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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 10月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2018-10-01 Mon. 23:34:00

Leo Horoscope for October 2018

July 23 - Aug 22
A Note from Susan Miller

October 2018

Dear Reader,

I am excited to tell you about my two appearances, first in October at the New Life Expo on Saturday, October 27, in New York City, and then in Carlsbad, California where I am doing a full weekend of yoga and astrology from November 2-4, 2018. In both cases, I will tell you all about the Year Ahead 2019. All the details about my two appearances are on my website. Check my homepage of AstrologyZone.com. Here is the short version of what I will do, and I hope you can come!

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

If you feel the recent months have been a bit frustrating, you are right. If you have been reading my previous reports, I went into great detail about the difficulty of working under Mars retrograde from June 26 to August 27. Mars is the high-energy planet that provides a big boost to any venture that you want to lift off successfully. Without Mars’ help, you likely found work to be arduous. VIPs were either missing in action or indecisive.

Not helping matters was the turn of Mercury retrograde too, which meant you couldn’t successfully negotiate contracts or set off advertising or publicity campaigns. Mercury was out of phase from July 25 to August 18, so if you had to go ahead anyway, you found your efforts less effective, and you may have been scratching your head asking why.

You may have taken a sigh of relief by the time you got to September assuming things would become easier. However, the universe wants us to continue our focus on the past, and as much as everyone likely feels it’s time to look forward, the truth is, we are not quite done looking backward yet. Most of us love to hear that we will have new opportunities to look forward to taking advantage of, and we all have those by December, but for now, we need to slow down and examine the work we have done and find ways to make it better. If we continually start new projects, but some are not the best they could be, what is the point?

I had a seventh-grade teacher who I loved and who certainly hammered home the importance of creating the most excellent output we could muster. As we grow, she told us, we need to keep striving to do better, for we will gain greater mastery over our work, and we will delight in seeing growth and progress with each passing year. Here is what she told us that I will never forget:

Your term paper has to be the best it can be, for if the atom bomb falls and destroys just about everything, your paper will have to stand for civilization.

I was 12 years old when I was in my favorite teacher’s seventh-grade class, and it has become my mission ever since. My friends laugh when I tell them this, and they ask incredulously, “You were inspired by those words?” The answer is a resounding yes.

Maybe there is a chance that reading this, you, dear reader, will feel the same way I do, and if you are, then I have done my job of passing the baton. You will continually strive to create excellence. (I am not saying I have reached the perfection my teacher told us to aim for, but I keep forcing myself to stretch as far as I can go, and it’s fun to see progress.)

Venus will go retrograde from October 5 to November 16. Venus has domain over very different parts of life than Mars or Mercury. Although all planets retrograde, these three—Mercury, Venus, and Mars—are the ones we feel the most directly when retrograde, for they are the planets that orbit closest to earth.

    If buying, selling or leasing real estate, you are likely to get the very best price on October 29. After this, you won’t do better—this will be your moment to act.

While Mars is mainly a powerful, masculine energy, by contrast Venus is feminine, soft, and receptive. Venus rules beauty in all of its forms, as well as love and romance. When any planet retrogrades, it withholds its greatest powers.

You might figure, well, I guess I will be okay by the middle of next month. No, for the very day that Venus turns direct, November 16, Mercury is due to go retrograde again until December 6.

Mercury retrogrades three times a year, for whenever Mercury orbits 27.5 degrees ahead of the Sun, the Sun pulls Mercury back to be at his side. This was their deal when Mercury assumed his seat on Mount Olympus. The Sun admires Mercury’s clever, street-smart style and quick wit, so Mercury speaks for the Sun. The Sun doesn’t want Mercury wandering around the solar system—Mercury is needed!

For you, dear Leo, Venus is the natural ruler of your solar third house of travel, communication, and contracts, and that is the area that will experience slowdowns. You might say, wait, this is the same area that Mercury rules—communication! True, and in the way the horoscope wheel was set up by the ancients, Mercury was chosen to be the natural ruler of the solar third house for all signs, so for Leo, this does create a double whammy.

October and November won’t be the right time to buy a new computer, a new smartphone, or any luxury goods or jewels. Leo is in a different situation than the rest of the zodiac, because Venus rules your Mercury-ruled third house of communication. The good part of all this is that we will have one of the best months for holiday shopping in recent years in December (after December 6). Last year, Mercury was retrograde from December 3 to December 22, so that made it a challenge to choose gifts that our recipients would love. Many people bought gift cards. This year, we can be more creative in our presents for those we love.

As an aside, if you want to learn more about Mercury retrograde I have an essay entitled Mercury Retrograde and What it Means for You on my home page on-line and it is free. Look to the left as you scroll down the homepage.

If you have the premium version of my app (the one that you subscribe to for $4.99 for one month or $12.99 for 3 months), look under Life, Love + More, then once inside, go into Susan’s Essays, and you will see among those listed the article on Mercury retrograde.

The name of my app for Apple or Google is Daily Horoscopes Astrology Zone® by Susan Miller. Searching Susan Miller is usually enough because I generally come up first, but be sure you chose the app with the dark navy background and the white letters, AZ. The free version of my app gives you your entire, uncut monthly horoscope and a short daily horoscope, and you can keep changing signs for different forecasts to read your rising sign or a friend’s sign. My app is ironclad secure, and there are no ads. (The paid version, among other content, gives you a much longer daily horoscope and also the uncut monthly scopes.)

Going back to my discussion on these coming retrograde planets is the clear message that you still need to examine past decisions and actions and see if you’d like to make changes to improve some of those projects or a certain relationship, especially regarding a sibling. If the past projects are done and shipped, it’s always valuable to think back to imagine how you might have approached them differently.

Venus is linked to love and affection, so you will be thinking about your relationship. If you are single and not dating, it would be best to sit tight. Do not begin a new relationship during the retrograde, for Venus’ absence means that in your new relationship, in time, affection will cool. You will do much better in December at holiday parties.

While Venus is retrograde from October 5 to November 16, do not change your appearance—you must temporarily stick to the way you look now. Do not have any untried dermatological treatments, a face-lift, or Botox. Women should not try a new style or radically change their hair color. You can do regular grooming, of course, as the universe doesn’t want you to look like a little ragamuffin. Keep your looks as they are for now, and come December, you can make any changes you like.

If you are in a relationship, do you feel it could be better, or are you quite happy with it as it is now? If you feel your relationship could use a little boost, you could make an extra effort now with good results, or if you feel the problem is more complicated, you might seek couples therapy. If you go while Venus is retrograde, you will make a lot of progress.

Venus also rules your solar tenth house of prestigious career advancement, so you probably won’t score a big victory until all these planets move forward from December 6 onward. In the meantime, see if you can improve your methods and decide if you need more staff to get the work out in a smoother, timely way. Also, reconnect with clients and VIPs who have always believed in your potential. Going back to those kind people is where your luck will lie.

The good news is that Mars and Venus won’t retrograde at all in 2019. In the meantime, clean out the cobwebs of any lingering parts of your life that need a refresh to start the New Year 2019 with a clean slate.

The new moon of October 8 might bring up writing or speaking assignments. With all these planets going bonkers, you will need to be organized and detailed. You may need to travel, and if it is to see a client or friend who you have visited previously, you should be fine. If you will be going to a new location, keep a paper map in your glove compartment, in case GPS brings you to the wrong place. Does that happen? Oh sure, so have an old-school method to fall back on when technology fails.

The difficult part of the month will come on October 24, when the full moon, in Taurus one degree, will likely create volatility concerning a career matter, due to unpredictable Uranus conjunct that full moon. Uranus will also oppose Venus and the Sun, your ruler, so you will feel this personally. You may feel a major push-pull between your home and your career at this time, so don’t have your schedule too full. It will seem like everyone needs you at once, but your career needs your first attention.

Do not take a business trip at this time. Everyone will feel this feisty full moon, so just about everyone will be feeling a bit fragile and out of sorts.  Keep your health strong, for you will need to be up to par to handle all that will be demanded of you at this time.

Still, Saturn, seeing the pandemonium, will send beams to stabilize the situation. This is a major plus, for Saturn will add logic, objectivity, and a clear perspective to the episode. Wise advice might come from someone you know at work on your level, such as a teammate, a subordinate, or an outside supplier or vendor.

This full moon could go either way—a fantastic surprise or a setback. It may, alternatively, bring a big promotion, but whichever way it goes, it will bring quite a surprise or shock, for that is the way Uranus works. Trying to figure out what will happen is useless, for Uranus always brings something that you are not looking at, and which would never have crossed your mind.

Before I go, I want you to know you should avoid October 10 for important meetings. If you have my calendar, you already know that’s not your best day to impress anyone, for Mercury will be opposed to Uranus. This will be a highly keyed-up day, and while you may come up with ideas on this day, it’s too risky for having a major interview or presentation. Instead, you have a glorious day on October 29, when Mercury will conjoin Jupiter. If you sign a contract on this day, Jupiter will do his best to encourage profits to grow sky high.


You seem to be aching for a getaway to breathe in the crisp air in any region of the world known for beautiful fall foliage. The new moon, October 8, is pushing you to go and to bring along your partner, too. However, it looks like you have considerable obligations at home and at work, and you may find it is nearly impossible to untangle yourself quickly from those duties. If you find getting out the door is too stressful, promise yourself that you will find another time to go, weeks or months from now.

Mercury will oppose Uranus on October 10, a day to avoid, as your nerves are likely to be on edge. Solitude will be comforting. Sign no papers and agree to no terms verbally. It could be a career or home and family matter that surfaces then, but either way, the news could be quite jarring.

Venus plays an important role over your third house of travel, communication, and negotiation, but this month, Venus will be retrograde from October 5 to November 16, causing obstacles to come up in travel and in regard to your career. Additionally, travel-planet Mercury will receive a direct blow from Uranus, which is bent on stirring up obstacles. Mercury’s position suggests you would be best not to go on a trip, even if the trip is for business, for talks will not go your way. Refrain from signing important documents until the heavy cosmic cloud cover clears and sunshine comes out on your golden day, October 29.

Venus, in retrograde from October 5 to November 16, will also have an effect on you in a different way, and this would not be the time to have plastic surgery, an untried dermatological technique, or to radically change how you style your hair. Any actions meant to improve your looks with Venus retrograde may make you dissatisfied with the results. Do not go for Botox or have veneers put on your teeth, for example. You can do normal grooming, but hold off on big changes.

Lots of surprises are due in your career, and they seem to shake you at first, but those very changes could work in your favor, if you keep your wits about you. On the full moon, October 24, the moon will conjoin Uranus, planet of surprise, and will get staunch support from Saturn in your work-a-day assignment sector. It seems that the superb work you have been doing plus your meticulous methods and work ethics might add up to a promotion or an offer from a competitor. If you are in sales, you may get lucrative new business. Yet, could things go wrong? Yes, I will admit they could, for this full moon is a wild card. Could you lose the big deal you’ve worked on due to a fluke? Yes, that’s possible, but let’s think positively.

Neptune’s beam from your eighth house suggests a large commission or bonus might be yours, especially if you work in the arts or are part of the support staff of creative people.

Meanwhile, you seem to be focusing on your home and possible improvements you’d like to make—you may possibly move. You will be ready to make a decision next month after November 7, the date of a beautiful new moon that will help you find options for your living arrangements.

This month, on October 29, when Mercury and Jupiter combine forces, go shopping for home-related items, for you may find the piece of furniture you have been searching for at an attractive price, possibly on sale. If buying, selling, or leasing real estate, you are likely to get the very best price on October 29. After this, you won’t do better—this will be your moment to act.

Your partner or steady date is still your big focus, and now that Mars will be ramped back up to former strength by October 8, you’ll be able to now make plans together that will finally fall into place, much to your delight.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-10-01 23:34:00
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 99 
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