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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 9月 水瓶座(原文)
時間 2018-09-02 Sun. 11:32:31

Aquarius Horoscope for September 2018

Jan 20 - Feb 18
A Note from Susan Miller

september 2018

Dear Reader,

I have exciting news! I will do personal chart readings in the garden of the Four Seasons Hotel in Los Angeles from September 7 through 14, 2018. I live in New York City and have been traveling to LA almost every month for several years. I have always stayed at this particular Four Seasons Hotel because it is my favorite – I call it my little piece of heaven. When I stay there, I feel like I’m home.

I love the meditation by Deepak Chopra that’s on the TV in my room, for it starts my day in a soothing, calm way. The Four Seasons’ Spa is exceptionally beautiful. I am a fan of their sensuous facials and massages.

Read More
Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

As you begin September, you are thinking quite a bit about money. The full moon in Pisces on August 26 started your meditation about how to find a new source of income, for at that time you may have had a large bill to pay. Still, you may have seen more money come in too, as that full moon was in perfect angle to Saturn, the planet of long-term stability and security, and to Uranus, planet of surprise. You may have been given an unexpected side job that brought you more money.

The new moon of September 9, in Virgo 17 degrees, will soon appear, and it will be as sweet as a peach. Unlike the full moon of last month, it will not emphasize the same kind of money that the August 26 full moon emphasized, for that one focused on your personal money, income, and investing, all topics covered by the second house of the horoscope.

This month’s new moon will emphasize other people’s money, which is found in your solar eighth house. This new moon, so beautifully supportive to you, will open doors for you to see an influx of money, which seems to come as a one-time payment in a large sum.

You might receive money from an insurance company as a payout for a claim you made, or it could be a commission, royalty, or licensing fee that you earned. You may be approved for a large bank loan, mortgage, scholarship, or university financial aid. If you are newly married, you might open a joint account, so you can contribute together to pay rent or save to buy a house. You may file a court case, if you feel someone owes you money, and if so, you would want to take action immediately after September 9

If you are in the process of dividing assets at the end of a marriage or at the end of a business, you can open talks now, confident you will find a fair answer for both sides. You can start to discuss child support, alimony, and other such matters, too. New moons begin talks, but they don’t finish them – that may take six months – but starting on such a sweet new moon is a good sign you’ll be able to get to a good resolve.

This new moon of September 9 is extraordinary because it will receive support from both Jupiter and Pluto. Jupiter is currently in your prestigious tenth house of fame and honors and will be there for two more months, until November 7, so he will help you to find a new position with more responsibility.

Venus will move into this same tenth house of professional recognition on September 9, and that tells me VIPs will adore you and will give you a warm welcome when you come in to interview. In this case, your reputation seems to precede you.

If the job has creative elements to it and involves film, video, photography, music, art, costumes, or other parts of the arts, you will have another layer of good luck, for Neptune in Pisces rules the silver image and is the patron planet of the arts. Neptune will send Jupiter a perfect trine aspect, considered the most harmonious aspect you could ever wish to see. Neptune is in your second house of earned income, so the new position you interview for should come with a generous salary.

    Venus will move into this same tenth house of professional recognition on September 9 too, and that tells me VIPs will adore you and will give you a warm welcome when you come in to interview. In this case, your glowing reputation seems to precede you.

When discussing company benefits with a present or prospective employer, division of property in a court case, or money owed to you that requires you go to court, be aware this new moon on September 9 will be exactly opposite Neptune. If you are trying to settle a financial matter or agree to a new job, you may not have all the facts, such as about the company benefits. In fact, it looks almost sure that some hidden financial details are not being shared with you. Keep digging or asking questions if facts are not adding up in your mind. Two days that will be superb for finding hidden money would be September 14 and 15, when Mercury will be in perfect angle to Pluto.

If you have to sign papers, do so on September 11, when you have a trio of aspects that are incredibly lucky and spell success, especially when discussing finances and career matters. On September 11, you have the mighty Sun trine Pluto; the Sun will also trine Jupiter (both in superb harmony), and Jupiter and Pluto will speak to each other too, in a sextile (denoting outstanding opportunity).

When Jupiter and Pluto are beaming one another in a birth chart, it is considered a signature of success. This will be a rare pairing of two planets that have very different orbits. It takes Pluto 248 years to circle the Sun, and it takes Jupiter 12 years to make the same journey. It is so tricky to get Pluto and Jupiter in the right positions in the sky, but we had three such events in 2018: January 15, April 14, and now September 11-12 (depending on your time zone. In the US, use September 11.)

Mercury is the natural ruler of your house of other people’s money and will be a little Chatty Cathy this month, with little happy Mercury moving from planet to planet to have financial discussions on your behalf. The universe apparently wants you to have more money, dear Aquarius.

On September 7, Mercury and the higher octave of Mercury – Uranus – will combine forces and help you in a surprising way. What does this term higher octave mean? Mercury rules thinking, logic, perception, negotiation, contracts, and commerce. Uranus takes the gifts of Mercury and resynthesizes them to create something new and innovative, into the realm of genius. Uranus rules the future and is also the planet of genius, so you have a wonderful ruling planet. This day should be a four-star day for you.

On September 11, if you sign a contract or make a launch on this day, the profit potential of that venture will be enormous, due to the prominent position of Pluto and Jupiter. (Note, that in many parts of the world, such as in Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Turkey, your lucky day will extend into September 12, too.)

September 15 and 16, as mentioned earlier, will have Mercury combining forces with Pluto to reveal what is under the surface, a great day to be doing research and asking questions on any matter, but especially ones involving financials.

On Sunday, September 16, Jupiter will contact Mercury. If you sign a contract on this day, it will be almost as special as September 11. Think of September 16 as a fine runner-up day to make your agreement, if you can’t act on September 11. It’s also a gorgeous day to travel and to enjoy luxurious accommodations, whether you go for pleasure or for business. If you need to shop for something expensive, Sunday is your day.

September 18 is a day to avoid like the plague. Mars, now in Aquarius, will be in head-to-head conflict with Uranus, an explosive mix. This dispute between Mars and Uranus, your ruler, has been going on since May, with direct hits on May 16, August 1, and one more time on September 18. Sign nothing on this day, for if you do, you will build the difficulties of the day into the term of your agreement. That would be terrible!

Since May 15, Mars has been in Aquarius, which is usually a big plus for any sign, because Mars brings determination, drive, enthusiasm, and courage, allowing you to tackle any goal with over-the-top energy. The problem is, when Mars first entered Aquarius in mid-May, he began running his batteries down, and by June his orbit was becoming increasingly slow. He finally shut down for a nap when he went retrograde on June 26 and didn’t awaken and go direct until August 27.

Although it will take Mars until October 8 to be back to full power, you will see a big difference in the faster pace of events in September. Having Mars retrograde was a bad time to launch anything new, from a romantic relationship to a new product or service introduction. We all take for granted the high energy Mars brings to all ventures, and when that energy is lacking, it’s exhausting to make up the difference. Fortunately, Mars will not go retrograde again for a long while, not in 2018 and not next year either.

You are lucky to have Mars moving direct now in your sign (as of August 27). This means you will have control over events now and can maneuver them to your liking more easily than was possible before.

All planets go retrograde. The planets that we feel most strongly when retrograde are Mercury, Mars, and Venus, for these three orbit closest to earth. Over the past two months, we had two of the three retrograde. Now I have to drop the other shoe and tell you that Venus will go retrograde from October 5 to November 16. The minute Venus turns direct, Mercury will go retrograde – from November 16 to December 6. For this reason, you need to get as much settled in September as possible.

If you have plans to accomplish for your home, such as to buy, rent, sell, renovate, decorate, add furniture, or schedule repairs, you need to do those projects now, not wait until October or November.

I say this because Venus rules your solar fourth house of home and family. If you are thinking about ways to help one of your parents, make the decision and sign papers in September, for parents come under the solar fourth house of home, too. Or, you can wait until 2019, and the new moon on May 4, which will fall in your house of home.

Now let’s turn to the full moon that is due on September 24, which will allow you to travel to take a much needed break from all the financial talks swirling around you. This is a full moon in Aries, two degrees, and if you are given papers to sign, the terms of the deal will be very stringent. Saturn will be in hard angle to both the full moon in Aries and the Sun in Libra, 180 degrees across the sky, and because Saturn is in a hidden part of your chart, I am not sure you will see this coming.

If you have no papers to sign, with difficult aspects this trip could still turn out to be strenuous, especially if done for business. The moon in Aries tells me that the matter you might be discussing will be very new and allow you to pioneer into new territory, and, of course, that will appeal to you as an Aquarius.

Still, this is one time you need to have an agent or a lawyer at your side, because it looks like anything you agree to will represent very hard work and may favor the other party more than you. Do not try to save money by not utilizing your lawyer – you need your lawyer to give the agreement an in-depth look. If you try to do this do this alone, you may regret it later. All is not lost, however, because transiting Mars in Aquarius will be beautifully angled to the full moon, September 24. That full moon will be in Aries, and Mars rules Aries, a good sign that you can fix things and have a successful outcome. It will take some effort, but you have never been one to avoid hard work. I am betting on you, dear Aquarius.

If your birthday falls on January 21, you will find ways to make this full moon work for you. The same is true if you have Aquarius rising or the new moon in Aquarius, two degrees plus or minus five degrees. Look at your chart to see if you have a natal planet at two degrees Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, plus or minus five degrees, for that planet will receive shimmering vibrations too, so you certainly will be capable of finding the way to turn the tables and see a good resolve.


Finances have been on your mind ever since the full moon occurred in Pisces last month on August 26, bringing a matter to fullness.

As you enter September, it appears that money is still on your mind. The new moon of September 9 will open up chances to find the money you need to accomplish a dream or goal dear to your heart. Your dream seems to be one that will cost quite a bit of money, more than most people have saved in reserve. For example, you may hope to buy a house, get a graduate degree, start a new business, take an important trip abroad, pay for your child’s tuition, or move to another city or country – any of these dreams usually involve a large outlay of cash.

You might make a claim to your insurance company, apply for college student loan, or work with the courts to untangle an inheritance. These are a few examples, and there are other possibilities, as well.

You can begin talks on any financial matter, after the new moon appears on September 9, for that new moon will certainly help you move the conversation forward. If you are searching for a fair way to divide assets in a divorce, you can begin now too, but keep in mind that with Neptune in opposition to that new moon, you may need more facts, because the entire financial picture may not be presented to you. In any court case, the other side may not reveal all at the discovery stage. If something seems wrong, ask for more backup.

Your career is blazing brightly, and it appears you continue to impress VIPs with the quality of your work. One day you are likely to hit a home run would be when Pluto and Jupiter are in rare sync, September 11. A confidential conversation could lead to a major promotion or a new business opportunity where profits are likely to be high. Use this date, September 11, to open the doors of your own business, launch a new app or website, or schedule an important interview that will lead to a lucrative new position. Take September 11 seriously, and be sure to use this day to advance your career.

All month Mercury will be busy, meeting with many other planets in a very friendly way. This will benefit you, because Mercury rules the house where the new moon on September 9 will fall, your eighth house of other people’s money. Circle these dates:

September 7. This will be a day when money news may excite and surprise you, for Uranus will signal Mercury. This will be an outstanding day.

Next, circle September 15-16, when Mercury and Jupiter, the great good-fortune planet, will work together to pump up income or profits. These will be a great days to make a pitch or apply for a job.

Finally, September 23 and 24 will be special too, as Mars will signal Mercury and add high energy to the day.

Your hardest day of the month will be September 18, when Mars and Uranus will be in angry angles to one another. This aspect will be hard for everyone, but especially for you, for your ruler is Uranus. You will find people around you cranky and easy to provoke to anger, with possibly disagreement surfacing with a family member or person connected to your home, such as your landlord, contractor, painter, or decorator. Tread carefully with everyone this day.

After several weeks centered on money, one of two possibilities exist for you at the full moon, September 24. On one hand, you may be poised to sign a contract, but if so, with Saturn prominent realize the venture is likely to be strenuous and one that will require quite a bit of effort from you.

If you are speaking to a colleague at work or to your sweetheart or spouse in your personal life, this full moon may make it harder than usual to find a common ground. A work project seems to have many moving parts, and this full moon will mark the date you must deliver – the detail involved might take a lot out of you.

The other way this full moon may work out is much sweeter. You may decide to take a weekend break on September 22-23, and continue it over Monday September 24 for a three-day holiday. You may ask your sister, brother, cousin, aunt, uncle, or in-law to join you, or you may simply go alone to enjoy time in the countryside for fresh air.

If you decide to go by car – and it seems you will drive – with Saturn in such harsh angle to the Sun and full moon, have your car checked by a mechanic before you head out to be sure it is in good running order. If you decide to fly, keep your computer AC plug with you (and not in your suitcase), for Saturn is known to create delays, and you will want to be sure your computer has juice and stays at full power. This way, you can make good use of your time while you wait.

Mars was retrograde from June 26 to August 27, and now is moving forward, and by October 8, will be orbiting at robust speed. It always takes a planet time to ramp up to faster orbit, just as some people need a little time to get into the swing of a new day when they wake up in the morning.

Mars will remain in Aquarius until November 15, giving you an enormous advantage in any competitive situation. You are beginning a new two-year cycle, so choose how you’d like to make best use of the edge that Mars will now give you. As an aside, Mars in Aquarius will help you in the romance department – Mars will make you more vibrant and attractive, so if you are single, step out, and if you are attached or married, you will be able to get more attention from your mate.

One parting word: Next month Venus will go retrograde, October 5 to November 16, and that will slow your progress with home-related plans. Get as much done as you can this month, or wait until the new moon, May 4, 2019, in your home sector, to resume your home-and-family-related plans.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-09-02 11:32:31
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 74 
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