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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2019年 4月 水瓶座(原文)
時間 2019-04-03 Wed. 00:02:08

Aquarius Horoscope for April 2019

Jan 20 - Feb 18
A Note from Susan Miller

march 2019

Dear Reader,

You might already know that I love posting on Twitter (@AstrologyZone), and I am also on Facebook (Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone). What is new is that in December, I added Instagram to my regular social media posts (@Astrologyzone). I have been having fun reading your comments and seeing how the planets are influencing your life.  I had joined Instagram in 2012, but in intervening years I had not been posting there, but now I am enjoying going on Instagram almost every day.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

Many Aquarians have been writing to me on Twitter saying that they are frustrated with the lack of job opportunities. Some talented Aquarians are out of work, and others who would like to switch jobs are hesitant to take the risk, afraid that if they don’t like their new position, they’ll be stuck with no way to leave, for jobs are just too hard to find.

You couldn’t do much job hunting last month, for Mercury was retrograde through most of March, but Mercury finally regulated its orbit on March 28. It takes time for Mercury to ramp up to former speed, the reason I always say never to use the days immediately following Mercury’s turn to direct to make important initiations, because little Mercury is at his worst behavior on the front- and back-end dates of his retrograde.

I like next month’s full moon, May 18 (plus or minus four days), best for you to crystalize an important new career position. Before you reach that date, which would be the final offer, you may uncover a new position outside your company to begin interviewing for or be offered a promotion. May 18 will be one of your best professional moments of 2019. If you are anxious to find something now, you can use some of the aspects at play this month to get talks started or to continue them if you have ongoing interviews that haven’t resulted in an offer yet. The bigger the job, the longer it often takes to win it. Stick with the program and keep marching forward optimistically, dear Aquarius.

Mars left heavy, earthy Taurus on March 30 and has moved into Gemini, a breezy, fast-moving, analytical and communicative air sign like yours. In Gemini, Mars will tour your fifth house of truelove from March 31 to May 15.

This is such good news, for it’s been two years since you’ve had impressive help from sexy Mars to build a more satisfying love life.

If you are single and hoping to find the right person for you, Mars can bring you a fascinating love interest. Mars is currently in the sign of the twins, so you might meet two new people. You will want to circulate a lot In April for this will be a potent time of the year for you for that fateful meeting.

In the ancient writings, it was always known that Venus and Mars, when in compatible signs, become the cosmic lovers able to ignite the spark of love. They don’t even have to create an aspect, as long as the signs the two planets are moving through are compatible, as they are now, with Venus in Aries and Mars in Gemini. It bodes so very well for you to start a heartfelt budding romance. Mars will be in Gemini all month, and Venus will tour Aries from April 20 to May 15.

    I like next month’s full moon, May 18 (plus or minus four days), best for you to crystalize an important new career position. Before you reach that date…, you may uncover a new position outside your company to begin interviewing for or be offered a promotion. May 18 will be one of your best professional moments of 2019.

Mars will stimulate your mind too, and help you come up with impressive creative ideas that might help you in your job search. Uranus rules Aquarius and is the planet of genius and innovation, so you are known to think outside the box. If someone at work says to you that things have always been done this way or that, you will do just the opposite. That’s your genius and the reason employers want you in their corner. You tend not to accept things as they are but how much better they can be.

The new moon on April 5 will be in Aries, 15 degrees, and that is the sign known to pioneer into new and unknown territory in life. You can easily see that this new moon is just your cup of tea. It will energize your third house of communication, so I would like you to get in touch with people you know and even others you don’t. Discretely tell them that you are interested in entertaining new job offers. If you have a headhunter in your corner, tell her or him to make appointments immediately and not to wait. The third house is associated with the mail, so you may want to send out custom letters to carefully chosen VIPs you would like to work with in your dream new position. Or you may do a publicity campaign (depending on the type of work you do) to get your name in front of those who could possibly hire you.

When I worked in advertising, there was one young man who always stayed late entering different award shows, being careful to make his entry letter perfect. I saw people who worked at the agency who were short sighted and who used to make fun of him. Guess what—he started to win some of those shows and moved up the ladder of success quickly. Each win he accomplished got him on to better accounts. No one is making fun of him now. If your industry has award shows, enter them. It will elevate your work.

Good-fortune Jupiter is currently in your eleventh house of friends, acquaintances, and casual contacts, and this is the part of your chart that is glowing brilliantly. You need to rely on your friends, constituency, fan base, and people in your industry to help you get ahead. The key to your progress in many areas of life will be through the advice and help of your friends and acquaintances. This is where the golden nuggets lay.

Get professionally active in social media, but be careful what you post. Recruiters will be reading your social media posts, whether on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, and you have to be sure you are projecting a mature, professional image. If you are worried about what you’ve already posted, make your account private or delete posts.

Sign up to go to trade shows, conventions, and seminars, and consider joining a club, either professional or social in nature, and of course, attend meetings. I need you to be around many people. Here I know I am preaching to the choir, for Aquarians like to be out and about.

When choosing your references, make absolutely sure each person you list will support you wholeheartedly. If you are not getting jobs you are interviewing for and you are wondering why, one of your references may be the weak link. (I say that because Saturn and Pluto are in your twelfth house and could be creating a bit of trouble.) In that case, you may have to ask an authority type who is a friend to call each person on your reference list, pretending you are up for a job.

I am concerned that this new moon, April 5, comes with a hard glance from both taskmaster Saturn and Pluto. Saturn is your ancient ruler, so it has a little extra clout in regard to your sign. (Your modern-day ruler is Uranus, and we will get to that planet later in this report when I get to the month’s full moon, April 19.)

If you are writing or editing a report, manuscript, thesis, or other document, it will likely take you longer than usual to finish it, as Saturn asks for a careful, slow, and deliberate pace with a lot of attention to detail. Writing software code also comes under this new moon, so the same advice holds.

Pluto rules your solar tenth house of professional career honors, awards, and achievements and will be retrograde from April 24 until October 2. This might mean that people from your past will start to play a bigger role in your career search, so don’t overlook those individuals who always believed in you and who will want to see how you have flourished since you last caught up.

Pluto is the planet farthest out in our solar system, so when it retrogrades, it take a long time for Pluto to regulate its orbit. Being an outer planet, Pluto retrograde will not affect you in the same way the inner, personal planets do, namely Venus, Mars, and Mercury, when they retrograde. This trio of personal planets affects you much more directly than the outer planets because personal planets orbit close to Earth. Venus and Mars will not retrograde in 2019, but Mercury will retrograde again July 7 to July 31 and from October 31 to November 20.

Having said that personal planets are the most important ones (and they are), I still would like you to schedule your first interview prior to the date Pluto will retrograde, April 24. Maybe you already are in an intense interview process—good, keep going. If not, no worries, as I am splitting hairs. Go for the new job, as I see wonderful results at the full moon next month, May 18.

A sensational weekend to take a short trip to see a friend or to go away with a friend or your romantic partner will be Saturday, April 13, and Sunday, April 14, when the Sun and Jupiter will be in magnificent harmony. I love these dates for you—they are some of the best days of the month. This particular weekend gets my vote for being worthy of four stars, so see if you can plan a quick little getaway for you and your partner. Make it one where you can enjoy some pampering and a bit of luxury.

Now we come to the full moon in Libra, 29 degrees, which will bring with it a troublesome vibe from your ruler, Uranus. This full moon will bring an event that is linked to your ninth house, which rules publishing, broadcasting, and legal matters, and also involves international travel, global relationships, and the import-export of goods and services, as well as immigration matters. One of these areas is likely to require your full attention. What concerns me is that Uranus will exactly oppose the full moon and at the same time will conjunct the Sun. This could set up jarring news as the project or initiative nears completion. You will notice a sudden twist to events that you wouldn’t expect that will require your instant attention.

This full moon will be only one degree away from your tenth house of fame and honors, so see if anything comes up on that score—it might.

Here is the good news—Jupiter will still be in your friendship sector (eleventh house), so it seems that a friend, seeing what is going on at the full moon, will realize she or he can be of assistance to you and will react quickly to help you rescue the situation This is a friend who will be heaven-sent and who you’ll be glad to have in your life.

If your birthday falls on February 18, or minus four days, you will feel the news of this full moon the most, but you’ll also find a way to benefit from it in a noticeable way. The same is true if you have Aquarius rising or the natal moon in Aquarius at 29 degrees. In both cases, give a minus four degrees.


You are a gregarious, friendly soul, but this month, you will prefer a little alone time. The new moon in Aries will occur on April 5, giving you a chance to plan a little trip to a nearby location not too far from home. Go with a friend or your partner, as you need time to think and plot your next steps. If you are creative, you may want to be away without distractions to work on a literary or artistic project without the usual disruptions of people stopping by your office. A cabin in the sunny part of in the woods may suit you just fine.

When the third house is energized, like yours will be this month, it is often a time to sign a contract. If your lawyer gives you his nod, signaling to you that it is ready to sign, go ahead and do it, for Mercury is no longer retrograde as it was last month. I suggest signing on April 14 or next month, May 2. If you can’t wait that long, avoid April 1 when Mercury and Neptune will create confusion and clauses will be obscured. What is missing in the contract could give you more problems later than what is in it. If you need an early date in April, choose April 6.

The new moon of April 5 may find you traveling a short distance or working on a writing or coding project that will require concentration. Your sister or brother may factor into your life more prominently than usual now too, and you will enjoy being with your sibling, or with your cousin.

Travel will again be on your mind at the full moon, April 19, when the full moon in Libra will appear in your ninth house of long-distance travel, foreign people, and places. This would not be an ideal time to be away, as Uranus will oppose the full moon and conjoin the Sun, so a family member may suddenly need you once you get to your destination, and if so, you wouldn’t expect this. There are so many possible ways this full moon may work out, but luckily, Jupiter will be in the perfect position to rush in to help the situation. It’s possible a friend who lives in your city can help you if you are away.

If you were applying for a job, you would be wise to have someone investigate your references. You need to be absolutely sure the people you are trusting with your professional future can be relied upon to give you a glowing review. Saturn and Pluto are both orbiting very close now, within three degrees, a rare configuration, in your solar twelfth house of activities that happen behind closed doors. You may find your references are solid, but you need to know for sure.

If you work in an artistic field, you may now receive a lucrative assignment from a client who admires your work. Make a presentation or deliver a proposal on April 9, when you will most likely get the approval and budget to begin, and you may even get two projects, or two sales, with the moon in Gemini.

Many Aquarians have been frustrated with the jobs available, but I believe you should keep looking, because next month’s full moon will be so very good for you. You could hear on or within four days of May 18 that you won the job you have been interviewing for so diligently.

In love, you are looking at a superb period to find new love, if single, or for taking the time to celebrate the love you have with your partner. Mars, the sexy energy planet, will tour Gemini, your fifth house of truelove from March 30 through May 15, a wonderful, once-in-two-year development. This will be the very best time of 2019 for romance.

Adding to your allure will be Venus in fire-sign Aries, a sign that gets along perfectly with your air-sign element of Aquarius, from April 20 to May 15, and as just mentioned, you will also have sexy Mars in Gemini. This month, your best time for love will arrive in the last ten days of April, and you will have the first half of May to enjoy, too. There is one choice exception—the weekend of April 13-14 is due to be divine for both single and attached Aquarius. Take a little trip and come home glowing—this is your month for love.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2019-04-03 00:02:08
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 41 
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