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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2016年 11月 射手座(原文)
時間 2016-11-02 Wed. 10:24:52

Sagittarius November Horoscope

Nov 22 - Dec 21
Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

You are now at the month prior to your birthday, a very critical time in astrology, for it’s time to see what you’ve accomplished in the past year and what you would like to see in the year ahead. The new moon of October 30 was a gentle influence and will trigger behind-the-scene negotiations and talks, and give you time to mull over your priorities.

Life has not been easy for you, for Saturn, the great teacher, has been in Sagittarius, moving through all degrees, and will eventually touch briefly all members of your sign. Last year at this time, Saturn was moving over the Sun of those Sagittarians born on or near November 29, so if that is you, you’ve faced your toughest challenges and you are done. Now, Saturn has moved forward to touch the Sun of those born December 10 to the end of the sign.

By December 20, 2017, all Sagittarians of every birthday will have met with Saturn, so Saturn will move on to Capricorn. You will be done with your cosmic test and Saturn will not return to Sagittarius until 2044. The second visit of Saturn is almost always easier, because you will have already learned so much during the first visit. For now, you have one more year to go until you get to December 20, 2017. Think back to what you learned back in 2015, and how much you have grown since then. Saturn makes us face facts, isolates you from the usual people who support you, and forces you to make choices for the future, ones that will stand the test of time.

The first part of November, then, will be for planning. Socrates felt that the unexamined life is not worth living. That’s a very extreme statement, but it makes its point. Thinking is always the better part of action, for it helps us to be the most productive possible – when your mind is clear about what needs to be done, nothing can stop you.

A major work project is coming to finish within four days of the full moon, November 14. This full moon is friendly, and will be in Taurus, 23 degrees. The only planet in the vicinity is Pluto, and Pluto is a hugely powerful planet to have on your side. Now residing in your second house of earned income, it appears the project you finish up at this time will be very profitable. It won’t necessarily bring you fame and honors (this full moon is in your sixth house of day-to-day projects, not the tenth house of fame), but the project you are doing now will add to your body of work and your overall performance, so all you are doing counts.

Keep in mind that Saturn rules your financial house, and will be in fine angle to Uranus on many points of the coming year. This month, Saturn is within three degrees of an ideal trine, considered significant now, and that wonderful aspect that usually brings such good news. Saturn is in Sagittarius (as you and I discussed earlier) but happens to rule your second house of earned income. Saturn is the planet of stability. Uranus rules you house of intellect, but is moving through your house of creativity, suggesting your creative efforts will pay off in good income soon.

Money has been running out of your bank account lately, ever since active Mars has started to tear through your second house of earned income. That started on September 27, but will end this month on November 8, thank goodness. The heavy expenses are about to let up, and as you read this, you might not quite believe me, but soon you will see this to be true. This full moon could be a good time to redo your office, upgrade equipment, get software that would help you become more efficient, and to hire a new recruit. Watch November 25, when Venus and Pluto will combine forces – you may get good financial news on this day.

This same full moon, November 14, can help you become healthier. You may find you are doing much better at the gym, or get a medical test result back that pleases you. If you need to have a consultation with a doctor, do so within four days of November 15.

Mars is the natural ruler of your fifth house of creativity, so if you work in the arts, you may feel that a hefty amount of your money has been going toward an expensive project. If that does not fit your circumstance, there are two other possible reasons that your expenses were rising. This might be because you were spending on the care of one of your children, or that you are going through cash to participate in a social event, such as a friend’s destination wedding turned that out to be far more expensive than you ever anticipated. No matter, whatever it is – from November 8 onward, you will see you will be in greater control than you had been before.

    It’s clear that the area of your chart that will bring you the most luck will stem from friends, both ones you have now and new ones you will make.

Mars will move into Aquarius now, a fine place for it to be for you, for Aquarius is an air sign that only makes your fire-sign element of Sagittarius burn more brightly. Mars in Aquarius will light your third house, so communications swirling about you will become busy. You may be working on a publicity campaign or a project that requires a lot of writing or editing. You may be energized to meet with many prospective clients with the aim to bring in more business. Your sister or brother is also under the domain of the third house, so you may have more than usual interaction with your sibling for any number of reasons. Travel could enter the equation too, and if so, you’d love the time away, even if you only go for a day or overnight trip into the country.

Your friends are beginning to play a much larger role than usual in your life. Jupiter, your ruler, is in Libra, an air sign that also blends well with your fire-sign Sagittarius Sun, and Jupiter is sending golden beams from your eleventh house of friendship and also hopes and wishes. This is rare placement for Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, which started for the first time in twelve years. Friends will be the bearers of gifts and luck in your life, so it behooves you not only to be in touch with your present friends, but also to get to make new friends too.

If you are self-employed, the eleventh house also rules profits made from efforts put in the previous 12 months, spanning August 2015 to September 2016, so again, profits seem to be heading your way with a bumper crop from previous work done well.

It’s clear that the area of your chart that will bring you the most luck will stem from friends, both ones you have now, and new ones you will make. Join a club this year, and attend meetings. Or, you might want to join a humanitarian or charitable effort and work on the fundraising effort, for you would meet new like-minded people who are just as passionate about the cause as you happen to be.

Here is a date to put a big circle around: December 1, when Mars in Aquarius will be in ideal angle to Jupiter. This is such a rare aspect (that is, with Mars in Aquarius, Jupiter in Libra) that it won’t happen again for years. A friend is likely to trigger the luck you experience. See what happens – I didn’t want you to miss this special day.

Your career is going exceptionally well this month. Mercury is the natural ruler of your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, and will be unusually busy, meeting and greeting many important planets this month. Here are dates to keep in mind in regard to your efforts to gain greater career influence and to show you are ready to handle more responsibility in your industry. The following days will brighten your reputation.

First, watch November 3, when Mercury will interact with Neptune, giving you an opportunity to show the sweep of your vision and creativity.

On November 15, Mercury in Sagittarius and Mars in Aquarius will be in conversation, giving you the drive and persuasive ability to get things done.

Your very best day for your career will be on November 22, when your ruling planet, Jupiter, will contact the ruler of your tenth house of fame and honors. What a wonderful day for you! Make a deal, sign a contract, send in a manuscript, or take a trip. This day belongs to you and is golden in every respect.

The next day, November 23, would NOT likely be great for travel (too many delays), but you can make progress in terms of making a deal that you would want to stand for many years, possibly forever.

I love November 26, when Mercury and Uranus will be in a sublime “trine” position. Both these planets deal with intellectual matters. Mercury rules your house of prestige and fame, and is in Sagittarius. Uranus is in Aries and is considered the higher octave of Mercury, able to boost the thinking and communication powers of Mercury to a higher level by resynthesizing Mercury’s energies into the realm of genius. This is a perfect day to brainstorm with someone you trust for new ideas.

I should mention that Mercury would be retrograde from December 19 to January 8. However, you will feel the slowdown to Mercury and the miscommunications from December 5 onward. This means you have to make November work for you, especially professionally. This is a productive month, with no unusual roadblocks. It will be vital to shop for holiday gifts this month, especially those items that will be electronic in nature. Next month won’t bring a happy shopping experience, for shelves will empty fast, and new shipments to replenish those retail shelves won’t arrive on time.

Now we get to the most important part of the month, the new moon in Sagittarius on November 29. We only get one new moon in an entire year in our sign, so this is your signal to move forward on a goal important to you. A new moon is influential for two weeks, but what you do in that time will affect you for a full year, until this time next year. As I did earlier, I suggested how you might use the other new moon to your advantage (such as one that appeared October 30 in Scorpio that you and I talked about in the very beginning of this report), but this time, you have an all-inclusive pass to use in any way you please. This is why it will be so important to know precisely what you hope to achieve this coming year.

Mars will be very helpful to this new moon, giving you the right words to persuade, sell, explain, clarify, and present new ideas. Jupiter will help too, and through Jupiter a friend may bring a juicy opportunity.

The problem is Neptune will be in tight mathematical 90-degree square, an aspect of difficulty, and there are several alternative ways this may play out. The most obvious way will be if Neptune tries to bring his waters into your home. This sounds terrible, so I hope you don’t have a flood or a leak. Be sure you are covered in your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance for any possible water damage. Test drinking water, and ask a plumber in to test whether your pipes are working well, and if you have a swimming pool, are in good working condition. Or, it may be that a family member is not being completely open about something going on in the family. Neptune can obscure truths, so your job will be to get to the bottom of things.

If you are about to buy or sell a house, or lease an apartment, find out what you are not being told. Pay special attention to possible problems with water in the past, or currently, but that have not been disclosed to you. It would not be wise to sign papers at this new moon, for Neptune is clouding too much information. Do so earlier, say, November 22 (my favorite day for you), or wait until December 9, one of the finest days of the season for you.

If your birthday falls on November 30, plus or minus five days, or if you have Sagittarius rising at 8 degrees, or your natal moon or a natal planet in Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius at the same 8 degree plus or minus five degrees, this new moon will speak to you in a very direct way – and you will benefit. (Just watch what I wrote about Neptune!)

Romantically, you will do best when Venus tours Sagittarius from the start of the month (a holdover from last month) until November 11. Watch November 5, a Saturday, when Venus in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries will play tag with each other. It’s the happiest, most spontaneous and carefree day of the month, and it’s made for you. Single Sagittarians will do best, so you MUST go out that evening. Attached Sagittarians will enjoy the flirtatious nature of this day too.


As the month opens, you seem to be in a reflective mood. This is perfect, for the most important part of any action is the thinking and preparation that takes place in the mind beforehand. Social scientists warn us that with the average person reaching for their smart phone at least 85 times a day (including to check the weather) along with our modern hectic lifestyles, that leave us too little time to stop and muse about various ongoing events and relationships. We also have almost no time to think about the future, and I suspect that some people deliberately distract themselves so they won’t have to think about the future. Planning your new birthday year ahead should be fun! Try it – then put into action those dreams!

You are almost at the start of your new birthday cycle, so it will be important to spend the first half of November plotting your new course. Decide if you would like to add a new goal, and if you would like to let go of any arrangements or relationships that you feel have run their course.

You may have a major project come to fruition and end within four days of the full moon November 14. This project may have started in May, or even before that, and you will feel a strong sense of pride when it is completed. You seem to get a pat on the back for the work, such as praise from your boss or client. There is also indication that you would receive a check, such as a commission, bonus, royalty, cash advance, or other payout at this time, and it would be substantial.

Your career will get a good boost all month, thanks to the meetings and greetings of Mercury but especially on November 22, when Mercury, the planet that governs your honors and achievement sector, receives golden beams form Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. Everyone will love this day in different ways, but you will love it more, for Jupiter is your ruling planet. Its job is to take very good care of you. You can sign a contract or travel on this day, very successfully. (The next day, November 23, a traditionally busy day for travelers returning home for the US holiday of Thanksgiving Day, will not be an easy day to travel, and may bring delays, perhaps due to weather.)

Going back to the full moon of November 14, this lunation will also likely bring news that a health condition or that series of physical therapy treatments is reaching an end. Even if you’ve have had something simple, like a cold, it is likely to finally show signs of ending by this full moon, assuming you’ve been lavishing yourself with tender loving care.

Your big moment will come at month’s end, when your annual new moon in Sagittarius will arrive on November 29. (If your birthday falls within four days of this month, you’ll get a double dip of pleasure.) This is your cue to launch an initiative that is dearly important to you, and it can emanate from any part of your life. You will have special cosmic help in the days that follow from action Mars and good fortune Jupiter, so by all means think of something you’d like to accomplish, and set up a list of steps to take to reach that goal. Neptune will be in hard angle to that new moon, so protect yourself from problems with water in the home, in any way you can.

It appears you’ll be traveling in November, and although as a Sagittarius, you’d love to go to an exotic, distant shore, you’ll be sticking a bit closer to home this month. No matter – you’ll enjoy these jaunts out of town.

In love you’ll do best when Venus remains in Sagittarius, a holdover from last month, until November 8. Be sure to circulate during that first week of November. You may want to shop for new clothes, and to see about making upgrades to your appearance. Venus will be there to oversee your choices, and bring you plenty of compliments.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2016-11-02 10:24:52
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 150 
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