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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 11月 天秤座(原文)
時間 2015-11-03 Tue. 23:12:35

Libra Forecast for November 2015

By Susan Miller

November will be a far better month than October. You had a very difficult new moon, October 12, which brought a great deal of tension. A project may have gone seriously off the rails, or a certain person near you had let you down (or is revealing incompetence) and forced you to rush to fix whatever it was that was causing you such stress.

Once Mars enters Libra on November 12, to stay until January 3, you will be in control, calling the shots, and enjoying the privileges that Mars will give you. You've not had any help from Mars since the end of 2013 and the first half of 2014, and you may not remember how much energy and drive Mars can give you. Finally people on the team, and also higher ups, will start to listen to you - of course they will, for you have been right all along.

Mars in Libra will make you passionate about all that you want to achieve on a personal or business level, and you will succeed most of the time, for few will find they can resist your charms. Your energy will be magnetic and compelling, and because Mercury is no longer retrograde (and won't be again until January 5-25), and Venus, your ruler, won't go retrograde for a long while either, you are looking at an open road to plant seeds and to enjoy seeing them grow into big acorn trees. Venus will be in Libra too, from November 8 to December 5, making your charms much more visible.

On December 2, Venus and Mars will join in Virgo, in your most private, hidden part of your chart. This is a sexy vibration, so a blind date may work out well. You'd feel strong chemistry together, and would have fun flirting. This same conjunction of Venus and Mars might tempt you to have a relationship with someone who is married, but will say the divorce is coming soon. (It is not.) Be careful and protect your heart.

Schedule talks about money on November 5, when the Sun, now transiting your financial house, will receive a signal from Pluto in your home sector. You may benefit from a family member, perhaps when you receive a belated birthday check, or news of a small inheritance. The following day will be strong for financial matters too, especially if the idea is innovative or artistic. The reason I say that is on November 6, when Mercury, now in your earned income sector, will receive lovely vibrations from creative Neptune.

The month keeps getting better and better.

On November 10, you will have help behind the scenes in getting a raise or if self-employed, to find ways to increase your income in other ways. Jupiter, the good fortune planet, will be in ideal angle to the mighty Sun, a powerful aspect. Mercury will be in friendly angle to Pluto too, making November 10 a great day to close on a house.

Your big day will be November 11, with the new moon in your salary and earned income sector. The moon will fall in Scorpio, 19 degrees. This will be a glorious new moon, one of the very best of 2015. For years, your income has been held down due to the tour of Saturn in this very house, from October 2012 to September 2015. Finally, when you ask for a raise, you have a superb chance of getting one. You do have to ask. Even if your company does not give out raises at this time of the year, you should ask anyway, or at the very least, have a talk with your boss. If you are not working, you can now find work that will pay well.

I am so excited by this new moon for you because it will receive support from Jupiter, in very tight mathematical degree, and that's significant. Pluto will also send his greeting, which is extraordinary - it's rare to see both Jupiter and Pluto standing by to help you see your increase in income. Both Jupiter and Pluto are powerhouse financial planets, so don't discard how lucky you will be just AFTER the new moon arrives. You must use it or lose it, dear Libra.

You have gone through three years of belt tightening and will finally get a chance to be well paid. Jupiter is the giver of gifts and luck, and Pluto is the planet of transformation. In the past, when you were turned down for raises, it was not your performance that caused this, but conditions that were operating in your employer's company. Now things are changing, so go after your due. I worry that you may have lost confidence, but you must not! The trend you went through with Saturn happens every twenty-nine years, and Saturn remains for three years in that house.

The time you spent with Saturn was not in vain. In that time you learned to make good use of the money you were earning. If you are young, you learned to negotiate well for yourself, to find bargains, and perhaps you saved up to buy something important and valuable, such as a house or condo, or a new car. You made very good use of the money you had, and you may also have learned to save for the future, perhaps by setting up a retirement account or learning to invest in the market.

If you are more mature, you probably already learned these lessons years ago, perhaps when Saturn last came by in late 1982 to late 1985. However, the magical part about life is that we can ways learn something new. You now value money in a new way, and you may have found ways to get more from the money you have coming in. You may have found a wise investment broker who helped you increase the value of your stocks. Now it's time to get paid what you deserve. You won't have a gorgeous new moon like this to raise your earned income anytime soon, so gather up your courage and ask!

This month, if you need to sign a contract for any reason, do so on November 13, when Mercury will get golden vibrations from Jupiter. You will stand up very nicely for yourself. Best of all, with financial Jupiter sending his good wishes, the profit potential of this deal, or the value you will receive, will be considerable.

Neptune will move direct on November 18, suggesting that your ideas will take flight at work. If you've been waiting for approvals, or disappointed with the client saying, "I love it, but we can't do it now," you will love the change of Neptune from retrograde to direct. Big planets like Neptune retrograde for months - you've had to wait for this day since June 12 of this year.

Another bonus of having Neptune moving direct is that you are likely to see greater progress in any health-related matter. If doctors have not been able to find the right drug to help you, that may change now. If the doctor made a faulty diagnosis, facts will come to the surface now, and second opinion may bring you the answers you've been seeking. Watch the days that surround November 18 to see clues of a breakthrough in your health AND work situation.

The full moon of November 25 will be a tense one. It will fall in Gemini at 3 degrees and light your solar ninth house of long-distance travel, matters involving international relationships, immigration (passports, visas, and green cards), and court cases or actions your lawyer takes to file a patent, trademark, or other such action. The ninth house also has to do with your goals for a higher education, including getting into the college of your choice, taking all kinds of exams, and if you are going for a PhD, defending your thesis. All these areas will be under siege, so it's best not to travel or initiate any special actions involving any of these areas. The ninth house covers certain relatives too, including certain aunts and uncles, as well as your in-laws.

Saturn will oppose the moon, causing a feeling of exhaustion and possible temporary depression. This is a tough full moon, and because full moons always magnify emotions, things may go out of proportion. You may overreact to what you are facing, or others near you might, so take a soft approach. Saturn is known to bring criticism, so you may feel surprised and hurt by what someone whose opinion you trust says to you. By Sunday, November 29, the Sun will receive an opposition from Saturn, and because the Sun rules your eleventh house, you may find a friend troublesome or hurtful, or conversely, you may find that you will need to put off doing something or buying something you dearly wanted. (This is only temporary, dear Libra.)

This span of days November 25-29 coincides with the Thanksgiving Day four-day holiday in the US, and I am afraid it will be a weekend where just about everyone will feel overwrought, at wits' end, and super-sensitive to criticism. Be sure to get enough sleep as you move into this weekend, because being tired will only make things worse. If someone says something to you that makes you lose confidence in yourself, don't respond right away - let the full moon wane first. Agree to come together again to talk about the subject in a few days. The full moon and Sun will be in hard angle to Neptune, so it will be easy to misunderstand what is being said, or what is happening, so let things rest until these stormy aspects pass. This full moon is in Gemini, the sign of siblings, so check in to see how your sister or brother is doing. Something may be cresting in one of your sibling's life, and you will want to know about it. If your sibling is having a hard time, you may be able to help. An in-law may also be making headlines in your life, or an aunt or uncle. Make sure you are keeping up with all family news.

If you have a birthday that falls on September 25 plus or minus four days, you will find a way to rise above what occurs, and actually benefit from this full moon, as incredible as this sounds.

When it comes to love and relationships, be careful of what you say on November 23, when Venus will oppose Uranus. Someone with whom you have a close relationship will be fragile at this time, and on November 23, you are moving straight into that depressing full moon November 25. Keep a low profile at the end of November by keeping to yourself, getting things on your to-do list done, and generally not bringing up any controversial subjects.

On November 26, Saturn and Neptune will have the first of three clashes, warning each of us, of every sign, that we need to deal with solid facts, and all that is real and objective, rather than what we hope and wish things to be. The second and third of these hard angle meetings of these two planets will occur on June 17 and September 10, 2016. You've not seen this aspect since 1998-1999, so it will seem new.

Saturn rules your family relationships, so you may feel this trend in terms of someone in your immediate family (the area you will need to be more objective in the way you see your relationships), or it may have to do with a creative project you are working on at the office, for your sixth house will be involved. The sixth house also rules health, so if you have been diagnosed with a health concern, this aspect will be a signal that you should follow doctor's orders to the letter, by taking your medicine, eating the right foods, and if necessary, taking a prescribed procedure.

Now before I go, let's talk about something fun. I wanted to mention that with Mars and Venus in Libra, you have a great time to shop for new clothes and to have your stylist suggest a new look. (This advice is applicable to my male readers, too.) Mars enters Libra on November 12, and Venus will already be in Libra as of November 8. I feel you should shop for new things for your wardrobe, or make changes to your appearance on November 17 or 18, or on December 1.


Your time is coming, dear Libra. For the first time in two years, you will have the impressive advantage of energetic Mars in Libra, from November 12 to January 3, 2016. Mars will give you an enormous competitive advantage on every front, with no need to dilute your ideas or proposals. Venus, your ruler, will be in Libra, too, from November 8 until December 5, sure to bring out your charms. Venus is in strong orbit now (having been retrograde in recent months - but Venus is back to former strength and ready to help you. Spend some of the time that Mars and Venus overlap in Libra shopping to refresh your appearance - it's one of the year's best periods to do so, with November 17, 18, and December 1 your best days. You are likely to get flattering attention in love too, this month, whether you are single or attached, so you will adore this trend.

The new moon of November 11 is the sweetest one of 2015, for it will come with support from Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck. This new moon will light your house of salary, and considering that over the past three years Saturn has held down your earning power, this new moon will be particularly welcome. The gate will open, and it will be up to you to walk though it to ask for a raise or negotiate a new salary in another company. It would be a shame not to use this new moon - it will be the first signal that your finances are looking up more than you've seen in the past three years. You won't get another chance this strong again for a very long time, so make the most of these glittering aspects in mid-November.

Various cross currents will come up at month's end. Your sister or brother may suffer at this time, as Saturn is conjunct the Sun and Mercury in your third house of siblings. Check in. People in general - including family members - are often reluctant to share feelings when in truth they could benefit from doing so. Be sensitive to your sibling.

This full moon, November 25, will make travel and family gatherings difficult, so tread carefully. Everyone will be touchy and quick to take offense, so be careful with what you say. This is not the week to sign a contract - not with taskmaster Saturn so prominent and in a feisty mode. If you have to do so, realize you may be in this contractual deal a very long time with little or no ability to get out of it without a costly exit. Go slowly and make sure every clause works to your advantage. December brings much improved aspects, so if you can wait, do.

For Dates to Note: Please watch my November TV show broadcast. You can get your special dates, with explanation.

Here is the link to use: http://bit.ly/1eTnXol

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-11-03 23:12:35
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 134 
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