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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 6月 水瓶座(原文)
時間 2018-06-03 Sun. 20:16:09

Aquarius Horoscope for June 2018

Jan 20 - Feb 18
A Note from Susan Miller

June 2018

Dear Readers,

I am just coming off attending the United Astrology Conference in Chicago where I met so many astrologers from all over the world – Turkey, Brazil, China, Japan, Canada, England, Australia, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland, and of course the United States.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

The little cherubs flying around you are working to make sure you enjoy June very much. There is a strong social wind blowing through your life right now, and it all started late last month with the sweet full moon in Sagittarius, 8 degrees, on May 29. That full moon in late May may have brought you in contact with many people – some that you knew and others that you didn’t, but that you were open to getting to know.

Mars was in ideal angle to that new moon, so you were energized by the event you attended. It might have been a wedding, birthday party, graduation celebration, lively industry convention, an exciting sporting event, or other reason that many would have been drawn together. That was a full moon in the travel sign of Sagittarius and suggests that the people attending may have come from many nations, forming a fascinating international group to keep you stimulated and eager to meet many of those who surrounded you.

If you were born on January 29, you noticed the uplifting effects of this new moon quite strongly. The same is true if you have Aquarius rising, or the natal moon in Aquarius 8 degrees, plus or minus five degrees. If you have a natal planet at Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, you also found joy in that full moon.

Now that you are in the right frame of mind to socialize, you will enjoy June to the fullest. Let’s start at the top of the month.

As you enter June, on Friday, June 1, you have Mercury in Gemini, receiving brilliant signals from Mars in Aquarius. Mercury is the ruling planet of your fifth house of true love, so the start of the month bodes well for enjoying romance. On the same day, June 1, Venus and Jupiter will be involved in a gorgeous alignment, linking work assignments to Jupiter, giver of gift and luck, in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, suggesting you may get a project that is high profile and could easily become one of the jewels in your crown.

The following day, Saturday, June 2, Venus, in your house of workaday assignments, will receive silvery beams from Neptune, suggesting the project would allow for your creative input and bring you a sum that pleases you.

Your social life will take flight once the new moon appears, June 13, at 23 degrees, and lighting your fifth house of true love. This new moon will also receive shimmering beams from Mars in Aquarius, a wonderful coincidence, for it will motivate you to get out of the house and treat yourself to fun activities. You are a hard worker, but now it’s time to spend time on nurturing the emotional, softer side of your life.

Mars in your own sign is known to make you more attractive and magnetic. At the same time as the new moon, Mercury will be working with Uranus to add a note of sweet, love-oriented, spine tingling surprises.

There is one drawback to this new moon, in that Neptune is in hard angle to that new moon, putting a veil of unreal dream over the situation. You may be captivated by someone new in the days and weeks following the new moon June 13, but the person you see may not be the person you have dreamed him or her to be. It is easy to fill in the blanks for a person you don’t know well, and were smitten with from the start. You might assign all kinds of glowing qualities to that person who you don’t know well. You need to be careful for weeks and months ahead, for a new moon sets up a trend for six months.

Because Neptune is currently moving through your second house of income, do not pay for things for the person you are dating all the time (share!), don’t lend money, and don’t invest in any scheme that the person you are dating suggests. Married Aquarians or those in a long-term established relationship would not be affected by this trend, as dating is governed by the fifth house, but commitment and marriage is found in the seventh house.

    This year, 2018, is to be one of your best for career advancement. Jupiter is currently shining a lantern at the very top of your chart, in your solar tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, bringing your talents to the attention of VIPs who will want to help you and to have you in their corner.

If you are married or in a serious long-time relationship, you will have Venus in Leo in your marriage sector from June 13 to July 9. Having Venus in your marriage house will allow your interactions with your one and only to be smooth and comforting,

If your birthday falls on February 11, plus or minus five days, or you have Aquarius rising or the natal moon in Aquarius at 23 degrees, in both cases, plus or minus five degrees, you will feel this new moon quite strongly. The same is true if you have a natal planet in Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius at 23 degrees, plus or minus five degrees – that planet will light up, so take notes of what happens in the days after this new moon arrives.

Saturn will oppose Mercury two days after the new moon on June 13, so if you have a dream of having a baby, but have had problems with conception, this would not be the best time to try in vitro fertilization. Do so well in advance of the appearance of this new moon if that fits your cycle. Mercury opposed to Saturn is important to watch, for Mercury rules your solar fifth house of pregnancy, and Saturn brings delays. This aspect will arrive on June 15, so try to avoid it.

On June 22, Uranus will be active, and that will be an important, vibrant date, for Uranus is your ruling planet and will have a conversation with the Sun. This could work out to be an exciting day for you, for Uranus is always known to bring surprises. You may hear very good news about a new job or new business if you are self-employed (or in sales).

Home and family-related news will also glitter on June 22. What you hear may have something to do with property you are looking to buy, rent, or have renovated or repaired. You may also hear surprisingly good news about your partner, or from your partner, or about a parent. This day is loaded with goodies for you.

Now let’s talk about Mars in Aquarius. Every two years, Mars enters your sign and gives you the privilege of being the most competitive, courageous of all the signs. You have a lot of control over events, for Mars is seeing to that, even if right now you don’t believe you do have control. Mars teaches you how to win in any competition.

This time Mars will stay in your sign for an unusually long time, six months, not the more typical seven weeks. The reason Mars will do this is that Mars will retrograde Aquarius from the end of this month, June 26 to August 27.

When Mars goes direct, he won’t be instantly energetic but rather a bit sleepy, gradually gaining strength and alertness until he gets to October 10. This doesn’t mean you have to wait for October 10 – each day will bring more vitality to the Red Planet for you to use for your own purposes.

You need to get as much finalized and wrapped up before Mars goes retrograde on June 26. Let me show you what I see. As Mars gets closer to the day it retrogrades, June 26, Mars enters a slowdown a few days earlier, on June 21 when Mars reaches 9 degrees Aquarius. Usually Mars takes two days to travel one degree, but starting June 21, as Mars prepares for his slumber, Mars will take twelve days to go one degree – so in other words, to go one little degree, it will take Mars in this instance until July 2. As you may have guessed, nothing much will be accomplished in July and August.

To slow things down even more, Mercury will go retrograde next month for three weeks, from July 26 to August 18. If you need approvals during this time, people will be missing in action, or if you do reach the person you need to sign off, that person will be completely indecisive.

Your best bet will be to retrace your steps in July and August. Retrogrades always urge us to readdress, revisit, repair, check assumptions, and root out flaws. I know it is disappointing to realize that not much can be accomplished, but the reality is, the universe puts in stop gaps every once in a while to give us time to polish up projects that are ongoing, but also those that are finished, or that you are in the process of finishing.

The month closes on a more serious note due to the July 27 full moon conjunct stern Saturn. Work will become busy, and in the pressure-cooker atmosphere, much will be expected of you. Saturn will oppose the Sun and conjoin the moon. If you have a business partner or collaborator, that person may not be well, or you may be troubled by news you hear about your business partner – something he did, said, or wants to do next could rattle you.

At the same time, you may get good news of your own about a career matter. You may find this hard to believe, because the full moon of June 27 seems to come packaged with heavy responsibility and a somber mood, but you could easily have a simultaneous and unexpected stroke of luck at this full moon. It would be all about an employment matter – an offer for a new job or a promotion.

If you are looking for a job, want a promotion in your current job, or would rather change jobs, this year, 2018, is to be one of your best for career advancement. Jupiter is shining a lantern at the very top of your chart, in your solar tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, bringing your talents to the attention of VIPs who will want you in their corner.

As you enter June, Jupiter is one point of what astrologers call a trine – from the word triangle, the most harmonious aspect possible – with Jupiter at the top point. Neptune, now in your solar second house of earned income, is at the second point of the triangle, suggesting money may come to you from working in the arts, or by being creative or supportive of creative people. The third point of the triangle will be occupied by Venus, in your work assignment sector, suggesting you can find work you love, be paid well for it, and see it take you to a new plateau.

This golden triangle will break up by mid-month, but by month’s end, Jupiter will still be receiving a shower of dazzling beams from Neptune, in your income sector. Now, at month’s end, the Sun will begin communicating with Jupiter, giving you incredible luck with career hunting. Jupiter will reach a peak aspect on July 5, so the end of June and the first few days of July should give you the element of luck you so dearly hope to see. Keep to the program, dear Aquarius – apparently you are on the right track, and soon everyone else will know that, too.

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Lucky you, from now on, you will be in the center of all the action now that Mars has entered Aquarius on May 15, to stay not the usual seven weeks but six months, until November 15. Mars will make you courageous and assertive, and all are good qualities. You won’t want to wait for things to happen, so you will be the force that creates the opportunity. However, the reason for the surprisingly long length of stay of Mars in your sign is that Mars will move forward and then go retrograde in your sign from June 26 to August 27, and then go forward again until November 16, at which time Mars will enter Pisces.

Although having Mars retrograde is never a plus, when it retrogrades in your sign, and then continues to go direct in your sign for months, you become the favorite of the zodiac in just about all areas. Knowing that Mars will retrograde later this month, get as many meetings scheduled and done early on, and be determined to get all important initiations finished well in advance of June 26.

Mars is the booster rocket to all your biggest initiations – he helps you compete exceptionally well, but when Mars sleeps, you have to do all the heavy lifting yourself, without any help from the universe. Can you do it? Maybe, but it will be an exhausting process, and overall, the deck will be stacked against you. This is why you need to target early and middle June and September as your very best months to launch new products and services, and to start new relationships, too.

This month, Friday, June 1, is superb for career and business meetings, for Venus in your workaday sector will receive golden beams from Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. Also on this day, Venus and Neptune will be in sync with Jupiter. This indicates money for your creative ideas and products will be there for you, and the sum would be generous, too. A wonderful day to give a presentation, give a speech, travel, sign a contract, or offer up a groundbreaking idea would be June 19.

If you are looking for a job, go to everyone you know and worked with in the past, to see if you can restart that relationship to be given new work. Do that now.

July and August will be frustrating on several levels, for Mars’ brother Mercury will retrograde from June 26 to August 19, within the time that Mars will be retrograde June 26 to August 27. For all practical purposes, July and August will be a quiet and unproductive. Do your best not to take new work until September. This timing may not work out if you desperately need the job, so in that case, just take it – things may improve later in the year. Or, you may change jobs again next year.

The full moon of June 27 will be a bit heavy for everyone because that moon will be conjunct Saturn. You may need to go to a facility for medical advice or treatment – specifically to a hospital, rehab center, physical therapy center, or other place of healing. Or, you may be accompanying your mother or friend to such a facility to offer moral support. You will be working very hard at the office at this time, so be sure to eat nutritiously and get enough sleep.

It is possible that a co-worker has kept a secret from you, has been trying to take credit for your work, or was attempting to undermine your position by working at cross-purposes to you behind the scenes. If so, all will come out now. That can be hard to see, but knowing will protect you now and in the future. Whatever comes up at this full moon seems to involve money, commissions, salary, insurance payouts, bonus, or other payment.

Against this backdrop, you will have time for love and fun. The new moon in Gemini on June 13 will be the first and most important one this year, helping you to generate new love if you are single, and for adding spice to your relationship if you are attached. The Sun and new moon will light your house of true love. This is the first and strongest vibration you’ve had to enliven your love life this year.

The only drawback to this new moon will be that Neptune will be in hard angle to the new moon, so be careful about knowing whom you’ve just met. Go slowly into any new relationship. Neptune is currently in your second house of money, so don’t loan money to anyone, not to a friend and not to a lover – you won’t likely be repaid. Don’t keep picking up the dinner check either – things have to be equal. Saturn will oppose Mercury, so the person you are drawn to might be a bit older than you, or seem mature, even if your sweetheart is your age. You seem to be learning something from this person this month.

If you are attached and have a history together, you will benefit this month by having Venus gliding through your relationship sector June 13 to July 9 – Venus will make your interactions smooth and joyous when together. Single or attached, Mars in Aquarius will give you special sparkle and bring out your unique charms, so attracting admiring looks will be easy for you this month. If single, be choosy about whom you date, and if attached, make plans to have fun. If you hope for a baby, you may just get the precise news you hoped to hear.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-06-03 20:16:09
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 63 
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