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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 12月 天秤座(原文)
時間 2015-12-03 Thu. 21:33:53

Libra Horoscope for December 2015

By Susan Miller

Life keeps getting better for you, dear Libra. Last month, on November 12, Mars moved into Libra for the first time in two years and put you in the spotlight. You can now call the shots, and others will defer to you. You won't likely have to compromise your ideas, for you will be persuasive, and you will rally the troops to your side. You may wonder, what's the big deal about having Mars in my sign? It means a lot, dear Libra. Mars is the booster rocket to all your most important ventures and new relationships. Mars will give it the right start, with plenty of energy - without a strong Mars, things tend to fizzle. In terms of business enterprises, Mars will send these ventures high into the stratosphere.

You will only get six weeks of Mars every two years, but those six weeks are golden. Mars will give you a caffeinated effect - you'll be bouncing with energy. Your passion will run high too, so you will be persistent and not take "no" for an answer. You will be more assertive and self-assured too, so take advantage of your boosted confidence by making appointments with higher ups that just a year ago you may have been hesitant to call for fear of rejection. You will have Mars in Libra until January 3, so decide what is important to you and what you'd like to give a big competitive push. You can use this vibration for business enterprises or for any kind of new relationship, even in matters of love. Mars will make you more attractive and raise your profile in any event you attend.

Next month, January, won't be the time to launch anything new, so work this month, for time is of the essence. In January, Mercury will be retrograde from January 5 to 25, making January a watch-and-wait month. Tie up your most vital plans now, without delay. You will start to feel the approaching Mercury retrograde slowdown as soon as December 19. February will be one of the most glorious months of the year, so if you can't act now, it may be a comfort to know that February will be sweet consolation.

In December, you will be busy with phone calls, emails, and a list that overflows with things you will need to do. Your social media will be chockfull of notifications, and you will want to answer or comment on those, so you may feel a little like you are on a people mover that is simply not moving fast enough. You certainly will be busy.

With planets stacking in Sagittarius, a sign friendly to Libra, you will find things will go your way. This will be a perfect weekend to drive a short distance (between 25 and 500 miles) to shop, see family or friends, or just take a little time off to get a breath of fresh air. The weekend to go will be absolutely February 5-6. On that same weekend, the transiting moon will be in Libra. Perfect!

Two days later, on December 8, you will have one of the finest romantic dates of the month when the Sun in Sagittarius will receive an electric beam from Uranus. You won't expect Cupid to strike, but he might - this day will just burst with romantic surprise.

You may have a difficult day next, December 10, when Uranus in Aries will directly oppose Mars in Libra. Your romantic partner (spouse or steady, established sweetheart) may be uncharacteristically belligerent. Or, an outburst may come from a business partner or collaborator over a small matter. Your partners are not usually so sensitive, so it looks as though you will be taken by surprise and be left wondering what you said that caused such a powerful, possibly angry, response.

There is one more alternative manifestation of this aspect, and that is, the seventh house, where the focus will be on December 10, might represent a competitor who will make a surprise competitive move, aimed at aggressively taking away a piece of your pie - a large part of your territory or customer base.

The seventh house, when poorly aspected as it will be on December 10, is the area that the ancient astrologers called the house of "open enemies." That is, this house shows you the identity of your enemy because that person will be out in the open, boldly being aggressive without a care in the world. This same seventh house is also the house of marriage, which is usually harmonious and joyful, but on this day, with warrior Mars opposing explosive and unpredictable Uranus, you have a hot situation. No matter what happens, you won't see this situation coming, and it will be sudden. If you have a birthday that falls within four days of October 10, plus or minus five days, you are more likely to feel this cosmic event.

See what comes up, and be careful about the words and actions you use on this day. The problem is, this day has a wide area of influence. I have found the energy of these two planets can extend as much as week in either direction (before or after December 10). I would say, tiptoe around anyone who feels fragile or who seems ready for an argument. On the road, when you drive, be careful not to cut off another driver. Be diplomatic, especially so in the days that closely circle December 10.

Now let's turn to the good news. The cheerful new moon of December 11 underscores the trend I spoke about at the very start of your report. You will have an emphasis on travel, as well as communication - much more than usual. Mars in Libra will be very friendly to this new moon, so Mars will fuel the energy of this new moon to a higher pitch. You might need a to-do list, lest you forget an important detail.

You may be involved in building strategy for a new product or service to launch soon (hopefully not in January), as Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, will be based in your twelfth house, suggesting you will need to be secretive about this project or need to work during some of December behind closed doors to concentrate on your project without distraction. Your instinct will be remarkably high, so trust what your intuition tells you to do.

You love being with other people, especially friends, and are not reclusive in the way Scorpio tends to be (they love time alone to think and reflect quietly on recent events). You will be with your friends, so don't be concerned. Mars in Libra would never let you be shuttered inside. You will have a good balance between privacy and socializing in December.

Uranus will be very friendly to this new moon, so the universe seems to have a few sweet surprises for you. You may hear from someone out of the blue that you've not heard from in a long time, and be excited that the person called. Or your romantic or business partner (not likely the person who might cause you grief the preceding day, December 10) will help you in a big way that makes you happy and maybe even a little speechless.

This would be an ideal month to think about redoing your social media pages, or to hire a designer to change your letterhead for your business stationery or to print your wedding invitations.

As an aside, I love paper, so if you are horrified at the idea of having 100-percent rag business paper and envelopes for your business because you like email better, indulge me a little. I love 100-percent rag - 20 lb. cotton paper that is watermarked by Strathmore - some of the finest paper possible. I guess I am old fashioned. When I was little, I always wished my father had a stationery retail store instead of fine, imported foods store with Italian specialties. (Of course I got smarter later, as I grew up - his food store was first rate.). I would dream of writing on beautiful paper and using gorgeous sterling silver old-fashioned fountain pens. I won first prize for penmanship in the fifth grade. My mother and both my grandmothers had beautiful handwriting, so I was proud to carry on the family tradition.

When I was thirteen I bought red wax and a seal of my initials to seal my personal envelopes. When I got married, I got a die cut for my initials to use to have my initials engraved on notepaper - both were by Mrs. John L. Strong on Madison Avenue. I still enjoy using that expensive creamy note paper that I ordered on Crane's 100-percent rag paper. I have the original printer's die, so I use it to order more note paper with my initials on the upper left corner - raised in a beautiful red, and the note paper envelopes were cream and lined in the same color red tissue. I have reordered that paper many times and use it only occasionally for thank you notes, written with a pretty pen. (My office stationery is beautiful too, and my business cards are 100-percent rag.) You can say I am obsessed.

I am a hopeless romantic, and an email just doesn't do it for me. In fact, when I sign contracts, I ask they be printed on the client's letterhead and Fed Ex'ed to me. Things written on paper are serious and to me, email is not. Email is too casual. So indulge me a little. If you are in love with the look and touch of fine paper, THIS is your month to think about redoing, redesigning, or reordering your present stationery, and to relish receiving the finished product from your printer. If you are like me, you will open the box with the same joy you did when you received a gift from Santa when you were five years old.

The month's emphasis on writing makes it a fine one to design a website or start your blog. You might want to send a query letter to an editor about a story idea you have for publication, or to start that screenplay you and your writing partner want to take to a movie studio. This would also be a great month to launch an advertising or publicity campaign. If you write code, you can design and write new software. Or, even if you don't know how to write code, you might design a highly popular app. If asked to give a speech this month, agree to do it, for benefits will accrue to you. Are you fluent in another language? Use that skill to become a translator full time or part time. Start that novel you promised to write, or schedule a book signing. This month, when it comes to communication, you own the category.

Now we must turn to a weekend that I hope you won't use for travel: December 19-20. Mercury will be in a bad mood, for this planet of transportation will receive an angry vibration from Uranus, the planet of unpredictable outcomes. Whatever happens on this weekend involving travel isn't something you would necessarily expect. You may be sidelined at the airport for a long time. Check weather reports to avoid problems. Leave a day or two later or earlier if possible. If you are driving, have your mechanic check your car and tune it up before you leave.

Now let's get to the sweetest part of the month. On December 24, your ruling planet, Venus, now in Scorpio, will receive a shimmering vibration from Jupiter. This means that on this day, you will receive either a check or a beautiful (Venus) valuable (Jupiter) gift. The fact that your ruler is involved in this configuration means you will feel this lovely vibration more than the other signs (except Taurus, a sign that shares its rulership of Venus with Libra). This is Christmas Eve, of course, but many people do not celebrate Christmas in the world. Even so, if that describes you, you will have something special coming to you on this day too. Your good luck is not contingent on a holiday.

The tender full moon in Cancer will reach its peak on December 25 this year, light your house of career, and also "ping" energy directly across the horoscope wheel into your fourth house of home and family. This will be a warm, affectionate day, just perfect for gathering your family around you in your home. Keep checking your mailbox or email, for you may ALSO hear very good news about your career, in the days near December 25. I cannot remember the last time I saw a full moon fall on Christmas Day. (In New York the full moon will reach fullness at 6:11 a.m. EST, and in Los Angeles, 3:11 a.m. PST, but as said, the area of influence extends for a plus or minus four days.)

This full moon will be unusually sweet, with absolutely no untoward planets to ruffle your emotions. In fact, just the opposite will be at play - this divine full moon will receive a deeply inspirational vibration from Neptune, the planet of creativity, as well as unconditional love. How wonderful to have this beautiful full moon come at year's end.

On New Year's Eve, December 31, Venus will have moved into Sagittarius (an even better place for you than where Venus has been), and on that evening, the transiting moon will be in Virgo. Jupiter will conjoin that moon too, which is VERY special. You seem to want to avoid crowds (or even a restaurant full of people) to instead remain home this evening. You can make it romantic, with candles, champagne, and delectable tiny appetizers you can order from a fine gourmet shop near you, or online a few days before. If you have no special someone to share a celebration, invite some of your closest friends over. This evening will be perfect for a small party at home.

I want you to celebrate the arrival of 2016, because on September 9, 2016, Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will enter Libra for thirteen months, until October 10, 2017. Over the past several years, you have suffered quite a bit, mainly in regard to either a relationship or your health (or both). Now the universe will make a correction, and you will enter a glorious chapter. In the meantime, you will need to clear out all that is draining you, or no longer of interest to you, to make room for all the goodies the universe will bring you starting in September. You waited eleven-and-a-half years for Jupiter to come, and he is almost here!

The universe has not forgotten you, dear Libra. The universe loves you. You will see proof of this very soon.


Last month, Mars, the planet of passion, courage, and drive, entered Libra and will remain in your sign until January 3. This makes December one of your most vital months of 2015, for you now will find yourself in the driver's seat and in charge of deciding on which way you would like to direct your life next. Often in life we have to wait for conditions to become favorable to make a major initiation - you need not wait, for your time is now, in December. Things will get even better later in the year, but for now, make full use of this.

It is impossible to overstate how favorable it is to have Mars in your own sign, a privilege that only happens for six weeks every two years. Mars will see to it that you win many of your points, if only because you will be so passionate about getting VIPs to support your ideas. Not only will Mars help you in regard to business, but also in your personal life, especially in matters of love. You will find it easy to turn heads when you enter a room, and if attached, it will be a snap to get more attention from your partner. You can now find ways to update your appearance and go for a glamorous, magnetic look - get busy.

The new moon of December 11 may bring news of an action your sibling is about to take, and you will want to know all the details. This same new moon will urge you to extend your reach beyond your base, so you may find yourself traveling along the highway more often now, perhaps to see clients face-to-face or to visit friends and family. Have your car tuned up on December 10, before this trend for increased driving begins - with Mars opposed to Uranus, your mechanic may find a problem that can be easily fixed, and keep you from being sidelined with a long delay.

As odd as it may sound, you are likely to hear exciting career news within four days of the friendly full moon, December 25. That full moon will light the very pinnacle point of your horoscope, so if you have been interviewing for a top position, but have practically given up on hearing back because the holidays have intervened, don't lose hope. You are likely to hear whether the job is yours at the very end of the month.

Neptune will be in ideal angle to that full moon, suggesting that this position would allow you plenty of room to add your stamp of individuality on the project. If you have a job you love, this full moon may give you the recognition and possibly a promotion you deserve. It's a key point in 2015 for your professional progress, so keep your antenna up.

This same full moon - in Cancer - will bring family together for a fully enjoyable weekend, December 25. If you celebrate Christmas, this year will be one for the record books, for it seems you will be very happy.

When it comes to making plans for New Year's Eve, social Libra will surprise everyone by opting to stay home for a quiet, private night to ring in the New Year. You won't be in the mood for crowded rooms with flashing lights and loud music - that's fun sometimes, but this year, your taste will be for a more muted and soft evening. Order up top-notch food, chill your champagne, and put flowers and candles everywhere in your apartment.

You can prove staying in can sometimes (like now) be more romantic than going out, and show off your flair for creating a memorable setting for your special someone. No partner? Then invite one or two friends over who are in the same situation, and with your friends plot the ways to find love in 2016.

You have a sensational year coming up once Jupiter enters Libra on September 2016, to stay thirteen months. You have SO MUCH to celebrate!

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-12-03 21:33:53
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 144 
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