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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 7月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2018-07-03 Tue. 21:58:26

Leo Horoscope for July 2018

July 23 - Aug 22
A Note from Susan Miller

JULY 2018

Dear readers,

I feel we all live in our heads so much of the time that when we are faced with a circumstance that forces us to acknowledge that we really do have a body to care for, it sometimes comes as a bit of shock. I suppose if you are an athlete and reading this, you are laughing at me. It’s true, as an astrologer and a writer, I spend most of my days thinking.

When I was wheeled to the outside of the operating room on the morning of June 12, wearing the special blue paper surgical gown and shower cap to cover my hair, it occurred to me that some things in life have to be faced straightforwardly, and gone through by ourselves without help. I feel these experiences make us stronger and also more compassionate of others.

Yet, then I thought about how lucky I was – so many of you, dear readers, said you would send a prayer for me when I posted on Twitter and Facebook that I was about to have an operation. You responded so warmly, far beyond my expectations, and it made my heart swell. Thank you so much.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

As you begin July, you seem to have just completed a big project for work. It looks as though there were many details to oversee, and in your mind, accuracy was of paramount importance. The full moon at the end of last month, June 27, was conjunct Saturn and opposed to the Sun. Because you are ruled by the Sun, you are entering July worn to the bone, but proud of what you achieved.

We are now in eclipse season, and typically eclipses come in pairs. This time we are about to go through three eclipses, starting with July 12, a solar eclipse in Cancer; then July 27 when we will have a full moon lunar eclipse in Aquarius; and finally on August 11, a new moon solar eclipse in Leo due on August 11.

Eclipses bring brilliant light to all situations, and they help us understand a situation better by providing information we were not privy to previously. You are ruled by the Sun, so solar eclipses influence you more than lunar eclipses do. Solar eclipses generally open a new pathway and bring in opportunity. Lunar eclipses are more emotional, for they bring endings, but they do so to pave the way for a new chapter to begin afterward.

Before I go into the two eclipses of this month, I want to mention that one of your best days of the month, possibly of the entire season, will be July 5. The Sun, your ruler, will be in close conversation with Jupiter on your behalf that day. If you need to find a new space – a new apartment or house to lease or buy – this is your day to be out reviewing various spaces. You might spend a little more than you had budgeted, but the value you will get in return will be substantial and make the extra cost worthwhile. The space will be sunny and bright, with large rooms and in the ideal neighborhood. You have good fortune Jupiter in your fourth house of home for the first time in 12 years, so don’t settle for anything less than the best and closest to your heart’s desire, dear Leo. You are about to be luckier than a leprechaun this year when it comes to real estate, home, and family, and your luck will extend to November 7, at which time, Jupiter will move into another part of your chart.

Speaking of family, alternatively on July 5, you may receive a sizable check from one of your parents on this day, perhaps to help you make a down payment on a house, or for the many deposits you’ll need to make if you are moving into a new rental. If you are not moving, you can still find great deals on beautifully designed furniture or housewares on this magical day.

The planet of gifts and luck, Jupiter has been retrograde since March 8, but will go forward on July 10, bringing you many more home related benefits from now on. You will feel Jupiter’s growing strength already by July 5, so from now on, you will see clearly that you are the celestial favorite when it comes to matters related to home-and-family. If you have been concerned about the health or welfare of your mother or father, Jupiter is coming in to the rescue. Jupiter isn’t only called the planet of good fortune planet but also called the great planet of healing, and this luck pertains to your parents.

Now we come to the solar eclipse, a new moon, in Cancer 21 degrees to fall on July 12. This eclipse will light your twelfth house of behind-closed-doors activities, so you may hear of a secret that someone tried to withhold from you. This is always disconcerting and disillusioning. At the same time, Pluto, a very powerful planet, will be in direct opposition to the Sun and new moon, suggesting someone in the workplace – and it will be someone who reports to you – will be difficult. This person will throw his weight around as if he were the owner. (This need not be a man – it could be a woman.) Be aware of this aggressive character, for this person not only will be domineering, but try to take credit for your work.

    You have good fortune Jupiter in your home sector for the first time in 12 years, so don’t settle for anything less than choosing your ideal space. You are about to be luckier than a Leprechaun when it comes to matters of property, home and family, all the way until November 7.

Fortunately the other planets, wise to Pluto’s domineering tendencies, and aware of what he will likely to do after July 12, will bond together to help you. Two golden triangles will appear in the sky, and both will protect you.

Surprise planet Uranus is shimmering in your tenth house of reputation, and bolstered by the hard work you are doing in your workaday assignments. Venus is now touring your second house of earned income and will be positioned at one point of that golden triangle.

All in all, the golden triangle will bring applause for work well done on a work assignment you are doing now, and an increase in salary may be yours, too. Each heavenly body mentioned (Uranus, Venus, the Sun / new moon) will be 120 degrees form the other, forming a perfect shape of a triangle, considered capable of emitting pure harmony and beauty to you. You could affect a big career breakthrough on or after July 12, despite Pluto’s efforts to drive you a little crazy.

Wait! There is a SECOND golden triangle at play on July 12 that will give you extraordinary help with a home-and-family related goal that you may be considering right now. Neptune will send a silver beam of stardust to Jupiter in your fourth house of home, and both will send greetings to the Sun and new moon in your twelfth house. If you’re involved with decorating your decor, you are in luck, for this triangle will help you to generate magnificent ideas.

Now let’s turn to the topic of a close relationship, whether with your marriage partner, a person you love and are dating seriously, or your relationship with a person you collaborate closely at work, such as with your agent, manager, publicist, business partner, accountant, or other expert you have hired to help you get ahead. This person will be the subject of an eclipse on July 27, and it is one of the toughest ones of the year.

On July 27, the full moon lunar eclipse will fall in Aquarius, 5 degrees, and will bring an end to a relationship or you may suddenly learn information about this person who is so close to you. Much of the information was deliberately hidden from view, so don’t beat yourself up about why you never saw what was going on that was so egregious.

Uranus is considered the Great Awakener, and from time to time everyone goes through an episode that is similar to what you will learn at eclipse time. Getting the truth and transparency is the most important ward of this eclipse, although getting this truth won’t be easy.

The fact that Mars is spending so much time in 2018 shows how focused you are on this close committed relationship. However Mars will clash with Uranus, and Uranus RULES Aquarius, the sign Mars is traveling in. This suggests that when news hits, you may be very upset and may lose your temper. Try not to fly off the handle because you will be dealing with two major retrograde planets, and getting clear information about this matter won’t be as simple as you might first assume.

Mars went retrograde last month on June 26 and will remain retrograde until August 27. A retrograde Mars is a weak Mars. This planet works to give you confidence, courage, and drive, but without a robust Mars, we feel more fragile and less secure. You will cover up those feelings, of course, if you have them, but you may wonder how you got into this situation in the first place. Again, you are trying to do a lot, and not under the best circumstances.

By August 1, Uranus and Mars will again be in a mathematically tight angry square, similar to the one you experienced on May 16. You might want to look back through your emails to see what happened in mid-May so you can be ready at the end of July and on August 1.

On top of Mars being retrograde, his brother Mercury will also be retrograde, from this month, July 25 to August 18. This means miscommunications will abound, so you will have to go the extra mile to be sure you are communicating in a clear way, that you are sending out a message others can easily decipher, and at the same time that you are picking up the right messages others are sending to you. Your only option will be to try to mend a fence by looking back and finding out about any hidden resentments to fix things. Or, you may need to plan your escape to leave altogether


As July dawns, you may be a little frayed at the edges for having completed an important work project that apparently took a lot of time and energy to complete. It was due within four days of June 27, so soon, as you enter July, you will be able to kick back and take a breath. You will need to enter the coming weeks rested, because we are now in eclipse season.

Eclipses are the most dramatic tool the universe uses to affect change, coming typically in twos or threes, and generally the eclipses come twice a year, six months apart. This month, we have eclipses due on July 12 in Cancer as a solar eclipse, then a lunar eclipse in Aquarius due July 27, and the last one of 2018, a solar eclipse in Leo due next month on August 11. You are ruled by the Sun, so solar eclipses are always the more important ones for you.

The July 12 solar eclipse might direct your focus to a cranky co-worker or subordinate who will be prone to resist every request you make. You may wonder if you have to let this person go – if the subversive person is an underling, you may simply reach the end of your rope and fire him. In the days following this eclipse, you may feel worn by the heavy workload you’ll be expected to handle.

Additionally, a medical matter may be on your mind. If you are about to seek a doctor’s advice now, on July 5, you will have Jupiter in the ideal place to signal comforting and healing beams to your ruling star, the Sun. Follow doctor’s orders. An appointment scheduled for July 5 will likely go especially well, when good luck Jupiter will signal the Sun, your star of vitality.

Financial news will be positive mid-month, and then again near July 22 and both days will likely make you smile, especially if you work in the arts.

The full moon lunar eclipse of July 27 falls in Aquarius in your seventh house ruling your marriage or another type of committed relationship at work – this eclipse has many crosscurrents. You might be getting ready to making a commitment when you suddenly receive a floodlight of news that might change your mind and your plans. Or news may have something to do with your present partner, or a different perspective you both have of each other.

Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, will be in hard angle to this eclipse and may bring information to light about your partner that could rock your world, forcing you to see your partner in a new but perhaps less flattering light. This may not have anything to do with a romantic partner but rather a business partner, but either way, it will likely be upsetting. If your birthday falls within four days of July 27, you will feel this eclipse’s message. If not, you may not notice the effects of this eclipse very much – however, you might if you have other planets in your natal chart at 5 degrees Leo or Aquarius.

Warrior Mars will be conjunct the moon, repository of feelings and memories, and be in conflict with unpredictable Uranus, indicating a heated argument may break out. Whatever happens at month’s end will happen suddenly and in a completely unexpected way. The closer your birthday falls to July 27, the more likely you will be affected by events of this eclipse. It appears that information you didn’t have previously will be presented now, but it may not be easy to accept. It’s always better to have truth, for once you have it, you can protect your interests.

This month has its moments, the reason you must pace yourself and to get enough rest. Find ways to be good to yourself with touches of luxury and pampering. With Mars retrograde, a trend that started in late June and that will continue until August 27, you will be very focused on a partner and reviewing your history together. It appears things will take months to fully sort out. Your relationship situation will improve after August 27, the time Mars will move forward in Aquarius, to stay until November 16. All the while, through early November, Mars will put your mind squarely on your partner.

Wait to make decisions until after the August 11 new moon in Leo has spoken (and after Mercury has gone direct August 19). Eclipses take normal full and new moons and multiply their strength times three – they are very powerful, but they do bring almost instant progress through providing needed information. After an eclipse arrives, a situation that may have puzzled you will likely become clear.

The best part of your chart has to do with your home – you can find a beautiful space if you need to move, or if you want to fix up, you can do that too, quite successfully as well. If you are concerned about the health or welfare of your mother or father, or a person you think of as a parent, you have reason for hope. Family support for you will be sensational, for your family loves you and it shows. If you need support, ask, for they dearly want to help you in any way possible.

Your very best day this month for all these home and family matters will be July 5, when the Sun and good fortune Jupiter will be in divine sync.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-07-03 21:58:26
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 78 
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