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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 5月 水瓶座(原文)
時間 2018-05-02 Wed. 14:17:55

Aquarius Horoscope for May 2018

Jan 20 - Feb 18
A Note from Susan Miller

MAY 2018

Dear Readers,

Recently I was having a celebration dinner with Michelle Roque, my talented creative director who had done such brilliant art direction work on my calendars and planners, handling Parisian artist Izak’s work with such grace. Michelle was telling me that some of her friends love Astrology Zone – they only read my summaries to my monthly column. I put down my fork. Hearing this news made me sad. I asked, are you sure, Michelle? She nodded. I strive so to give my readers complete information, and this month, May, I look ahead to the rest of the year to show what is due for you, for planning purposes. Almost none of that vital information will be in my summaries – there was too much to explain.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

This is to be your year of enormous career gains. Six months ago, on October 10, 2017, Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, moved into your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, to stay until November 7, 2018. Jupiter has not visited this house for twelve years, so this is indeed good news. This year is the one to make your mark, dear Aquarius, and in May, all the planets are moving into perfect positions to help you do just that.

You may have had an important meeting with a VIP about a top job at the end of April, for the full moon in Scorpio, April 29, was crystalizing a career situation in quite a wondrous way. You may have had a final interview or even an offer at that time – you had everything going for you, and that vibration will continue to be strong until Friday, May 4.

Neptune was sending that full moon an ideal 120-degree trine – the most harmonious aspect you can get – so I believe you liked, or will like, the salary offer. If you had a good meeting, as I think you did, you will hear very soon, as that was a full moon. People don’t waste time at a full moon – the VIP will be quite decisive, and you will know one way or another if you got the job.

Neptune’s presence at this critical April 29 full moon suggests the work you do would be creative or allow you to offer creative input. You may be trying for a visual type job – auditioning for a film, managing a TV show, aiming to be photo editor for a magazine, or to be architect in a fine firm. You get the idea – the company you are talking to seems to be a visual or artistic business.

Meanwhile with three planets in your behind-the-scenes sector as the month opens, including Pluto, Saturn, and Mars, the job you want may be strategic in nature, where, like the General in the Army, you will direct where the troops will go next, all being done from the General’s hidden position in his tent.

Alternatively, if you say your job is not strategic, it could be that you have some serious competition for this job, with other candidates who will stop at nothing to get it. I would like you to reread my previous month’s forecast for you that I wrote – April – where I discussed that topic of competition in detail.

Also last month, I discussed the possibility of needing to check references you give to prospective employers to be sure all the people you name will support you one-hundred percent. You can find the previous month’s forecast on the bottom of every page of this report in the blue box that says Previous Month’s Forecast.

Now we get to the big headline news. Your ruling planet, Uranus, is changing signs from Aries to Taurus on May 15. Uranus is a big outer planet that takes 84 years to circle the Sun. Because there are 12 signs, Uranus will always spend seven years in each sign he visits. It’s not been since 1934 to 1942 that Uranus has spent any time in Taurus, so the effect of Uranus in Taurus will be brand new to you.

Uranus is the planet of change, surprise, innovation, creativity, idiosyncratic behavior, and rebellion. Uranus always strikes suddenly, like lightning, without warning. Uranus is skeptical of tradition and is always searching for new ways of doing things. No matter what you suppose Uranus will do, he always does something else. Uranus is freedom loving and won’t be contained – and neither will you – and he is modern, futuristic, independent, confident, unique, and very different from the other signs. Uranus is your ruling planet, so he makes you just like him. Aquarians always deal especially well with messages from this unpredictable planet.

This year, Uranus will spend six months in Taurus and your house of home and family to give you a preview of what is to come from 2019 to 2026. Uranus will enter Taurus on May 15 and retreat back to Aries on November 15. Just a little over three months later, on March 6, 2019, Uranus will finally settle into Taurus permanently, without interruption, until April 2026.

When Uranus was in Aries, 2010 to now, you were feeling entrepreneurial and experimental. The zodiac is built with yin and yang, with each sign opposite in description of the sign that came before. This means in Taurus, Uranus will coax you to consolidate your gains. You may not be quite as risk taking as you were when Uranus was in Aries, and instead, you will be more practical and cautious of big moves you make. That would be precisely right, the way it should be for the coming seven years.

Uranus in Taurus will take up shop in your fourth house of home and family. I feel you will move house, perhaps more than once during the coming years. When you decide it is time to go, your decision will happen suddenly. It may be that you will want to relocate to take advantage of a new job offer. At the same time, your partnership house is lit up, too, so it may be that your spouse gets a new job, and you have to move for that reason. Your seventh house of partnerships is busy but perhaps this could be for another reason – you are working with a headhunter or collaborating with another person, such as a writing partner on your screenplay or a business partner in a retail store you both will open together.

There are many reasons for moving house, but if you were to move, to renovate, do extensive repairs, or to decorate, it would happen almost out of the blue and very likely soon.

    On May 25, Jupiter will make an exact alignment with Neptune, linking your houses of fame and achievement to being paid a generous compensation. This is a rare aspect, to happen again August 19 and then not again until July 2026.  Use the end of May to further your career!

Uranus will color the new moon and open a door to weeks of a new trend, especially during the critical first two weeks after May 15. That new moon will be in ideal angle to Mars and Pluto, so you will be eager to see progress and make final decisions. Mars rules action, and Pluto focuses on the underpinnings of things, so you may be redoing your basement, tearing down walls, or putting up new walls. Your timing is ideal, for you only get one new moon a year to open a portal of home, property, and family-related opportunity, and this one is it – May 15.

Something else is happening at this time of the month, for one day after the new moon, May 16, Mars will move to Aquarius. You have been in behind-the-scenes mode since Mars entered Capricorn on March 17, but now you will come out and into the spotlight. If you have been working on a confidential launch, or something else you did not want to talk about, such as interviewing for a new job, there will be no more need for secrets. You will be ready to assume a high profile by mid-May.

Mars’ move to Aquarius will be a big advantage for you, for it will put you in the lead, favored over all the other signs. You will have no trouble getting noticed, and Mars will bring out your charms, which is helpful in all phases of life, personal and professional, for your magnetism will be high. Your optimism, confidence, and drive will surface full force, and you will courageously go after the prize you want to capture, whatever that might be. No one had better dare say no to you – you won’t take no for an answer.

On May 16, however, Mars will be in early degrees of Aquarius in hard angle to Uranus on your home and family sector. You may change your mind about a home living plan, or suddenly hear news that directs your attention to your family, landlord, or mortgage broker, or your engineer may find fault with the physical condition of the space you hope to move into, and it’s nothing you would have expected to hear.

Here is the problem – Mars will retrograde in Aquarius from June 26 to August 27, and that will make your progress on any front slow or non-existent, especially in regard to a property or family matter. Mars is the gas you turn on the stove to cook your soup, and without any gas or electricity, your carefully cut vegetables and spices in water can’t begin to simmer. Nothing happens.

Mars will be in your first house of personality and desires, so you may feel thwarted during late June, July, and August. Still, it really is fortunate that Mars is in your sign – it will be for six months, much longer than usual (typical is seven weeks), for it is always a privilege to be Mars’ favorite. Yes, Mars will be weak mid-year, but when he returns to strength in October and November, you will be his first sign for Mars to send plenty of help.

It is true that Mars will retrograde back to Capricorn from August 13 to September 10, but all the while, still is within out-of-sign square to Uranus, denoting obstacles regarding home and family matters.

I am sorry to say this keeps up for months. Your solar fourth house of home life is ruled by Venus, and at the full moon May 29. Venus will oppose Saturn, suggesting you will have to take a realistic, practical approach to what is essentially an emotional situation. I am not sure if the matter involves a family member such as a parent, or that you will be dealing with a living space dilemma due to a psycho-landlord or tyrannical contractor. Something will be up.

Mars will remain in early degrees of Aquarius all through September, and Uranus will remain in early degrees of Taurus. These two signs clash with one another, for both are fixed signs. If you encounter a tricky problem, it won’t be easy to resolve because both sides will stick to their positions and not move an inch. Here is what you need to know: the difficult square between Mars and Uranus that will come up May 15 will be echoed in precisely the same degree on August 1 and September 18.

You won’t need an exact “hit” mathematically to feel this particular aspect – Mars square Uranus has an aura of influence of about 10 days before and 6 days after.

You can never guess what Uranus will bring up – it’s always something you are not looking at as a possibility. However, because of this unusual situation, that the aspect will repeat in near-identical degree and the same houses, you must watch what comes up on May 16, the first of the three clashes, for you will get a hint of what is to come August 1 and September 18.

I have to mention something here – Mars square Uranus is considered often shocking and negative, but due to the unpredictable nature of Uranus, it can sometimes be just the opposite. Mars square Uranus can bring out purely brilliant solutions from you, when you are ready to toss out the rulebook and come up with an innovative solution that escaped everyone but you. Best of all, your solution would likely fit the situation perfectly. This is the nature of Uranus, so we simply have to expect the unexpected! Uranus is called the genius planet for a reason!

By mid-October, Mars in Aquarius will be speeding along in deeper degrees of Aquarius, and your difficulties will be over. From mid-October to mid-November, Mars will be strong and supportive in Aquarius, so that will be your best period. (Except Mercury will retrograde November 16 to December 6. I know what you are thinking – the second half of 2018 is a mess. Venus will retrograde too October 5 to November 16, and Venus rules your solar fourth house of home, so again, little progress on that front can be made during that time.

I feel you have a good month in May and in early June. Do your best to be as productive as can be in those weeks. The May 15 new moon will give you a lot of information about what the coming months will be like, and may bring the perfect opportunity to move or fix up your space.

I love the end of May for you, and I can’t wait to tell you about it. On May 25, Jupiter will make an exact alignment with Neptune, linking your houses of fame and achievement to being paid a generous compensation. This is a very rare aspect. It will be repeated on August 19, but after that, not again in a similar way until July 2026. Venus in Cancer will get into the act too, creating the third leg of a golden triangle, considered an aspect of supreme harmony.

Venus is currently your sixth house of work projects, Neptune in Pisces is in your financial salary house, and Jupiter in Scorpio is lighting your house of fame. The project that you work on at month’s end will be right up your alley. As they say, do what you love and the money will come – this golden triangle in the last week of May will prove this true for you.

Not only is this aspect one that will encourage an assignment that you love and that gets you money and applause, it will also engender high creativity in you. Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune working together in harmony can also bring happiness in romantic love, and when you spend your time with children, sports, hobbies, and other favorite activities of yours.

The month ends on a full moon in Sagittarius on May 29 at 8 degrees, a highly compatible sign for you, and it will light your house of friendship / events / new people and contacts. It looks like you will be going to an event surrounded by happy people, most of whom you know. It may be a trip you take with several friends, or a party, such as a wedding. It seems to have a casual, sporty tone, so you may go to a baseball game, soccer match, or other spectator sport. Alternatively, you might be physically active yourself, such as to go camping or horseback riding. No matter what you do, I feel you will enjoy it.

This full moon May 29 will receive support from Mars in Aquarius, and by then, the Sun will have moved into wildly compatible Gemini, shining in your fifth house of romance, fun, leisure, children and pregnancy, and creativity. This full moon is such a happy one, I am sure it will mark a red-letter time of the month for you.

Keep in mind that this full moon of May 29 falls on a Tuesday, but you will feel it over May 26-27 weekend, and on Monday, May 28, too. In the US, May 28 is Memorial Day weekend, a popular time to go on a short trip. This full moon is such a peach that it will spread joy from that weekend all the way to June 3. You’ve had tension in your life in past months, so use this full moon to completely unwind and relax.

If your birthday falls on or within five days of January 28, you will notice the joyous, friendly effects of this full moon. The same is true if you have Aquarius rising 8 degrees, or the natal moon in Aquarius, plus or minus five degrees. Also if you have a natal planet in Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius at 8 degrees, or plus or minus five degrees, you too will enjoy a double dip of luck. Make no mistake, all Aquarians will love this full moon – it seems tailor made, just for you, with the aim to make you smile.

One last note to single Aquarius: Venus in Gemini will be a boost to your social life too, and it will happen immediately. Venus first went into Gemini on April 24 and will continue until May 19. Buy yourself some new clothes, dear Aquarius, and step out. The little cherubs are circling around you, ready with their little bows and arrows to help you find the one person who is right for you and only you. It’s a rare and busy, productive month where wishes can come true.


Changes are underway, and many will begin to center on your home or other property you may own. Uranus, the planet called the Great Awakener, will move into your home and family sector (fourth house) to give you a preview of the coming seven years. This year, Uranus will stay in its new home of Taurus from May 15 until November 15, then retrograde back to where it was, Aries, until March 2019. Once Uranus moves back to Taurus in March, he will stay in that sign for the coming seven years, until April 2026. Uranus has not been in Taurus since 1934 to 1942, so this influence will feel new to you.

Uranus brings sudden change, so, for example, you may get a job offer that requires you relocate. Or, it may be that your landlord sells the building and you suddenly will be notified that you will soon need to move. There are many possible reasons that you may be focused on home and family. Be flexible when news arises, for opportunity will follow soon behind.

This month, you will be in the news and on the go. Mars will move to Aquarius, to stay not the typical seven weeks but a full six months, from May 16 to November 15. During this time you will want to press your agenda forward vigorously, but you will need to be strategic about your plans. Mars will retrograde from June 26 to August 27, the reason Mars is spending so much time in your sign (and will dip his toe very briefly back in Capricorn as he moves backward).

During the Mars’ retrograde in July and August, you will need to plan, but not initiate, your actions. Mars retrograde will cause backtracking and redo’s of your previously done projects. When Mars is retrograde, it is not considered a favorable time to initiate new work or open new relationships. To make matters more frustrating, during the middle of Mars’ retrograde, his brother Mercury will retrograde too, July 26 to August 18.

Planets that orbit close to earth are called the personal planets – Mercury, Mars, and Venus. We feel the retrograde orbits of these planets and the slowdowns they create far more directly and vividly than we do when the big outer planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto go retrograde.

Cautions are necessary in July and August, and I would advise you not to launch anything new in your professional or personal life in these months. If you have a new website to debut, a new service to offer, or a new product to launch, don’t do it in July or August. Even in your personal life, things are likely to go haywire, and not the way you had hoped.

For now, you have an especially strong time to press forward on plans from May 16 to June 22 (leaving space for when Mars will turn retrograde on June 26). When you have Mars in a strong orbit, as you do now, Mars will help you succeed and compete effectively. In fact, Mars is the planet that will teach you how to win in any competition, and everyone will ask you what is your magic potion for success. It’s not magic, it’s Mars!

In terms of career, you may have just heard excellent news at the full moon, April 29, and as you enter May following up on details. Any job you took on at the end of April, or that you are discussing, or will take on now, is quite an important position, with wide powers and responsibilities.

To take the job, you might have to relocate, as indicated by the monumental move of Uranus – your ruling planet – in your house of home, discussed earlier. If so, you will get help from the new moon, May 15 in Taurus, the only one of the year set to light your house of home and family. This new moon will get help from Pluto and Mars, two powerhouse planets that are considered a plus to have on your side.

You may get a tip about a new house or apartment in secret way, for the company you will be working with seems to want to help you find suitable housing. If you want to renovate, decorate, make repairs, or make any other improvements to your living style, do it days after the May 15 new moon. Mars in Aquarius, and your ruling planet, Uranus, will clash, and you may hit some reverse news on May 16. Don’t see this as a sign that your plans are doomed – it’s just a blip on your screen, and eventually you can solve any challenge that comes up. In the meantime, keep space from that date, May 16, and don’t sign anything or give a verbal approval.

All year Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, has been moving through your house of fame and honors, and has een receiving silvery beams from Neptune, the planet of creativity and patron planet of the arts. Your new job, or new assignment if you stay where you are now, will involve one of the arts – film, photography, music, art, design, dance, digital creation of completely new forms. You are on the right track. Any of those would be an exciting prospect for an innovative Aquarius.

What makes this collaboration between these two planets exciting is that Neptune is situated in your house of income and is beaming Jupiter in your house of honors, awards, and achievement. Not only will glory come to you, but you will also be paid exceedingly well for your ideas.

The month ends on a fabulously friendly full moon, May 29 in Sagittarius. If you can take a vacation to see friends during the week of May 26 to June 3, your trip will be a rousing success. You can also give a party, or arrange a dinner in a restaurant with friends. You need fun time off – May’s end will provide that for you.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-05-02 14:17:55
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 103 
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