. This same trend could possibly make conception difficult, since the same fifth house covers pregnancy. If you are married and hope for a baby, I would urge you to try for conception during this summer (winter for our friends in the southern hemisphere) because Saturn will not be in your love / pregnancy / baby sector between June 14 and September 17.

Before I go, I want to point out several days to watch, some positive, some not so positive. The first is May 6, when Pluto will work with your ruler, the Sun. This should be a great day to deal with a top client or VIP. Schedule a presentation or performance review, or ask an authority figure for a favor.

A very difficult day - for everyone - will be May 22 when Saturn opposes the Sun. You will feel the weighty heaviness of this day more than most, because the Sun is your ruling planet. The Sun will be under siege by Saturn, the taskmaster planet, so you are likely to feel tired and overworked, and will be likely to view the world through a dark lens. Follow along on routine activities and avoid scheduling any important meetings or actions. A relationship might prove hard to navigate. If an older, high-level VIP has a criticism, try not to take the news too much to heart. Use the feedback to make your performance better, but don't let your self-esteem be affected.

May 15 brings Mercury opposed to Saturn, a day when cash flow may be tight. It's not a day to sign papers or to agree to anything.

Romantically, you will benefit from the move of Mars into Gemini and your house of friendship / fun / events / and groups, from May 11 to June 24. Your agenda will fill up, and friends will play a much more dominant role in your life than they have recently. Your career has been top of mind, but now, your schedule will open up and allow you to see your favorite BFFs (Best Friends Forever). You'll also have more time to post on social media too.

One weekend that will likely be fun is May 23-24 when the transiting moon will be in Leo. You might want to plan a special dinner out in a restaurant you've been anxious to try, or book a spa treatment for this weekend.

The full moon that occurs June 2, quickly after May is finished, will be highly social and special. You will likely go to an event that will include many people, most of whom will be friends, and possibly be quite luxurious, because good fortune Jupiter will be prominent. Start thinking about what you will wear to this lovely event. You may feel this full moon of June 2 early, over the weekend of May 30-31, as all full moons exert powerful energy plus or minus four days from the day they appear.


Your home and private life will be your first priority as you enter May, as the full moon in Scorpio will be exerting a strong positive flow on May 3. You may move into a new apartment as of May 1, or, if you love your present space, may have called in the painters. You may be closing on a house or selling one. A home decor that you have been supervising may now be finished, bringing lots of excitement about the beauty you've created. Neptune, planet of creativity and inspiration, will find you brimming with ideas.

If your living space is not your focus, you may be thinking quite a bit about one of your parents. You may be helping your mother or father find a doctor or lend a hand to spruce up their home. Or, your mother might ask you to fix a few things that need repair. Your emphasis on home or family will be quick, for by May 7 other parts of life will be calling you.

Get ready for news about your career, in early May as Mars tours your prestigious tenth house until May 12, and also after the new moon arrives in Taurus on May 18 (plus ten days) in the same career sector. Any new position you will discuss this month would be a substantial one, so you would likely apply much of your past experience in the new position. This new moon will allow your status to rise in your industry, as you take on new responsibilities, possibly through promotion or a juicy competitive offer you can't resist. Alternatively, you may get exciting publicity or critical praise for work you've done.

By May 11, you'll have more time to meet up with close friends for hastily arranged lunches, dinners, or drinks. You'll be eager to catch up, let your hair down, and throw your head back to dance to the music. The fun will continue through June 24, so you have quite a lot to look forward to doing after work to balance out your strong emphasis on career.

Your love life may give you pause this month, perhaps because your career will be taking off, but your sweetheart may feel neglected or less successful by comparison.

There will be two days that won't be your best, so avoid scheduling anything vital on these two days. The first falls Friday, May 15, and will have Mars opposing Saturn, so you may find yourself in a cash flow crunch.

A more difficult day will arrive May 22, when Saturn will oppose your ruling star, the Sun. You may find the relationship to be arduous, or you may feel frustrated that you cannot get on the same page with your partner. Or, your partner may need to lean on you. It is alternatively possible that you may meet up with a roadblock about a pregnancy or be in a quandary over the proper way to address the needs of your child or else have a custody question to solve. On this day you will likely feel tired and overwhelmed - it's not a day to schedule anything important. Or, in one more different possible manifestation, a creative project may require more money and time than you anticipated. Life can sometimes be this way, but the key to getting through this is to be practical and realistic. This not one of those days to wish for "what could be" but deal directly with what "is."

A divine weekend to spontaneously fly away to a paradise island for a fun, private romantic time would be May 16-17 when Venus and Uranus will cook up surprises galore. It would be a perfect weekend for "just us two."

By month's end, May 30-31, you may feel the highly social, fun full moon of June 2, which will put you in the middle of many friends.

Dates to Note: Leo

Mercury will go retrograde May 18 to June 11.

The full moon of May 3 will bring a home or family-related matter to a final wrap up. This will be a positive time to take action, plus or minus four days.

A great day for a Leo will be the Sun in ideal angle to Pluto. Speak to an authority figure and leave with approvals.

Mars will remain in Taurus in the first half of the month, until May 10, the time you must push forward in your career.

Mars will enter Gemini May 11 until June 24, beginning a breezy, easy social trend where you will find love and friendship.

The new moon of May 18 will light your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. Saturn will be at odds with this new moon, so you'll have to get over obstacles to make progress. With Mercury retrograde, go back to excellent past opportunities that did not quite work out but might work well now, or executives you enjoyed working with.

A potentially low day will be May 22, when the Sun, your star, will oppose Saturn. This is due to be a hard day for love and relationships. Don't rattle the hornet's nest.

Avoid making a financial decision on May 25 when you are likely to overlook important details.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-05-01 20:57:23
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 275 
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