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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 6月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2018-06-03 Sun. 20:00:20

Leo Horoscope for June 2018

July 23 - Aug 22
A Note from Susan Miller

June 2018

Dear Readers,

I am just coming off attending the United Astrology Conference in Chicago where I met so many astrologers from all over the world – Turkey, Brazil, China, Japan, Canada, England, Australia, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland, and of course the United States.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

You are just coming off a highly romantic full moon of late last month in Sagittarius, May 29. That full moon was chock full of loving feelings, which might have been directed to the person you are dating, or who is your spouse who adores you. Or, you may have been directing all your love toward a child. Alternatively, you may have been excited to hear the stork will be delivering a tiny baby to your household soon. Or, you might have enjoyed this full moon by celebrating the completion of an important creative project.

That full moon accompanied an entourage of planets including good luck Jupiter in your home sector (promising you’d find a sunny, large home), Venus in your confidential sector (promising private time for the two of you), and Neptune in your eighth house of money, gifts, and physical expression of love. Each planet will assume one of the three points of a glittering triangle and work together to make you happy. Dear Leo, you have amazing star power. Now, as you enter June, you have more sweet days to look forward to doing.

On Friday, June 1, Venus and Jupiter will be in heavenly alignment, indicating events involving family should be gratifying, quite special, and even luxurious. Or, if you are currently decorating your home, this is a day when you should be browsing shops, because the item you’ve been searching for to make your room complete is likely to catch your eye.

Saturday, June 2, will bring Venus in communication with Neptune, one of the most glamorous aspects possible. This is the perfect evening to plan something for the two of you. If you have no special someone, this could be an ideal day for a blind date set up by a friend.

Do all you can to finish up all important matters in the first half of June, for soon, Mars, the energy planet, will slow down in weak retrograde action, June 26 to August 27. Mars will take time to ramp up again once it awakens at the end of August, a point you need to keep in mind. Because Mars will remain in Aquarius the better part of six months, a highly unusual trend (more typical is the six or seven weeks Mars would stay in one sign), you will be focused very strongly on your partner. You won’t have full control, so you will do best to listen and take in all that is happening, but not to take the reins.

With Mars retrograde, it is not a time to start new projects and relationships but to improve on the ones you already did. You may see a need for more backtracking of previous projects and decisions than you might like, but keep in mind that we are all in the same boat. The universe is giving you something that we rarely get – time to polish up projects and relationships of the past to make them even better.

Mars and Uranus are having a long-term tiff, and at times anger will blow up. Think back to May 15 and the many days surrounding that date – you may have felt you are walking on eggs because others were so quick to ignite. Or, they may have been picking a scab you have, and you were quick to react. Another exact moment will happen on August 1, and after that, September 18. Until that last meeting, be careful what you say to partners in love or business, for later you may regret what you said.

Friends will play a bigger role in your life after the new moon in Gemini 23 degrees, so it is a signal that you can begin to circulate more now that your career is on such an impressive trajectory. It’s a time to be open to new people and to allow yourself to be inspired by some of the new people you meet to shape your own course as they have done.

    The full moon of June 27 will receive a spectacular beam from surprising Uranus, now in your house of fame and honors. You are about to get outstanding publicity or new job offer, out of the blue. This aspect will boost your standing in the community, or the world – you will be thrilled.

If you have not been active in social media, this new moon will coax you to post more often, or to join a social media venue that is new to you, such as if you have always been on Facebook to try Twitter, as one example. Be careful of what you post. With Neptune manufacturing fog, you may say something that makes some others take offense and inadvertently set off a firestorm.

There will be crosscurrents at this new moon, for as said earlier, Neptune will be in hard angle to the new moon, indicating confusion or misinformation between you and a friend or new acquaintance. If you volunteer on the board of an organization or club, you may assume certain things are fine, but not realize things are going on that would not please you. In fact, it may have something to do with how the budgets are being handled.

I am concerned about this new moon because Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, will receive difficult confrontation from Saturn. To protect yourself, don’t sign important documents, and don’t commit your time or interest to anything new at this time. Wait until June 19, a perfect day to reach accord and to round out the elements of the plan. I like June 19 because Mercury will meet with Jupiter – profits are likely to follow your actions.

Venus’ move into Leo will be a wonderful bonus for you, and that will start on June 13 and stay until July 9. This is the time to pick up new designer threads on sale – outfits that you saw and loved but smartly waited until the expensive designer prices went on sale. Nothing but the best will be right for you this month. This means the second half of June will be your best time to step out to socialize for fun and love.

I already mentioned earlier that Tuesday June 19 would be a special day, when Mercury and Jupiter will combine forces. Not only will it be a great day for signing important papers, it will also be the right day to make a big sales call or presentation with the aim to make an important sale of property, ideas, goods, or services. In the evening, see friends – arrange a big dinner in a restaurant (where everyone pays for their own meal) so that you can reconnect. On this day, your event would bring over-the-top fun and be a big hit.

Several days later you will have a red-letter day, Friday, June 22, special again for your career. Uranus in your solar tenth house of career reputation will send a beam to the mighty Sun, your very own star. (The Sun rules Leo.) This is a day when all the career surprises will be happy ones. Use this day for a confidential meeting with VIP and let nature take its course.

The full moon in Capricorn 6 degrees on June 27 is a weighty one on the surface, but that also has goodies packed inside as a surprise. It will light your sixth house of work projects. This is not the area of your chart that rules your career success, honors, and achievement (that’s the tenth house), but rather the area of the chart that rules assignments and the day-to-day work projects that cross your desk. This full moon will be conjunct Saturn, so the work to finish it will be strenuous.

You may have to have contingency plans in case staffers are on vacation, which seems to be the case at month’s end. Or, it may be the job is a big one that will require more hands on deck, possibly with temporary workers.

Not only will Saturn conjunct the full moon, but Saturn will also directly oppose your ruler, the Sun. This could lower your resistance to colds and flu, so take good care of your health as you get to the last week of July. You seem to be expending a lot of energy.

I mentioned that this full moon will have mixed aspects, so now let’s get to the good ones! Jupiter will send a lovely aspect to the Sun, and that will counter any possible problems Saturn, mentioned above, might bring you. Whenever Jupiter aspects your Sun, money usually results, along with joyous events too. Because Jupiter is in your fourth house of home, the money you see might come through real estate or the generosity of family.

Jupiter and the Sun will continue to move toward one another until they reach their mathematic peak in trine aspect (great harmony) – that will happen on July 5. This makes the last days of June and the first five days of July a blue-ribbon week for you.

Also, the full moon of June 27 will receive a spectacular beam from surprise-a-minute Uranus, now in your tenth house of fame and honors. You are about to get positive publicity or an offer for a new position out of the blue. This aspect will boost your standing in the community, or the world – you will be thrilled. Saturn will work with Uranus to stabilize the gains you make, a rare development. No doubt about it, dear Leo, your star is on the rise.

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Love and relationships will be front and center of your life as you start June. The full moon of May 29 last month may have asked you to make a decision about the person you are dating. If you are in a strong and happy relationship, you may have experienced an exciting episode that pointed to greater bonding between you and someone special. Mars was perfectly positioned to have you thinking about marriage – in fact, you may have become engaged or wed as recently as late last month.

The idea of stabilizing your life through making a commitment will be further emphasized by the newly minted position of Mars in Aquarius, due to be a very long visit, to continue until November 15. Mars, the action planet, will remain in your seventh house of contractual partnership, an area of the chart that covers agreements between two people, from marriage to business. Mars will stage a conflict with Uranus on June 13, and you may feel torn between your work and your plans to join forces with someone special now. If you are thinking about a romantic relationship – and for most Leos, this will be the case – you may have to decide whether you will put your relationship above your career or vice versa. If the partnership you are thinking about will be business collaboration, expect to encounter a difference of opinion between the two of you that will take time to work out.

Keep in mind that Mars will go retrograde starting June 26 to August 27, so during that time, you may vacillate about how you feel about your partner, or you may change or adjust the plans you had made together. The coming two months – July and August – will not be the time to begin a new relationship or launch a product or service, or commit to any new goals. Mars is the planet of competition – the planet that will help you win and excel – but while Mars is weak in retrograde, you will not have Mars’ considerable help. Instead, it will be a time to reflect on what you’ve done so far in 2018 and to work on improving present projects that you’ve recently finished or are in the process of ending. You can also work to improve ongoing relationships that you know could use special attention.

Let’s turn to your home for a moment – a place you will be unusually lucky. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is standing by to help you find housing or to vastly improve the quality of the life you have now. Looking at 2018 as a whole, this year will be all about making your private life a priority, and enriching it to the greatest possible degree. You may buy a house or condo this year, or rent your first apartment. If you move, you’d find a spacious, sunny space that is likely to offer a stunning view. You may find a beautiful piece of furniture at a bargain sale price, or order the painters and feel glorious when the walls are done. In the first week of June, a golden triangle will appear, indicating supreme harmony, linking Venus, Neptune, and Jupiter, focusing much of your happiness on home and the warm support you can expect from family. Do something for your home in the first week – it will be a big morale booster.

The new moon on June 13 will open the door to travel and having fun with friends, but before you dive into your social life, look at the costs. Neptune will be at odds with this new moon, and costs may spiral higher than you estimated. Saturn’s opposition to Mercury on the following day suggests that you may be getting involved with a plan that could turn out different from what you expect and bring tensions.

Your career is evolving now, and you have a plethora of opportunity. Now that Uranus is ensconced in your tenth house of fame for years to come, if you want to become famous, work hard, for the possibilities are there for you to achieve your dream. There is no doubt with Saturn in your sixth house that you will be burning the midnight oil, but that’s a good sign you are taking opportunities seriously and going for the gold.

Venus will enter Leo on June 13 to July 9, a wonderful time for you to circulate if you are single, or to make plans with our partner to do things together if you are attached. Most Leos love to shop – here is your chance to add beautiful, designer additions to your wardrobe. It’s always fun to venture out wearing a fabulous new outfit – this adds to that alluring quality called confidence.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-06-03 20:00:20
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 60 
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