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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 10月 水瓶座(原文)
時間 2018-10-01 Mon. 23:44:21

Aquarius Horoscope for October 2018

Jan 20 - Feb 18
A Note from Susan Miller

October 2018

Dear Reader,

I am excited to tell you about my two appearances, first in October at the New Life Expo on Saturday, October 27, in New York City, and then in Carlsbad, California where I am doing a full weekend of yoga and astrology from November 2-4, 2018. In both cases, I will tell you all about the Year Ahead 2019. All the details about my two appearances are on my website. Check my homepage of AstrologyZone.com. Here is the short version of what I will do, and I hope you can come!

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

You are lucky to have Mars, planet of action, in Aquarius until November 15. This means you will find much of October to be agreeable, because you can more easily get things precisely as you want them to be. Finally, you are back in the driver’s seat. You might say, but wait, haven’t I had Mars in my sign since mid-May? Yes, you have, but when Mars first entered your sign on May 15, he was already running down his batteries, moving ever more slowly with each passing day, until he got to June 26 when he shut down completely.

Mars desperately needed rest, so he went into a deep sleep, leaving all of us here on earth devoid of his most forceful powers. If you were trying to lift off a project of considerable importance, or were looking for a new job, you likely found the process to be arduous. It was not the time to start anything new or to sign any contractual papers, so if you found that the contract you were anxiously trying to settle kept disappearing into the other party’s office for changes, realize those delays benefited you. Don’t be frustrated, for it was the way it was supposed to be.

When Mars finally woke up on August 27, he was still in no shape to help you. Like a person who spent weeks snoozing in a hammock, he could barely stand, let alone walk when he got up. Mars spent all of September getting his strength back, drinking nutritious smoothies, working out at the gym, and by October 8, will be at full strength. Yay!

Having Mars moving at a strong, healthy orbit in Aquarius is a big advantage for you, and it will last from October 8 to November 16. You will have courage, energy, and drive, and you will be able to rally influential people to your cause. There is almost no obstacle you will not be able to face and find a way through. You will come across to others as confident, prepared, professional, and strategic, for Mars will make you so.

You can use these qualities to your advantage, if you are looking for a new position, at the new moon in Scorpio, next month, on and after November 7. The following day, November 8, Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will leave Scorpio, your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievements, and will enter Sagittarius, your eleventh house of friends and social groups

Jupiter has been in your career house for a full year, since October 10, 2017, protecting your career interests, but what matters is that Jupiter will still be in your tenth house of fame and honors at the time of the new moon, November 7. You only get one new moon a year to help you in a big way with career matters, and that one is it. You only get Jupiter every 12 years in your house of career success, so this is big.

You will continue to gain influence and power in your career in the intervening 12 years of course, but the difference is Jupiter will make it easier than ever to convince higher-ups of your value. A new moon affects you from six months to a year. All hinges on what is happening in the sky on the day of the new moon.

    On Monday, October 29, you have a superb aspect for your career. Mercury will conjoin Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, on a magnificent five-star day that will allow you to impress any VIP. This day may tip you off that a solid opportunity is on the way for you, and you couldn’t be more excited.

What matters most now is that by some miracle, that new moon of next month, November 7, will have Jupiter still in Scorpio. A new moon sets the template for your experiences in the ten days that follow it. The talks you have and the opportunities that come up, depending on how you manage things, will have the power to change your entire year ahead, and possibly change your life for much longer—possibly years ahead.

You had some positive aspects in past months—certainly since May—but Mars retrograde was a major impediment to your progress.

Additionally, Pluto rules your solar tenth house of career, and this is vital to note: Pluto has been retrograde since April 22, but Pluto turned direct recently last month on September 30, so again, Pluto’s change from retrograde to direct will help you in regard to forging successful business and professional relationships and to nail opportunities. (Big outer planets typically retrograde for five months at a time.)

You must be ready to act on a major career matter on and just after November 7, with a polished résumé and, if applicable, a portfolio that allows you to show and tell. You will have to be poised to work fast, for Mercury will go retrograde from November 16 until December 7.

This month, Venus will go retrograde from October 5 until November 16, but Venus won’t affect you as strongly as Mars retrograde did this year, from late June to late August. (The eclipses in July and August didn’t help either—the one July 27 in Aquarius was a real monster.)

The only exception to the statement about Venus is if your work regularly has you dealing a great deal with people overseas, say, in import-export, or you regularly have to deal with customs. Venus rules Aquarius’ solar ninth house, which covers those activities. The ninth house also governs publishing and broadcasting, academia and the college market, and the court system. These are areas that might bring delays. The universe sends retrograde planets for a reason—to give you valuable time to rethink your approach and strategy and also to revisit people who always believed in you to find ways to work together again.

The new moon of October 8 in Libra 15 degrees sets up a quagmire. It will light the same intellectual ninth house that Venus rules that I described above. You might need to travel this month, for the ninth house also rules distant travel, but be sure you stay on top of the details. Mars in Aquarius will be in the ideal position to support your activities at this new moon, and if you need to go, do so. That is important help, for Mars’ position suggest that your pure passion to succeed on a certain matter could lead you to triumph.

Pluto, in your twelfth house, will be in hard angle to the Sun and new moon, so keep your eye on a person behind the scenes who could be hurting your chances to make a deal or score a victory this month. The ancient astrologers referred to the twelfth house as the house of secret enemies. That difficult person could be a ruthless secret competitor who will use any tactic to win, even ones that are underhanded and unfair. This person may work under your nose at your company or at a competitive company—it’s not clear where.

I have raised this question with you in the past—make sure any name you put on a résumé as a reference will give you a fair, positive review. Always ask permission to list the name of a reference, of course. If you note any hesitation, do not include that person on your list of three references. In the past, I have suggested you might want to have a mature person you trust call the references on your list, perhaps posing as a prospective employer, simply to ensure that no one person is betraying you. I don’t want to scare you, just make you aware that this could be a possibility. Remember, Mars is well positioned and will help you.

If your birthday falls on February 4, plus or minus five days, you will feel the effects of this new moon the most. The same is true if you have Aquarius rising 15 degrees, plus or minus five degrees.

I will take a moment here to tell you about what is not advised to do while Venus is retrograde, and these pertain to your personal life. Venus retrograde is not a time to make radical changes in you appearance. Don’t do Botox or have a face-lift, don’t change your hair dramatically or agree to experimental dermatological treatments.

It is not suggested that you buy expensive luxury goods or jewels or go on a first date. Venus rules love and beauty, but when retrograde, her beams to us are muted. If you start a relationship when Venus is retrograde, you may find that affection cools in time. It is also not the time to become engaged. Wait until after December 6, when parties and celebrations will be in full swing.

Now we must turn to your home, for the full moon will certainly draw your attention there.

On October 24, the full moon in Taurus, one degree, will have you dealing with a matter involving your home or other property or with people connected with your home. Venus, retrograde from October 5, rules your fourth house of home too, so you may be thinking about a previous event that needs to be addressed, and something appears to be coming to critical mass. You may see a contractor finish up a project, or you may move or receive furniture, as three of many possibilities.

This is an explosive full moon, however, for unpredictable Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius, will be conjunct the emotional full moon and directly opposed to the Sun and Venus. You may have an angry confrontation with a landlord, architect, contractor, decorator, or your housing broker, for example. With a debilitated Venus ruling Taurus, the sign of the full moon, you may not get to a final decision, and if you do, you may not like the result. This may be the point when you feel enough is enough, and you file a claim in court, say, if a contractor did not live up to his responsibilities to you.

If you must file a court case, don’t file while Venus is retrograde, October 5 to November 16, or just after, when Mercury will be retrograde, November 16 to December 6. Wait until Venus, which rules the courts, gets very strong, from December 18 onward. (Venus will reach full power on December 18 and not retrograde at all in 2019.) As an aside, I would not close on a house until December, if possible, but if you cannot wait that long, choose October 29, which I will address in a moment.

Uranus’ opposition to the Sun at the time of the full moon of October 24 might mean that your mate does not agree with your approach, and so now you will have a new problem, having to rally your partner to your cause. Alternatively, this person you are not happy with could be your lawyer, business partner, or any number of professionals who work with you on a close, one-on-one basis.

If your home and other property are fine and you see no problems at all on the horizon, then you may need to help a parent who desperately needs your care and advice. In that case, you will come to a swift answer, as full moons don’t generally allow us to linger when solving a problem.

If your birthday falls on January 21 (plus four days) or if you have Aquarius rising at one degree (plus four degrees), you will feel this full moon of October 24 directly.

On Monday, October 29, you have a superb aspect for your career. Mercury will conjoin Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, on a magnificent five-star day that will allow you to impress any VIP. This day may tip you off that a solid opportunity is on the way for you, and you couldn’t be more excited.

Be sure to put a big star on your calendar on this five-star day, October 29. You may receive a text, email, or phone call to come in to talk on that day, or you may get that invitation earlier to come in an talk, and if so, use October 29 to interview for the job. When you get it, start soon, perhaps on or just after November 7. Sign a contract, or close on your house October 29—you will later see that Jupiter, the good fortune planet, made things fall into place almost magically.

Despite the crosscurrents this month brings, you do have enough planets squarely on your side now, so step up to the plate and knock that ball right out of the park, dear Aquarius. You have what it takes to score a big win, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


You have a new moon on October 8 in your ninth house, compatible Libra, an intellectual part of the chart that may focus you on one of the following areas: long distance travel and international relationships, academic pursuits from college or graduate school, or legal matters where you need to start or respond to a case, or file a trademark or patent (as examples of many possible legal moves). It’s possible you may be working on a project involving publishing or broadcasting. You may encounter delays while Venus retrogrades from October 5 to November 16, for Venus rules this area of your life. Still, you have an ace in Mars, now moving strongly ahead (after October 8).

Also, Pluto will be at hard angle to the Sun and new moon of October 8, suggesting that in the days following this new moon, you may have to deal with a person behind the scenes who is not easily seen or named, but who is competing for the same business or job you want and using very unfair, ruthless tactics. You may not realize you have competition, so you should perform as though you do. Your first step must be that anyone whose name you give as a reference is supportive and will give a positive, fair review of his or her experience with you. Also, make sure the job you are aiming for really exists. Sometimes a company will award the job to a favorite friend, but due to rules of the Human Resources Department, post the job as available, when in truth, it is not.

Alternatively, a powerful person behind the scenes will demand certain things from you, but at the time, you may not know who is calling the shots. You may be dealing with someone at a lower level in the corporate hierarchy. This means the dictates of the powerful person are being filtered and translated by the lower-level employee. That is not ideal—communication can become garbled, and you may be forced to negotiate with a person who has no authority to make a final decision. It’s hard to negotiate with a shadow. See if you can go directly to the person at the top. It may not be possible, but it is worth a try.

At the full moon, Wednesday, October 24, your home or other real estate matter will consume your attention and become finalized. This may be a mater you’ve been thinking about for months, and now you are seeing an end to talks, or the completion of the work of your contractor.

Venus is opposed to Uranus, so if you feel the contractor did shoddy work and feel you have no choice but to bring him to court, wait a bit before you file. You should not file a legal case while Venus is retrograde, October 5 to November 16, for Venus rules Libra’s ninth house governing legal matters. Be patient and file after December 6, or better yet, file after December 18, when Venus has become strong again.

Hopefully, in another manifestation, you will like the work done and will be glad to see the project wrapped up—and no legal action will be necessary!

When Venus is retrograde, you should not make radical changes to your looks. You can, of course, do regular grooming, but do not go from dark brunette to platinum blonde, as an example—you may not like the results. Don’t use any untried dermatological treatments, do not schedule a face-lift or have special veneers put on your teeth. Stick to tried and true treatments.

In your career, you are well liked and protected by Jupiter, the planet of good fortune. Jupiter expands everything it touches, including your influence and opportunities. Venus is also in this part of your chart, insuring popularity with VIPs, peers, and subordinates who report to you. With Neptune in ideal communication with Venus, the creative work you do might translate into a better salary or higher fees. Neptune rules music, art, dance, illustration, costume design, lighting, photography, and film, so if your job touches on any of these areas in the course of your work, you will get an extra dollop of luck.

Next month will be your big career month, for you already have the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter now gathered in your professional sector of honors, awards, and achievements, and all four heavenly bodies are awaiting the arrival of the new moon in Scorpio, November 7. After that new moon arrives, you will start to see gratifying progress in attaining a new, prestigious position or enviable press for work well done. Start getting ready now by polishing your résumé, bio, and any materials you will show to a prospective employer. Stay optimistic—the force is with you.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-10-01 23:44:21
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 120 
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