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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 12月 水瓶座(原文)
時間 2018-12-02 Sun. 19:18:00

Aquarius Horoscope for December 2018

Jan 20 - Feb 18
A Note from Susan Miller

December 2018

Dear Reader,

I have two big surprises, and I am bursting to tell you about both! I can tell you about the first surprise, below, but for the second one, I have to wait another ten days to tell you.

So that you and I can stay in close touch, I want you to know that I officially post nearly every day on Instagram @AstrologyZone. I am having fun using captivating photos on my feed and sharing up-to-date astrological information. I also post daily on my beloved @Twitter as @AstrologyZone, as well as on Facebook as Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone. As I find interesting astrological days coming up, you will be the first to know about them.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

Jupiter, the planet of happiness, good fortune, and expansion, is now firmly ensconced in your eleventh house of friendships, parties, and fun, so you will enjoy this month to the fullest. Not only will it be possible to circulate to your heart’s content, you should make an effort to do so. By being out and open to new people, you will find your greatest personal growth now and throughout your New Year.

You will meet people in all types of work, from officials working in politics and government to journalists in the media, diplomats, and professors in academia. You will meet high-tech people doing all manner of research. You may meet people doing humanitarian or charity work, and you may even be moved to roll up your sleeves to help when you hear about some of your friend’s inspirational work. Saturn is one of the planets gathered in your eleventh house, and Saturn rules older, experienced people. This suggests you may make the friendship of an older person who can mentor you

You will find making the acquaintance of people outside of your industry liberating and akin to a breath of fresh air. Jupiter expands all that he touches, and in this case, if you let him, he will enlarge the circle of people around you. Your new supporters clearly see your talents and will encourage you to develop them. Among those who you meet, one or two may stand out and become close friends. As the saying goes, friends are the family we choose for ourselves.

In order to see this trend flourish to its fullest expression, you will need a new moon to unlock Jupiter’s treasures. You don’t need any new moon, but one that falls in Sagittarius, and that only happens once a year. Happily, that is precisely the new moon you will get this month, a new moon in Sagittarius at 15 degrees on December 6.

Jupiter will orbit close to this new moon and Sun (within nine degrees), and your new friends may give you tips about career advancement, too. As you know, nothing will happen if you don’t leave the house. Once you arrive at various gatherings early in the month, you will enjoy this new influence. There is another way this new moon may affect you too: In social media, if you get involved and share information about your specialty, you will grow in influence as you attract many ardent followers. This trend will be in place throughout 2019, triggered by this month’s new moon, December 6.

All new moons open a portal of energy that lasts ten days. The actions you take in the days that come just after the new moon are very potent, so I would like you to make an effort to circulate and join a club. It could be one that is either social in nature or professional. Another idea would be to choose a trade show in your industry to attend or even become a speaker for it, or perhaps you could take a week of seminars to brush up on changes and updates in your specialty.

The same house that rules friendship also rules hopes and wishes. It can be any desire that you hold in your heart, spiritual or material, that is meaningful to you and that you would be willing to work on. The moment you show your intent, the universe will help you this year. After the new moon arrives, take a first step toward your goal. That will be a vital time for you, and we study astrology to time our actions for maximum result. The days that follow the new moon are when to act, and you need not actually grasp your goal yet—what matters is that you start.

    Now that Jupiter is in the international sign of Sagittarius, you will gain support across many social strata and ethnicities—you can be a person of the people to bring back hope.

If your birthday falls on February 3, plus or minus five days, you will be among those who will benefit the most from this festive new moon December 6.

Now let’s turn to your finances, where there is more than usual activity. Mars is still in Pisces, a place Mars took up on November 16, and will remain there until December 31. It looks as though you have been spending quite a bit of money lately, as Mars zooms through your second house of earned income and savings. You may be buying gifts for friend and family, but because I see credit card balances rising all month, I want to gently remind you that you don’t have to spend as much as you think to delight the people in your life. Clearly, you are being quite generous, but your family and friends will love you just as much if you spend a little less.

It’s alternatively possible (and probably likely) that you will need to write a check to fulfill a financial obligation, such as for your college tuition, your child’s music lessons, a down payment on a house, or to pay a contractor, for example. You may have gone on a trip where you spent much more money than you ever expected you would. That happens sometimes. Thankfully, this trend for high spending will drop the minute Mars moves to Aries on December 31. This suggests to me that you are being careful and that you won’t be dealing with bills for very long after the holidays are over.

Money will improve on your stellar day, December 21, when Mercury, which rules your solar eighth house of other people’s money, will align with Jupiter. If perhaps you find a check waiting for you in your mail box, it is likely to come from a writing or editing assignment, a tip from a friend that you acted on, which brought you a fee, or the sale or purchase of real estate or home-related items that you might sell on eBay or other such auction sites. Indeed, friends will be very instrumental in your luck on December 21.

When you realize that a new or long-term friend is the bearer of luck on December 21, you will begin to see just how magical your friends are to you and how lucky you are to have them in your life. Your friends care about you, and this month, it shows.

If you belong to a club, take a second look at the program for December—is there an event on December 21 or an event that falls close to this date? If so, attend—this event is bound to be special.

The sweet spell of December will temporarily break when you will have to attend to finishing an important project within days of the full moon, December 22. This full moon in Cancer, one degree, will shine in your sixth house, and it may represent a work-related task or one you set for yourself at home. This task might be strenuous or take a lot of time to complete, and this is due to the proximity of Saturn to the Sun and full moon. (This aspect will peak on January 1 when Saturn will conjunct the Sun and be in opposition to the full moon.) You will feel this draining aspect happening as soon as December 22, but it seems to intensify in the very last days of December, near December 30-31. Once your assignment is shipped, be sure to give yourself extra rest.

If you are unemployed but would like to work, your ruler, Uranus will send a shimmering beam to this full moon, making this point in the month the best time to find a new job similar to one you had before—and it would be a great job that you would be happy to take. Don’t assume that you can’t get a job near Christmas. Do you remember the movie, Kramer vs. Kramer? The character played by Dustin Hoffman had to find a job at this time of the year with great urgency, and he does. Anything is possible when your stars are twinkling brightly, as yours will be at this point.

You seem to be quite the social butterfly all month but by the time you get to the full moon and beyond, you will be uncharacteristically quiet and low key, more in the mood to shutter inside to treat yourself to privacy. Planets are building in your twelfth house, so this suggests you may not feel like going out for New Year’s. If you do go out, you will prefer a small event that is nearby your home.

The sixth and twelfth houses are ones of health, healing, and recovery, so if you need a procedure, get it, or if you would like to check into rehab, take the time to do so this month. Your timing would be perfect, because when you get to the end of January and into February—birthday time—you will need all your strength. I see many lively events on the way for you, and they will be the kind you will enjoy. While you can unplug and focus on shoring up your strength, do, for the end of December will give you the time and motivation to do so.


This month, with all the planets on the eastern part of your chart, you will be in control. You won’t need an agent, business partner, or even a headhunter to help you—this month you will be the engine that takes you to where you want to be, and you will be completely capable of capturing your dream without professional assistance. There are times in your life when working in concert with specialists will benefit you, and other times when it will be better to go it alone, and the latter is one of those times in December.

If you don’t belong to a club, consider joining one soon. The club can be social, professional, or both, for your greatest luck and personal growth will take place in association with the new people you meet, and among them, some will become close friends.

Jupiter is in the friendship area of your chart for the first time in a decade, to stay almost all year, until December 2, 2019. Soon you will make the acquaintance of several high level VIPs who will be willing to go out of their way give you advice and offer introductions. You will begin to see how dearly your friends and even casual contacts care about you, and this will become evident after the new moon arrives December 6.

That new moon of December 6 will arrive along with the Sun and Jupiter, making this new moon’s entrance quite powerful. This is glorious and makes this new moon one of the most fortunate of the year. Jupiter expands all that it touches, so you may find new people start to pour into your life at a rapid rate. You will want to get to know several people you meet better, so make the first move to suggest meeting up for lunch or drinks.

The eleventh house, so lit up for you, also rules charity work, so you may be hosting a fundraiser for a humanitarian cause or charity you believe in, and if so, the new moon will allow you to raise quite a generous amount of money.

If you work in politics, you will be busy this month, stirring enthusiasm, meeting with groups, and finding ways to get out the vote. Jupiter is in the very best place for you to enlarge your constituency. Now that Jupiter is in the international sign of Sagittarius, you will gain support across many social strata and ethnicities—you can be a person of the people to bring back hope.

Mercury has been retrograde since November 16 but will move direct on the same day as the new moon, December 6. This will be a relief, for Mercury has been slowing your progress on projects since mid-November. (The entire second half of the year has been hampered with retrograde planets of every description, and the most notable ones have involved Mercury, Mars, and Venus, but by December 6 with Mercury’s move forward, all three have finally regulated their orbits.) You have a clear road ahead, dear Aquarius, at long last. Venus and Mars will not go retrograde at all in 2019, almost ensuring a busy, productive year to come.

Jupiter is in the friendship area of your chart for the first time in a decade, to stay almost all year, until December 2, 2019. Soon you will make the acquaintance of several high level VIPs who will be willing to go out of their way give you advice and offer introductions. You will begin to see how dearly your friends and even casual contacts care about you, and this will become evident after the new moon arrives December 6.

That new moon of December 6 will arrive along with the Sun and Jupiter, making this new moon’s entrance quite powerful. This is glorious and makes this new moon one of the most fortunate of the year. Jupiter expands all that it touches, so you may find new people start to pour into your life at a rapid rate. You will want to get to know several people you meet better, so make the first move to suggest meeting up for lunch or drinks.

The eleventh house, so lit up for you, also rules charity work, so you may be hosting a fundraiser for a humanitarian cause or charity you believe in, and if so, the new moon will allow you to raise quite a generous amount of money.

If you work in politics, you will be busy this month, stirring enthusiasm, meeting with groups, and finding ways to get out the vote. Jupiter is in the very best place for you to enlarge your constituency. Now that Jupiter is in the international sign of Sagittarius, you will gain support across many social strata and ethnicities—you can be a person of the people to bring back hope.

Mercury has been retrograde since November 16 but will move direct on the same day as the new moon, December 6. This will be a relief, for Mercury has been slowing your progress on projects since mid-November. (The entire second half of the year has been hampered with retrograde planets of every description, and the most notable ones have involved Mercury, Mars, and Venus, but by December 6 with Mercury’s move forward, all three have finally regulated their orbits.) You have a clear road ahead, dear Aquarius, at long last. Venus and Mars will not go retrograde at all in 2019, almost ensuring a busy, productive year to come.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-12-02 19:18:00
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 58 
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