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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2016年 3月 射手座(原文)
時間 2016-03-02 Wed. 23:50:52

Sagittarius Horoscope for March 2016

By Susan Miller

You have much going in in your career, with almost all your efforts heading you in the direction of a series of wonderful victories, so stay the course and envision what is to come. The road may seem long and arduous at times, but it seems you have no idea how close you are to victory. No matter how preoccupied you are with your work, in March the universe will turn your attention to your private life. This would cover your residence; other property you might own, rent, or hope to sell; or a family member, most notably your mother, father, or another person you think of as a parent. Your fourth house of home is crowded with heavenly bodies in Pisces, including Neptune, Mercury, the new moon of March 8, and the Sun. This month we have two eclipses, and one, a solar eclipse in Pisces 19 degrees, is heading for your home sector on March 8.

Solar eclipses tend to bring happy events and breakthroughs. You may find a glorious new apartment to rent, or find a beautiful vacation cottage by the sea that you will want to buy. You may finally be able to renovate, and with so much emphasis on Pisces, it is likely to be your bathrooms, rather than the kitchen. Great - turn your bathrooms into mini spas. You may see a roommate or relative move into or out of your home, thereby giving you more space. Or you may decide to landscape around your house. If you have artificial turf in your yard that your child plays sports on, call in an expert to find out if the turf, made of old tires, is safe.

Or, you may speak to a contractor about building a swimming pool on your land or a fishpond, or investigate how much it might cost you to add a fountain, as all these ideas would fall under the domain ruled by Pisces. If you had problems with water, you may put in new pipes in your kitchen or bath, or you may add special gaskets around your windows to prevent heavy rainstorms from causing water damage to your carpets, rugs, and wooden floors. These are just a few examples, but you get the idea. With many planets in your home sector, you may get a much-wanted breakthrough.

I should mention that a male in your family may move out or to a distant city, or otherwise be "eclipsed out" of your main environment. Solar eclipses can do that. Also, with so many planets in water sign Pisces, including Neptune, which rules the sea, you will have to protect yourself from water damage. Most insurance companies don't cover water-oriented events, but you can elect to have your broker add a rider to your existing policy. If the water in your home seems strange to you in any way, ask an engineer to test it. If your birthday falls on or within a handful of days of December 10, you will feel this eclipse more than your other Sagittarian friends, so stay alert.

Also as a result of this eclipse, you may need to travel overseas for a business / legal matter just after the March 8 eclipse. Or, if you have applied to various universities for undergraduate or graduate work, the eclipse may bring news about your admittance, or you may have a fateful meeting with your guidance instructor about the courses you might want to consider taking in the coming semester. You may take a qualifying test and be forever changed when you pass it, like the Bar. Eclipses bring monumental moments in our lives that we always remember.

Now let's turn to see what Mars will be doing in March, for Mars is about to create headline news for everyone. Mars will enter Sagittarius on March 6, putting you in the driver's seat. You will have the privilege of having Mars to yourself in your sign of Sagittarius, from March 5 to September 27, considered an unusually long time and a big plus. The reason that Mars will spend so much time in Sagittarius is that Mars will retrograde and then go direct, and when a planet goes direct, then retrograde and then back to direct, all that backtracking takes time.

Specifically, from April 17 to June 29 Mars will be officially retrograde, and when Mars finally goes go direct at June's end, it will remain in lackluster strength and take a long time to ramp up to his former strength - not until August 22. One week later, Mars' brother, Mercury, will go retrograde until September 22. Alas, without Mars yeomen's help, you will have to supply all the heavy lifting - in other words, you will have to burn the midnight oil, for you will have to do everything in your power to get a competitive advantage in your services, a product you are launching, and in terms of positioning yourself for a major promotion. Mars is all about strength, passion, winning, and determination - you'll have to show all of that in double strength until Mars "wakes up" enough to help you go the rest of the way in late September.

Knowing this, you will need to institute projects and form serious relationships in March, as quickly as is possible. The month of May will have a strong and encouraging new moon May 6, but with five planets retrograde for at least part of the month of May, nothing earthshattering will be accomplished. Among the gang of five planets retrograde will be Mars and Mercury, the two planets that orbit closest to earth, so they will be the most concerning. Indeed, nothing earthshattering will happen in April, May, and June. During that time, you will be urged look back to find flaws in past projects and relationships, and to spend your time fixing what is broken or not up to your standards, not to start new ones. Put your sights on October and November to launch your biggest initiations.

Let's now talk about a stunningly positive aspect coming this month on March 16, which will be one of the most sterling days of the year. On this day, Pluto, your ruler, now in your earned income house, will signal Jupiter, now in your prestigious house of honors, awards, and achievement. It appears a friend will help you score a victory, and you may be asked to sign papers to take full advantage. A friend may bring you this opportunity, or alternatively, it may be that the club you belong to is helpful to you. See what happens on March 16 - it should be special for you. Any seeds you plant on this day should grow into big oak trees.

The month's second eclipse, coming as a full moon solar eclipse March 23, in Libra 3 degrees, will affect your eleventh house of hopes and wishes. Something dearly important to you may come to fruition, and this dream may be spiritual or material. By that I mean you may reach a long-hoped for goal or finally be able to grasp something you've always wanted - something big, like a house or new car - or something magical, like the birth of your baby. This eclipse should bring happy events because air-sign Libra and your fire-sign Sagittarius blend exceptionally well.

This March 23 eclipse will mark a finish, culmination, or ending. You may see a friend move away, or you may have a serious falling out with a friend. The latter seems unlikely, as this eclipse is so well oriented to your Sun. It seems more likely that a friend will go the distance to help you achieve a goal that will mean a lot to you. You may be invited to an important celebration this month - one you long remember - and with the moon in Venus-ruled Libra, it is sure to be soft and quite beautiful, with music, flowers, fine food, and wines - Libra never spares a detail to make a social event divine in every respect.

Mars will be beautifully angled to this full moon solar eclipse March 23, too, and Mars is beaming from your first house of identity. This says that at the time of this eclipse you can take the lead, with a fairly good chance of knowing you will prevail. Financial news should be positive too, for the moon rules your house of earned income.

If your birthday falls on November 24, plus or minus five days, you will benefit from the Libra eclipse March 23. Similarly, if you have Sagittarius rising at 4 degrees (within five degrees) or have a natal planet at 3 degrees (plus or minus three degrees) in Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, you, too, will benefit.


You are very busy with your blossoming career, but as the month opens, your home or other property you own or rent will take all of your attention. With the Sun, new moon solar eclipse March 8, Neptune, and Mercury squeezed in together in your fourth house of home, you will be given an opportunity to substantially improve your living conditions. Protect your home against water damage, for Neptune in Pisces may bring a possible flood or other troubles that are water-related. Early in the month, check your renter's or homeowner's insurance to protect yourself against such an eventuality, and call your broker to add a rider if you see no clauses addressing problems with water.

The presence of the solar eclipse in your home sector, March 8, indicates rapid change is about to happen now regarding your home or a family member. If you hope to move, do repairs, renovate, decorate, change roommates, or have any other plans for home or family, the March 8 eclipse will open a portal of opportunity to give you the options you need to get started. If you need funding, make an application for a mortgage or home improvement loan on March 6, when the Sun and Pluto will work together to bring you favor from the VIPs who hold the purse strings.

Mars will enter Sagittarius on March 5 to stay an unusually long time. Instead of its usual tour of six weeks, Mars will remain in Sagittarius from March 5 through September 27, a total of also 29 weeks. Mars is the planet of courage, daring, action, and energy, and having Mars in your sign will be a great advantage. Usually the caffeinated effect of Mars is so strong that we can accomplish a great deal in the space of six weeks. To be accurate, Mars will be retrograde and in a weaker state during a large part of the time that Mars will spend in Sagittarius. Even so, the spotlight will be on you, so 2016 will be an important year for you. A project you are working on that you deem essential to your reputation and career may need many course corrections. While Mars is languishing, you will likely have problems setting final deals regarding real estate or plans for one of your parents, and you may change your mind about what to do more than once.

Despite the retrograde, you will have presence and weight, so continue to present your ideas, and temper them with practicality. Also, take into account team members' views, and you will become a master at blending the best of all that is being said for a winning outcome.

The second important event this month will arrive on March 23 as a full moon lunar eclipse in Libra and bring your attention to your social life. Something about a friendship is ending - it may be that a good friend will move away or that you will deeply disagree with a friend, possibly causing a rift. Still, this is a friendly eclipse, so nothing is predetermined and chances are, you will have options to stay in touch if you want to remain close. In another, different manifestation, Mars will be very friendly to the lunar eclipse, so if you are single, a friend may be very helpful in introducing you to a romantic interest that may click perfectly for you. Attached Sagittarians will have much more fun, and children may form part of the picture.

In your career, you are about to show the world that you are made of the right stuff. Watch events that surround March 16 when Jupiter, your ruler, now in Virgo and in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, will receive a golden beam from Pluto, now touring your second house of earned income. If you are employed, you are likely to rise in prestige in your industry, and your compensation will likely rise with your growing status. If self-employed, a client who you bring in at this time will have enormous potential for growth in the future of your business. This is a rare, five-star day - use it by setting a key meeting or presentation.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2016-03-02 23:50:52
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 145 
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