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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 12月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2018-12-02 Sun. 13:21:15

Leo Horoscope for December 2018

July 23 - Aug 22
A Note from Susan Miller

December 2018

Dear Reader,

I have two big surprises, and I am bursting to tell you about both! I can tell you about the first surprise, below, but for the second one, I have to wait another ten days to tell you.

So that you and I can stay in close touch, I want you to know that I officially post nearly every day on Instagram @AstrologyZone. I am having fun using captivating photos on my feed and sharing up-to-date astrological information. I also post daily on my beloved @Twitter as @AstrologyZone, as well as on Facebook as Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone. As I find interesting astrological days coming up, you will be the first to know about them.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

You’ve come through many frustrating months, but this one is different. Since December has so many glamorous elements, you may proclaim you like this month the best of this year. Last month, Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, moved into your fifth house of truelove, giving your social life an exciting boost. Jupiter will remain in this part of your chart a full year, until December 2, 2019. This is the first time in a dozen years that Jupiter has made an appearance in your romantic sector, so you are sure to feel the warming difference now and in future months. If you are single, know that Leo is the sign most likely to find new love in 2019.

If you have already found love and are seriously attached or married, you will have more fun together, and you may even be able to travel together to a foreign location you’ve never seen but always wished you could. This year, when it comes to your personal life, think big and be optimistic, for Jupiter will give you more enjoyable episodes than you can imagine.

You can have great aspects, but without a new moon to unlock the goodness of Jupiter in Sagittarius, you wouldn’t notice much happening. Last month, Mercury, the planet of communication, was retrograde, the last of an entire series of planets that shut down for naps, beginning at the end of June. Mercury will regulate his orbit on December 6, and you can then breathe a sigh of relief. Still, you need the key new moon that only comes by once a year.

The new moon you so dearly need to open Jupiter’s bag of goodies will arrive the same day, December 6, in Sagittarius, 15 degrees. Jupiter at six degrees will be within the accepted tolerance of significance, allowing Jupiter to spread his brilliant, golden light throughout your fifth house of truelove in December, but also for the coming 12 months. New moons open a new portal of energy, and happily, this is occurring precisely at the time holiday parties will be in full swing. If ever there were a time to accept invitations, it is this month.

If you hope for a baby, this would be the best year in 12 years to conceive, give birth, and care for a little one. If you have had difficulty conceiving, see a fertility doctor within a day or two after the new moon in Sagittarius arrives on December 6. You have a reason for hope. Do your homework and find the team of fertility doctors associated with a top hospital and has the most impressive results—make that appointment.

Your creativity will benefit from Jupiter in Sagittarius and the new moon there, too. If you are an artist or a creative person, or you work to support artists as a producer would (one example), you will do very well indeed. You will come up with original ideas, and your imagination will know no bounds. You’ll be experimental and playful and capable of offering up new and relevant concepts that can generate quite an enthusiastic response from your intended audience.

The only little cloud in your forecast is the pairing of Mars and Neptune in hard angle to the Sun, new moon, and Jupiter in Sagittarius. You may experience a disconnect between your social life and costs—the two seem to be in conflict. Your chart shows you will be spending much more money than usual this month, and while most people do spend at the holiday season, your chart shows you will spend more than most.

    Your most romantic day of this month is likely to be December 21, when Mercury (news and travel) and Jupiter (joy and happiness) meet in your fifth house. It’s a blue-ribbon day for love.

Here is why: You have Mars touring your eighth house of other people’s money for the first time in two years. In December, your credit card balances will almost certainly rise. You may have to write a check for tuition or a down payment on a house; you may pre-pay taxes or have another reason to write a hefty check.

Happily, all this spending will be temporary and will start to fall by January 1. That’s when Mars will move out of your eighth house and into a far better place in your chart—to fellow fire-sign Aries. Having Mars in Aries might allow you to take a little break if you like, and you may even find time in January or part of February to travel to a sunny, warm place, perhaps to visit friends.

You will love December 20, a day that will shine brighter than a diamond, when your ruling star, the Sun, will receive greetings from Uranus in the most harmonious aspect possible—a trine. This aspect could help your career in a big way. A project you are working on may bring a sudden breakthrough. Whatever you expect to happen on this day won’t, but something better will.

Your creativity will benefit from Jupiter in Sagittarius and the new moon there, too. If you are an artist or a creative person, or you work to support artists as a producer would (one example), you will do very well indeed. You will come up with original ideas, and your imagination will know no bounds. You’ll be experimental and playful and capable of offering up new and relevant concepts that can generate quite an enthusiastic response from your intended audience.

The only little cloud in your forecast is the pairing of Mars and Neptune in hard angle to the Sun, new moon, and Jupiter in Sagittarius. You may experience a disconnect between your social life and costs—the two seem to be in conflict. Your chart shows you will be spending much more money than usual this month, and while most people do spend at the holiday season, your chart shows you will spend more than most.

    Your most romantic day of this month is likely to be December 21, when Mercury (news and travel) and Jupiter (joy and happiness) meet in your fifth house. It’s a blue-ribbon day for love.

Here is why: You have Mars touring your eighth house of other people’s money for the first time in two years. In December, your credit card balances will almost certainly rise. You may have to write a check for tuition or a down payment on a house; you may pre-pay taxes or have another reason to write a hefty check.

Happily, all this spending will be temporary and will start to fall by January 1. That’s when Mars will move out of your eighth house and into a far better place in your chart—to fellow fire-sign Aries. Having Mars in Aries might allow you to take a little break if you like, and you may even find time in January or part of February to travel to a sunny, warm place, perhaps to visit friends.

You will love December 20, a day that will shine brighter than a diamond, when your ruling star, the Sun, will receive greetings from Uranus in the most harmonious aspect possible—a trine. This aspect could help your career in a big way. A project you are working on may bring a sudden breakthrough. Whatever you expect to happen on this day won’t, but something better will.

December 21 will also be a delicious day, when Mercury and Jupiter will team up in your fifth house of truelove. You may get an amazing text message, email, or phone call from someone you care about very much on this day. This could be quite a romantic evening.

The full moon in Cancer on December 22 may find your batteries running low. Know that by then Saturn is moving closer to the Sun, Leo’s ruler, which shows you may be not have been getting enough sleep all month, and so you may be feeling your resistance to colds and the flu is low. Ask your doctor if you should get a flu shot early in the month (because it takes several weeks to work), and ask if there are any vitamins your doctor recommends you take to boost your immunity.

This full moon will be in Cancer, one degree, and in a wide opposition to Saturn. It appears your office will be very busy as you get close to Christmas. Your work life is where your main energy seems to be directed this month, not on home with holiday preparations or family, although you will have time to do both. If that sounds like a month of strenuous activity, it’s true, and for some reason, this month’s demands at the office will be particularly strong. You will need to finish up a project by the full moon, December 22, with precious little time beyond that date.

By New Year’s Eve, December 31, Saturn will be within inches of a conjunction to the Sun, to reach a peak on January 1. You won’t feel like dressing up and going out—you will want a simple, yet loving night for two. Saturn will likely bring very cold weather in many parts of the world on this New Year’s Eve or unusual delays in transportation. Stay in your cozy home, heat up special gourmet nibbles you bought earlier in the day, open the chilled champagne, and together, share dreams for 2019 and beyond. This sounds simple, but simplicity has its beauty, too.


Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, is now in your sector of romance, and deep feelings of new love can flourish. This is a new placement for this planet of happiness—Jupiter arrived last month for his yearlong stay, just in time to provide you with a heavenly holiday season. If you are alone, 2019 will be one of your best years in the decade for finding your one truelove. You will need to do your part by circulating, for doing so will pay off.

Start this month by accepting invitations to holiday parties, for you might meet someone who has magical chemistry with you. Your trend for love starts off at the new moon in Sagittarius, December 6. If you are single, it may be helpful to know that Leo is one of the two signs most likely to fall in love in 2019. (The other sign is Sagittarius.) There is no reason to stay with someone you are dating if you are not happy—it’s a big world out there, and it would be a shame to let these glittering aspects fade without making a change.

Mercury has been retrograde since November 16, but will turn direct on December 6, fortunately, the same day as the new moon. Say goodbye to Mercury’s delays, miscommunications, indecisive management, and a host of other modern-day frustrations. From December 6 onward, you can finally make plans that will stick.

If you hope to have a baby in 2019, the new moon (December 6) could help with conception. If you have had problems conceiving, consult a fertility specialist sooner rather than later, quickly after the new moon arrives. A new moon will give you a portal of ten powerful days in which to act. If you have children, take them to see the lights of the city. A visit to Santa and a cozy dinner make for a festive evening out.

Mars and Neptune are traveling together, increasing your capacity for compassion and for giving, in the spirit of the season. This month you might volunteer in your community to collect toys for underprivileged children or in a soup kitchen to help the homeless.

This same configuration, Neptune orbiting close to Mars in your eighth house of other people’s money all of December, suggests you may spend more money than you had anticipated on social events or travel, so keep tabs on that if you are concerned. Also, Neptune conjunct Mars can make you hasty and prone to lose things. If you slow down, you’ll be fine.

Your most romantic day of this month is likely to be December 21, when Mercury (news and travel) and Jupiter (joy and happiness) meet in your fifth house. It’s a blue-ribbon day for love. You could receive tender messages or a sentimental gift you will treasure forever.

As you get closer to the full moon in Cancer, December 22, you will need rest, for this month will have many demands on your time. If you start to feel a cold coming on, stop and spend a day at home. Leo is ruled by the Sun, and with taskmaster Saturn moving in close alignment to the Sun (to hit exact mathematical conjunction on January 1), it’s clear you have given strenuous effort to your job, but you will be prone to feeling run down. You need to shore up for a solar eclipse on January 5, which will change your daily assignments and may also bring staff changes. For this reason, you will need to stay strong.

For those who celebrate Christmas, December 25 brings the transiting moon to Leo, a perfect place for it to be, for you will enjoy luxury and romance, delightful foods, and the warmth of family and friends.

On New Year’s Eve, the transiting moon will be in Scorpio, indicating you might want to host an informal gathering at home for friends and family. Mixing people from very different areas of your life (friends, career colleagues, and family) could work well—you decide.

Saturn’s move to conjoin the Sun on New Year’s Eve will likely make you and everyone else feel like cocooning at home. You may have just as much fun having a private New Year’s Eve with those closest to you. Being in the arms of your sweetheart or spouse, sharing your visions of 2019, as you both watch the snowflakes silently fall, could bring a romantic evening you find suits you perfectly. It’s not what you do, but who you are with on this special evening.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-12-02 13:21:15
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 65 
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