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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2016年 12月 射手座(原文)
時間 2016-12-04 Sun. 16:21:50

Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

As the month opens you seem to be reassessing everything in your life, from your job, how you earn money, your relationship, and your goals. This is due to the recent new moon, November 29 that will still be strong during the first ten days of December.

That new moon was in Sagittarius 8 degrees, and in lovely angle to Mars in Aquarius, now circulating in your third house of thinking, communicating, traveling, and negotiating. Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, in your eleventh house of friends, will be helpful to you now. Mars will add energy and drive, helping you get everything done.

Saturn in Sagittarius is the clinker in this equation at the new moon, circulating a bit too close for comfort, within 9 degrees. If your birthday falls on November 29, plus or minus five days, you will benefit from the sweet vibrations from Jupiter and Mars. The fact that Jupiter is involved in this new moon – Jupiter rules your sign of Sagittarius, the place this new moon resides – shows that the final outcome of your actions at this new moon will be excellent, so proceed.

Saturn will always require that we re-invent ourselves in any part of the chart that he may be visiting. This is happening in your first house of identity, and although you may not realize it, you are taking in all the changes around you, whether in culture or in your personal life, and making adjustments. As a Sagittarius, you are especially flexible, adaptable, and capable of making changes in how you conduct your life.

This same quality is in you if you have Sagittarius rising, the moon in Sagittarius, or a natal moon or natal planet in Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius at 8 degrees. Last year you did not have Jupiter in the ideal place at that last new moon in Sagittarius to help you, but now you do. That makes all the difference.

If your birthday falls on December 9, Saturn is now moving directly over your birthday Sun for the first time in 29 years, so it will soon be time to commit to a person or goal that is important to you. It may be a time when you get married, have a baby, or take special care of a child you have now. You may purchase a house, start a business venture, or move across the country – you probably have an inkling of what goal you hold dear. This is exciting, for that choice will work to solidify your life to make it strong. This is a long trend, and you may have already made that commitment, or will do so in the months to come, soon. You are so fortunate to have Jupiter and Mars on your side to act as architects to your new life. So while you may feel tension, you will have those planets to soothe you and to bring help in the eleventh hour.

If you were born November 29, or were born earlier in November as a Sagittarius, you are essentially finished with your most challenging cosmic tests. Your tests took place in 2014 and 2015, and the tensions you felt back then will soon ease – you’ll see!

I want to mention now that a new moon will occur late month on December 29, and that new moon will encourage you to take a good look at your ledgers and do some important tax planning. If you want to get a raise, more money will be coming in after this date, so wait to ask for it on December 29 or in January. I have asked for a raise once with Mercury retrograde, and I got it, so you can too. That new moon December 29 will be conjunct Pluto, so you will be powerful in your negotiation, and again, Mars will help you too. If you need a bank loan for a mortgage or home improvement project, apply at the end of December, after this new moon of December 29.

Mercury will go retrograde in Sagittarius from December 19 to January 8. You know that delays are coming, and because Mercury is in your sign, you may feel this particular retrograde of Mercury more than most. You might enjoy the slowdown, though, as Mercury will sleep during holiday time. Your schedule will change, but you may love having extra time that will open up as a result.

The one area you will have to watch is holiday shopping, for you are now in a period when you are far more likely to choose the wrong gifts. The whole point of the holidays is to say thank you to those who you love and want to show appreciation, so you will have to do your homework about what your recipient would most like to have. You might have to depend on gift cards if you run out of time, and if so, photocopy the back of the card where the bar code is, and the front, and write down who you sent that card to, and the amount of the card.

All my friends are saying, well, I have weeks to shop. That is not quite true. You need to shop now, as soon as possible, for you may see delays crop up as soon as December 5. You need to buy a computer, appliance, car, or electronic item as soon as possible. Do not plan to run up against the start of Mercury retrograde on December 19 – keep a lot of space between the day you shop and that date.

Now let’s go to the start of the month and see which days will be special for you.

December 6 will be outstanding, for Mars and Uranus will be in sync, bringing fun and love with someone special or your children, or a breakthrough with a creative project you may be working on now. This will happen in your short-travel house and link to your romance sector, so plan a night out.

One of your finest days of the month will be December 9, when the Sun and your ruler, Jupiter, will be in close conversation. Jupiter is in your friendship house, so you’ll likely hear from a friend, who may be outstandingly helpful to you in some way, possibly by recommending you for a project. Or, it may be your friend will invite you to a la-de-da holiday party. Anything you do or that happens on this day will give you happiness and touch of luxury.

Saturday, December 10, will bring the annual conjunction of Sun and Saturn in Sagittarius, sure to be a demanding day. Don’t overdo on this day, for you will be depleted quickly. This is a day you may feel overwhelmed and exhausted, so be sure to treat yourself to extra sleep. You might be concerned about the health of a male relative or a male facing a tough dilemma. In a different way this could manifest, you may be ultra-sensitive to criticism.

In a month that keeps bringing swift changes in emotions, you will be back on top, humming a happy tune, on Monday, December 12. This day will sparkle with opportunities for fun, love, and creativity. The Sun and Uranus will be in sync, so you may be on the road traveling, and the experiences on this trip are sure to surprise and thrill you. Even if you are not traveling, some sort of sudden news should send your spirits soaring.

The full moon December 13 in Gemini, 22 degrees, comes next and will light your partnership sector to bring a relationship into focus. This full moon brings two planets into a golden triangle pattern, with good fortune Jupiter on one side, and on the other side, action-oriented Mars, and with the full moon, forming a perfect triangle. That’s special and very harmonious. Mars will be moving through your travel house, and Jupiter, though your friendship house. so you may travel to see a friend, or travel with a friend for a certain purpose, possibly to finish up holiday shopping for small gifts. The distance you go will not be far, but it will be fun, and you will experience a bit of luxury.

Saturn will still be conjunct the Sun at the full moon December 13, for Saturn moves slowly and won’t yet be out of range of the Sun. Additionally, Saturn will not only conjunct the Sun but also oppose the moon, so you will feel pressure, which will be released later, within four days after the full moon of December 13. If your relationship is not going well, you might break up, but only if you learn something devastating that shows you that your partner has not had the sterling character you assumed. Let’s think good thoughts – this golden triangle will protect you and show you the right path, and chances are, you’ll be very happy.

At this full moon, you may have to make a long-range decision or commitment. It is fortunate that your ruler, Jupiter, will be in the wings, working to help you every step of the way. Without Jupiter, this would be a very different full moon, but you DO have this benefic planet behind you, and this brings much goodness to you. Jupiter will save the day and make you feel more confident, despite some of the pressures on the new moon.

Moving on to things happening later in the month, Mars will change signs on December 19, when the red planet moves into Pisces. By then you will shift your attention away from everyday cares to strong determination to put family and your living space first. This is a new trend you’ve not seen for two years, and that will stay until January 27.

Once there on December 19, Mars will bring lots of activity to your home, with people coming and going, possibly a number of guests staying in your guest room or on your sofa. If you hoped to do a renovation at home in January, that will happen because Mars tends to bring noise and possible workmen (or you, with your new power tools). Or, it may simply be that you have several children at home and their friends too, all of them squealing with delight with their new toys and cookie treats. Venus naturally rules your friendship sector, so again, your friends will play a major role in your holiday celebrations.

Now we come next to the sparkling holidays, and this year, Christmas and Hanukkah fall on the same day, December 25. Kwanzaa will arrive on December 26. Whether you celebrate one of these holidays or or not, these will be some of the most supreme days of the month. It’s been years since we have seen such breathtakingly beautiful days circling the holiday time.

On December 25, Venus will meet with Jupiter, your ruler, and Venus will also receive pixie dust from Uranus, the planet of unexpected developments. On top of all this, Venus will be sublimely friendly to Saturn, a planet that will give your promises longevity. If you get invited to a party or dinner on December 25, go, for it will be a day that will have you weaving many happy memories. What a wonderful day December 25 will be, plus or minus one day.

On December 26, you’ll be full of vim and vigor, and ready to do things at home. You might invite friends over a casual meet and greet celebration.

Uranus rules your love sector, and Uranus has been retrograde since July 29. However, before the year is out, on December 29, Uranus will bolt forward motion again. Watch what happens in the days that surround this date, for you will get clues to where your relationship will go in the future. If you are single, you can now meet someone soon who you may want to know better. Having Uranus move direct will be a very hopeful sign as you begin the New Year.

On December 31, Neptune and Mars will be conjunct, a message of the universe not to drink and drive, and not to text and drive. This is never wise to do when driving, but especially so on this day. Fortunately it’s easy to get a ride, such as from Uber or a private taxi company, so that you can have fun and not have to worry about your mental alertness, which won’t be sharp on this evening.

For New Year’s Eve, you might want to have a small New Year’s Eve gathering in your home. That would be a splendid idea, for the Sun and Neptune, conjunct on December 30, but still spreading its magic the following day, will be beautifully oriented, indicating you’d be able to create an enchanting and poetic atmosphere for your party.

Happy New Year, dear Sagittarius.


As last month drew to a close, a spectacular new moon in Sagittarius arrived on November 29, and is still active and strong as December dawns. Mars will be in friendly Aquarius, helping you push forward on a dream that is dear to your heart. You have the green light to begin, but you must waste not a moment. The force is with you, but in time, as you get closer to the full moon, December 13, you will lose this advantage, day by day.

Make a start, for even a small step will set you off in the right direction. If your birthday falls within four days of November 29, that new moon that fell on that day will be doubly powerful for you. A new moon in your own sign arrives once a year and always near your birthday, and you can direct its energy any way you please, into any part of life. This is a big advantage to grasp a dream – use it!

Over the weekend of December 10, you may feel overwhelmed and isolated, mainly because Saturn will be making such a strong and difficult aspect to the Sun. You will be sensitive to any criticism another person may have for you, so take what is valuable from the comment and discard the rest. Don’t let anyone define you.

Your relationship with the person you love, or who is tied to you in business, is about to reach critical mass on the full moon, December 13. News will either be thrilling – such as when you hear an expression of deep love, or an impending engagement or marriage – or just the opposite, when you learn that your partner’s character was not as it seemed to you to be. Keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde. Although you would like to get engaged for Christmas, Hanukkah, or New Year’s Eve, you might want to wait until Valentine’s Day.

Saturn is conjunct the Sun in Sagittarius and in direct opposition to this full moon December 13. Money may factor into the discussions of this full moon, and if so, this topic appears to have been building steam under the surface for some time. You will now get your chance to clear the air. Nothing is predetermined, so it will be up to you to decide what comes next. The heavy responsibility that you are carrying these days appears to be clouding your vision, giving you the tendency to view your relationship as glass half full, which is not like the usual optimistic you.

There is another possible explanation for this, and that is, you may not be well, or alternatively your partner may be facing a health crisis. Get enough rest as you approach this full moon, for even good news will exact a toll of energy. When you get to four days beyond the date of the full moon, December 13, the emotion of the moment will simmer down and you will be able to think more clearly.

If your relationship is strong, you will have fun. Venus and Mars in Aquarius will aid you, for two bewitching planets that will encourage you to travel together for a private time away. Choosing even a short distance would be enough to set the stage for over-the-top romance.

Uranus will turn direct on December 29, after having been retrograde for months in your love sector, and put your love life back on track, speeding forward. All these will be very positive developments. If you want to have a baby but have had problems with conception, Uranus’ move direct will be a big help. See a fertility doctor in the last week of December, after you do thorough research for the right medical practitioner for you.

New Year’s Eve brings the moon to Aquarius – invite friends over to your house for an impromptu party. 2017 will be a big improvement now that Jupiter is in an air sign – air makes your fire sign burn more brightly!

By the new moon, December 29, you will be working on seeing that your ledgers complete, balanced, and closed for the year. This will be a great time to think about moneymaking opportunities for 2017, for Mars will be active and in a positive position to help you. You appear to be thinking about your home, and if you have plans to change or fix it up, or to buy a new house, this new moon will help you get the financing necessary to get started.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2016-12-04 16:21:50
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 97 
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