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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2019年 4月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2019-04-02 Tue. 22:56:31

Leo Horoscope for April 2019

July 23 - Aug 22
A Note from Susan Miller

march 2019

Dear Reader,

You might already know that I love posting on Twitter (@AstrologyZone), and I am also on Facebook (Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone). What is new is that in December, I added Instagram to my regular social media posts (@Astrologyzone). I have been having fun reading your comments and seeing how the planets are influencing your life.  I had joined Instagram in 2012, but in intervening years I had not been posting there, but now I am enjoying going on Instagram almost every day.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

If you can travel in April, you’ll be as happy as a little clam. The new moon of April 5 will coax you into finding a way to leave town for at least a few days. It will surely be for fun and pleasure, not for business. You appear to need rest after the strong emphasis on career last month (March), and your focus will be even more riveted on your professional life next month (May). The April 5 new moon will be in Aries, indicating you are longing for an adventure that will allow for some physical activity in a setting away from your usual routine. Perhaps going on a camping trip would suit you, or one where you could do as many sports as you’d like on the trip. Aries is a fire sign like your Leo element, so you should find opportunities much to your liking.

This new moon has obstacles, however. Saturn and Pluto are both in your workaday projects sector, indicating how hard you’ve been working lately. Too few colleagues seem to be in your department or office, and completing assignments has been strenuous. Finding qualified recruits when you have Saturn in the sixth house can pose a challenge. (Saturn will remain in this part of your chart until December 2020.) If you are self-employed, this might be even more troublesome because you will have to find subordinates who are both right for the job and people you can afford. With Saturn in hard angle to the Sun and bossy Pluto in this same sector—whether Pluto shows up as a cheeky subordinate, psycho boss, or impossible-to-please client—you won’t be able to leave on the trip until you have your key assignment done, wrapped, and shipped.

Fortunately, you have a sweet trio of planets in your financial eighth house and all in Pisces: Venus, Neptune, and Mercury, each in supportive angle to Saturn and Pluto. This little trio will give you creative inspiration and see to it that you make money from one or more projects. (You might be working on two important ones simultaneously as Pisces is a double-bodied sign of two fishes.)

The strongest assistance you will receive at the new moon will come in the form of Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, now in your truelove sector, and just close enough to send a beam to the new moon. (For the astrologers among us, Jupiter will be within a nine-degree orb to the new moon. I allow as much as ten degrees for a planet to be within range of a new moon, full moon, or an eclipse.) Jupiter has been moving through your fifth house of romantic love, a delightful place for Jupiter to be, since this planet of generosity will make sure you have fun—you may meet your one-and-only love on a trip, or you may go on a vacation with someone you are dating now and for whom you have loving feelings.

This is wonderful news for all Leos. If you are single, you will have a superb chance to add someone new and vital to your life—this is a great year to meet your romantic soul mate. If you are attached, Jupiter’s presence means you will have more time as a couple and may take a memorable trip together. Chose a sunny, warm location where you can be outdoors a lot—the lion does not generally like to be in cold climates.

The fifth house also governs pregnancy and children you already have. Jupiter has occupied this part of your chart since last November—this is the first time in 12 years he’s been in Sagittarius (a fellow fire sign like yours). If you decide to have a baby this year, you will have chosen the best time to do so in the decade. If you already have a child or children, one of them will make you proud this year. Jupiter is also busy stirring your innate creativity, so your output is likely to be impressive throughout most of this year. As said, Jupiter is currently in fire-sign Sagittarius, but he will leave on December 2, 2019. In between now and then, you can make your personal life rich and satisfying.

    Mars will be in air-sign Gemini all month, a good omen for a vibrant social life. In terms of romance, if you are single, it appears a friend might arrange a fateful introduction, and the romantic interest you meet would have superb chemistry with you.

If you cannot travel, you may like one of the other opportunities that come up. You could do exciting work from a company headquartered overseas, win a new publishing or broadcasting assignment that you love, or see emerging possibilities in law, medicine, or academia (as a student or professor). You may also settle an immigration matter—any one of these areas is likely to open up for you, but each will have roadblocks set up by Saturn and Pluto, and I am not quite sure how that will manifest. Although you will have to maneuver around an obstacle, the point is that you can succeed if you keep pressing forward.

If your birthday falls on August 7, plus or minus four days, or if you have Leo rising or natal moon at 15 degrees, the new moon of April 5 will speak directly to you.

One outstanding time of the month will be Friday, April 12, to Sunday, April 14, when Jupiter in Sagittarius will be in perfect trine (considered the best possible harmony) with the Sun in Aries. This will be such a happy set of days for you for a whole array of activities. You will be luckier than a Leprechaun, for Jupiter will make it so, and if you meet with an authority figure on one of these days, you will leave an excellent impression. The Sun is Leo’s guardian, meant to watch over you and take good care of you. If you are traveling over these days, you’ll be deliriously happy. Actually, it would be hard to miss on such a magical weekend, so venture forth and see what the world has in store for you.

You will be on the road again on or within four days of the full moon of April 19 in Libra, at 29 degrees. This full moon is due to be a wild child. I say that because unpredictable Uranus will directly challenge the moon to almost the exact degree in an out-of-sign, tight opposition (Uranus is now at two degrees Taurus). The full moon will fall in your third house, which rules short trips. Unlike the new moon of April 5, which will urge you to take a distant trip, at this full moon, you will be more likely to stay closer to home, and the travel will be for business, not romance. Any quick, short trip you take near April 19 appears to have a financial goal attached, which is why I say it would be business related. However, I am not so sure this would be the best time to travel, for with Uranus, the planet of unanticipated events, you can never guess what will come up. The news is always something you never would have thought of and would never have considered as a possibility.

The third house has to do with contractual negotiations, but I suggest you put off signing until next month—specifically to May 2, a far better time to start a relationship. The full moon will be too volatile to agree to anything near April 19.

Another consideration is that near the full moon, the Sun, which rules Leo, will be conjunct Uranus, bringing all kinds of unexpected news about your career that will seem to come out of left field. Jupiter, however,  will send beautiful, shimmering rays to the Sun and full moon on April 19, and that will rescue the situation to some extent. This time, Jupiter will be in tighter communication with the moon (within five degrees, which is close and therefore makes Jupiter powerful). You see how both the new and full moon will have mixed outlooks? Jupiter can, and likely will, alleviate the unpredictable effects of Uranus to some extent.

If your birthday falls on August 21-22, you will feel the effects of this full moon more than most of your Leo friends.

A very unusual day will be April 22, when something other than what you expect to happen will. I hope you like this day—you might, but I can’t tell for sure. I can say it will stand out, and the focus will be on your professional life. On this day, Uranus will conjoin the Sun in your prestigious tenth house of career, the only time these two luminaries will meet like this during 2019. This aspect will affect you more than most because the Sun is your ruling star. If your birthday falls on July 23-24, you will almost certainly hear exciting news. See what happens!

In terms of love, you will do best when Venus enters fire-sign Aries, from April 20 to May 15. Venus will be in your international travel sector (ninth house)—this is the reason why I feel you’d enjoy being in a new setting this month. Pick a place, then pack and go.

Mars will be in air-sign Gemini all month, a good omen for a vibrant social life. In terms of romance, if you are single, it appears a friend might arrange a fateful introduction, and the romantic interest you meet would have superb chemistry with you. It seems your friend will know precisely the type of person you’re seeking. If you are attached, you will be stepping out with your partner when Venus is in Aries, and both of you will be excited to have so many choices of people to see, places to go, and A-list gatherings to attend. If you love social media, you will do well and can now expand your followers quite a bit. Wonderful!


As April opens, you will be yearning to take a long trip, most likely for rest and rejuvenation. The new moon of April 5 will noticeably increase your desire for a getaway, but Saturn and Pluto in your workaday sector are suggesting you will be concerned about having all obligations taken care of before you can even think of taking off. Your workload seems heavy too, and there seems to be not enough people in the department to do all the work—that has put more responsibility on your shoulders. The team you have will freak out if you tell them you are thinking of taking a quick vacation, so assure them you will work late until you’ve seen everything to completion.

All new moons set up a powerful flow of two weeks of energy, so one solution could be to work hard on your project until Friday evening, April 12, and plan to fly to your distant point over the weekend of April 13-14. That is when the Sun, your ruler, will receive golden beams from Jupiter, the planet of good fortune. Jupiter will make it possible to go, provided you attend to work with a sense of purpose beforehand.

Benefic Jupiter will be in the vicinity of this new moon, suggesting a highly romantic trip may be in the offing if you are dating someone special or married to your one-and-only. Even if you don’t have anyone in your life now, Mars will be in highly compatible Gemini, an air sign that will help your fire-sign nature burn more brightly. Clearly, Saturday, April 13, and Sunday, April 14, should be two of your favorite days of the month.

Mars will be lighting your eleventh house of hopes, wishes, and friendship, so alternatively, you may be traveling with a friend or flying to see one. In fact, you might stay at your friend’s house. If you are married, you may be off on a highly romantic escapade with your spouse. It is always possible you’ll travel for your work to attend a seminar or trade show. Still, I feel your trip has the potential to be wrapped in fairy dust, so do your best to go for romantic fun! Your opportunity starts at the new moon, April 5, and continues for ten days.

When you’re back home, don’t put your suitcase away, as the full moon, April 19, will again ask you to leave town, but this time, only a short distance. This little trip is likely to be for work, as you will have a goal to complete, but it won’t be easy to accomplish. Uranus, the planet of unforeseen events, will be conjunct the Sun and opposed to the moon, a tense aspect. You’ll find it’s not the best time to go anywhere, and if the trip turns out to be for work, it will be unexpectedly hard to find accord with the person you are traveling to see. Mars will be well-positioned, however, so a friend, acquaintance, or business contact may have good advice for you to help you unlock the impasse with the client and find a way to create a win-win situation for both sides.

If you are asked to sign a contract near the April 19 full moon (it is very likely), do your best to delay doing so. Show the contract to your lawyer and instead, set the signing for May 2, when Mercury will be friendly to Jupiter.

When Venus glides into Aries on April 20 until May 15, you will be in your element. Venus will add a hypnotic allure to your persona, and in Aries, will give you a more daring approach to fashion. As a Leo, you love quality and designer pieces—treat yourself to something new, and make it essentially “you” in every way.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2019-04-02 22:56:31
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 49 
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