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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2019年 2月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2019-02-02 Sat. 15:20:18

Leo Horoscope for February 2019

July 23 - Aug 22
A Note from Susan Miller


Dear Reader,

We have made it to February, a darling month, made all the sweeter because most of us have come through some tough tests in January, which held two eclipses (January 5 and 20) triggering one or two sudden changes. If you felt January was intense, you are not alone. I would like you to share your stories about the eclipses and other aspects on social media—each night I read every post. Please include your month and day of birth (no year necessary) so that I can see your sign and rising sign.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

February will allow you time to devote to your partner, and your interaction should go as smooth as silk. It will be a sweet month, filled with days offering many opportunities, which will not have the heavy atmosphere of January. Last month brought two eclipses: The one in Leo, on January 20, affected Leos born at the end of July. You had six planets in Capricorn in your workaday sector too, so life was busy, but you kept running into roadblocks, so your progress may have been frustratingly slow.

February will be nothing like January. In fact, February will be a breath of fresh air, filled with the sweet smell of honeysuckle and the glow of sunshine. You will see an emphasis on partnership matters and coming commitments, as well as lots of talks and thinking about your finances.

Everything will be set in motion after the new moon, February 4, in Aquarius (16 degrees), to light your seventh house of marriage and serious partnerships and collaborations. A new moon always sets up a string of powerful days—approximately ten days in all—with each subsequent day a little weaker than the day before, as the string of days moves away from the new moon. The actions you take after the new moon arrives will have the power to influence you for a full year, until the next new moon in Aquarius has time to come back to refresh this one. (The next new moon in Aquarius will arrive on January 24, 2020, but will not be nearly as friendly as the one this month.)

You’re in luck, for the new moon’s ten-day period of influence includes Valentine’s Day. This tells me that many members of your sign will receive a proposal for marriage. And guess what? If you are in love and you’re sure you know one another well and have dreamt of getting (or giving) this proposal, then you should say yes now. A new moon sets the path to a new opportunity and a fresh start. Next month will bring Mercury retrograde, so I would like you to act now, not later. Of course, you’ll find this advice holds true only if you are sure and not acting hastily. As always, you’ll want to show any documents you want to sign to your lawyer.

The reason I am so enthusiastic about this new moon, on February 4, is that good-fortune Jupiter, currently touring your fifth house of truelove, will be so sweetly angled to the Sun and new moon. Remarkably, this sets up a direct link between your love and marriage houses. Wow! If you are already married to your one true love, then you will bond closer this month, and you can set a new goal to achieve together.

You can use this same February 4 new moon for business collaborations and commitments. When you have a magical new moon like this one, it will help you all year, but you do have to show the universe your intent. Take steps to make your business alliance official. You can sign with a new agent, lawyer, writing partner, publicist, lab research partner, or sit down and write lyrics with your producer, as some examples. You should formalize your relationship with that person with a legal document now. This month is so lovely that you must not waste a minute! Working in twosome mode will be your best bet—that’s where the golden nuggets lie.

    From February 14 to March 30, Mars will transit through Taurus, heralding a wonderful time to move ahead in your career. Mars will light your prestigious area of honors, awards, and achievement for the first time in two years.

One of your best days of the month, when just about everything goes your way, will be February 7, when Jupiter, the planet that expands everything it touches, will be in alignment with the mighty Sun, and the Sun is your ruler. Perfect! On the same day, Mercury and Mars will be beautifully supportive too, a day when you are likely to find accord with a person or entity. A partnership (such as with another company) would come easily, and deal points would be to your liking. Schedule a presentation, exploratory talks, or a job interview for this day. It’s also a good time to travel or make agreements with people who live at a distance.

Watch February 12 for surprising news. You might need to travel overseas or to the other coast of your country at a moment’s notice. Mars, the ruler of your solar ninth house, will be activated with your solar seventh house. What does this mean? You may take an unexpected trip with your romantic partner or mate or go with your business partner or expert collaborator to visit a client.

From February 14 to March 30, Mars will transit through Taurus, heralding a wonderful time to move ahead in your career. Mars will light your prestigious area of honors, awards, and achievement for the first time in two years. You will be able to get your foot in the door of the VIP you want to see and make a good impression.

With Mars in Taurus, you will be confident, focused, and determined to get ahead, and because good energy always attracts more good energy, influential people will sit up and listen. It is vital you will be ready to seek a higher position. If you are self-employed, deploy launches in the second half of February. You might want to consider doing publicity, advertising, or a social media campaign for your business.

Keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde next month (March 5-28, but you will start to feel the slowdown ten days prior). It will not be a good time to sign a new deal or agree to a contract.

Yet in certain ways, Mercury retrograde might help you, too. You might revisit a project or an offer for a new position that came up some time ago. I say that because sometimes Mercury retrograde can coax you to meet with people from your past, to see if you can restart talks, offering a new twist to your idea this time. Think about situations you had hoped would work out but for some reason fizzled. That was then; this is now. Try again.

Now let’s talk about your finances, for the full moon of February 19 will light your second house of income. This full moon will be in Virgo, one degree. This is another sweet lunation likely to make you happy, and Uranus, the planet of unexpected developments, will be in ideal angle to that full moon and likely produce a sum of money for you.

You may receive notice of a raise, if you asked for an increase a while ago, or you may make a sale that will bring in cash. Mars will be in good angle to this full moon too, making you jubilant, for Mars is in your career house of prestigious achievement and awards. Not only will more money be on the way to you, but also some delicious kudos for work well done. You seem to be able to elevate your standing in your industry during the second half of February, so keep pressing forward while the force is with you.

When you’re hot, you’re hot, for you will have two other lucky days for financial news. As you move closer to month’s end, February 27, Mars and the Sun will be in sync, meaning the work you are doing is adding up to a nice sum due to you. The Sun rules Leo, making this a gold-star day for you.

Finally, if you work in the arts or entertainment, including music, the weekend of February 16-17 could inspire you to come up with ideas that sparkle like diamonds. This comes thanks to Neptune’s vibrations to Venus, a glamorous aspect that certainly can act as your muse.


January might have been a stressful month, but February should be a big improvement. Mars will orbit in alignment to Uranus—to reach mathematical perfection on February 12—likely inspiring you to take a spontaneous trip to a distant point. Things will go exceedingly well, for Jupiter (the good fortune planet) will be in ideal angle to Uranus and Mars. Jupiter is currently moving through your fifth house, ruling romance and also your creative efforts, so it appears your trip could be a spontaneous getaway to enjoy time with your sweetheart, or for business, to talk over a creative project. Either way, you can expect positive results.

The new moon of February 4 will light your seventh house of marriage. Recently, we have seen new moons with a mixed outlook, but this one will be a little angel who will be working hard for you. This month, it’s clear the universe wants to see you happy and emotionally fulfilled. If you are dating seriously and are now sure about your love, you might become engaged in the days that follow—possibly for Valentine’s Day. Jupiter will be beautifully oriented to the Sun, your ruling star, evidence that your relationship is going exceedingly well, notwithstanding last month’s full moon lunar eclipse (January 20), which might have rattled you, if you are a July-born Leo.

Keep in mind a new moon in the seventh house points to an opportunity to commit fully to a romantic or business partner. If you are already married, this new moon will help you find ways to grow closer. If you are not ready to wed, you may be directing this energy into your work life by hiring a new collaborator, such as a lawyer, accountant, business partner, publicist, agent, manager, writing partner, or by forming any other one-on-one relationship with someone you need to advance in your career. In your personal life, if you are planning a wedding, you might now hire a wedding planner. Twosome relationships will shine this month and be the way you make your greatest progress.

Now let’s talk more about your career, which is about to streak across the sky like a shooting star. Mars will move through Taurus from February 14 to March 30, and during that entire time, will help you get noticed. This is one of your best periods of 2019 to move ahead assertively, for you can now make a name for yourself. Mars is a highly energetic planet that will give you the motivation and ingenuity to overcome any obstacle. Mars has not been in your professional tenth-house sector for two years, and now that Mars is there, he will herald the start of a new two-year career cycle for you. The seeds you will plant now are potent, so take this period seriously. Rarely have you had a better chance to see a professional dream come true, dear Leo.

Closeness with your one-and-only love will reach new heights on February 7, when Jupiter (in your house of truelove) will reach out to the Sun (in your house of committed partnerships and marriage). Valentine’s Day may be coming, but February 7 will outshine it.

If you are not attached, you may turn out highly creative work on February 7, with a partner. If you are a writer, you may do excellent work with your editor, a writing partner, or display your work beautifully with the help of an art director, as three examples of nearly endless possibilities for strong partnerships.

The full moon of February 19, in Virgo, will bring a financial matter to fullness—it may be that you will accept the salary of a new job. You may pay bills too, but it seems money is coming in, and you will have a surplus. That full moon will receive signals from Mars (in your fame sector) and will receive an outstandingly friendly beam from Uranus (the planet of surprise). If you are interviewing for a new position, you may be thrilled to see talks culminate quickly. It looks possible you will win a new job and a generous salary by the full moon of February 19, plus or minus four days. The company benefits of this job should be generous, too. If you are self-employed, you will likely be given a fabulously creative assignment from a prestigious new client or sponsor, so you, too, will see gold coins dropping into your bank account.

Put a star on February 27, as well, for a great day for everything to go your way when it comes to money.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2019-02-02 15:20:18
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 54 
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