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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2019年 3月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2019-03-03 Sun. 06:14:32

Leo Horoscope for March 2019

July 23 - Aug 22
A Note from Susan Miller

march 2019

Dear Reader,

You might already know that I love posting on Twitter (@AstrologyZone), and I am also on Facebook (Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone). What is new is that in December, I added Instagram to my regular social media posts (@Astrologyzone). I have been having fun reading your comments and seeing how the planets are influencing your life.  I had joined Instagram in 2012, but in intervening years I had not been posting there, but now I am enjoying going on Instagram almost every day.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

You have lots going on this month, and it looks like you can make the twinkling stars above work for you. The most dramatic event of the month is that Uranus, the planet of all things unexpected, is moving into your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement on March 6 to stay seven years, until April 2026. Uranus is one of the slow-moving outer planets in our solar system, so his movements are important. Uranus takes 84 years to circle the Sun and go through all 12 houses of the horoscope. Uranus will remain in your house of fame, prestige, and career pinnacles until April 2026, and when he strikes, it’s usually like lightning, out of the blue.

In order to see the effect of Uranus, you need another planet in tight mathematical aspect, and the first such event will be next month when the Sun conjoins Uranus on April 22. With Uranus, you can never guess what will come up, but let’s think good thoughts. Uranus has the power to make you famous if that is a desire. From now on, opportunities will come like lightning, but you will also have your share of unexpected setbacks. If you have been working hard, you should not find these reversals too difficult to handle, and they will arrive with the compensation of thrilling breakthroughs. Uranus is the only planet that brings unexpected, unanticipated events, and he is there to teach us to stay flexible and adaptable. You have never had this influence before in your life, for Uranus has not been in Taurus since 1934 to 1942.

It’s time to dream bigger than you ever have before, because you will have no problem reaching VIPs who can help you materialize them. Mercury is the planet that helps us gather information, and Uranus is known to be the higher octave of Mercury—Uranus takes the information that Mercury provides and then shows you how to resynthesize all that you’ve gathered into something more innovative and modern, pushing your ideas into the realm of genius. The next seven years offer you a once-in-a-lifetime chance to stand out and lead in your industry.

Uranus brings long-term energy that you will have at your disposal, and now you have brilliant short-term energy from Mars, also in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement—the house that rules your reputation and standing in your industry. Mars comes by every two years to light this part of your chart for six to seven weeks. Mars first entered your prestigious professional sector on February 14, to stay until March 30. With Mars and Uranus touring this house, if you want a promotion or new job offer, this is your time to look for it.

I will point out that Mercury will be retrograde all month, from March 5 to March 28, so I feel a company or person you used to work with might now be back in touch with you and ask if you want to collaborate on a special project. While it is not usually a good time to commit to a new position during Mercury retrograde, you are technically not starting something new but rather reviving a previous endeavor. You can proceed.

Here is where the plot will thicken in an exciting way. Planets in your tenth house of fame and honors will be beautifully oriented to the four heavenly bodies transiting in Pisces, your eighth house of finances. They include the March 6 new moon in Pisces (at 16 degrees), the Sun, Neptune, and Mercury. This house does not rule salary but rather performance-based money, such as commissions, bonuses, licensing fees, royalties, cash advances, insurance payouts, bank loans, venture capital, and so forth. All these areas shine for you, thanks to the new moon of March 6 (coincidentally on the same day as Uranus enters Taurus). A new moon, especially a friendly one like this, will open a portal of ten days in which to make assertive moves, in this case, related to money.

    The Libra full moon, on March 20, would be ideal for taking a quick, short trip with the one you love. You have Venus, ruler of this full moon in Libra, in your house of committed partnerships, which points to going away with your steady sweetheart or spouse on a trip that would be quite divine.

Wait! There’s more! These same planets in Pisces will also reach out to Saturn and Pluto in your sixth house of workaday projects. Both Saturn (hard work) and Pluto (financial gain) in your assignment sector will be in direct conversation with the Sun, new moon, and Neptune (not quite Mercury, for he has moved too far by March 6 to be part of this aspect). That means you have Saturn and Pluto setting up a direct link of rewards related to all you’ve done to arrive where you are today. You can expect higher-level, more sophisticated projects in the future, assuming you’ve been giving full, all-out, concentration to your work. I particularly love that Saturn in your sixth house of workaday matters will be in direct contact with Mars on March 14. If you haven’t been giving your job all the prime attention you need to, you have a chance this month, so recommit to your work. I have rarely seen such an ideal situation for you to gain in power, money, and status.

Here is another twist: Planets in Pisces in your eighth house point to artistic projects, because Pisces and its ruler, Neptune, are associated with the arts, including painting, sculpture, acting, dance, music, choreography, poetry, filmmaking and photography, make-up and hair for theatrical presentations, costume design, and more. Leo is a highly creative sign, so it seems that your expertise in certain areas of the arts will bring you a handsome sum in the days that come after the new moon appears on March 6. The money seems to emanate from someone you know or a company you’ve worked with in the past. If you are trying to raise money for a movie or a Broadway play, pay attention to these aspects and get cracking! You have a spectacular outlook for drawing the money you need to start.

Now let’s look at certain days that might be special for you in March. Your ruler is the Sun, so when we have strong aspects to the Sun, those days shine for you. Sometimes we don’t have any, but this month we have two, so you may want to note them on your calendar.

The first one will arrive on Friday, March 8, for it will bring Saturn in perfect angle to the Sun. Use this day for an interview with an older, powerful executive. You would make a good impression due to your savvy practicality and understanding of how to manage project funds. If you have a mentor, this would be a good day to meet, too. This is not a day to discuss blue-sky ideas, but rather to talk about the more practical nuts and bolts of a project.

On Wednesday, March 13, the Sun and Pluto will be in sync. Here’s another good day to discuss a work project, and this time financials will be the main event. It’s a perfect time to meet with your banker for a bank loan or with a venture capitalist for an infusion of cash for your firm.

If you need a day to generate original ideas, you may want to set aside time to brainstorm, alone or with a teammate. You’ll find visions flow over the weekend of March 9 to 10, when Mars (action) and Neptune (creativity) are in perfect sync with one another.

Now let’s turn to the full moon in Libra, at the zero degree, which will light your third house on Wednesday, March 20. This full moon might bring a contract to your desk, along with the pressure to sign it. Do your best to put off signing until next month, with April 14 being your best day. If you have an astrological calendar (see my home page of Astrology Zone), you already have a full description of this lovely day, a Sunday, when the Sun and Jupiter will be in sync. You may not be able to wait until mid-April, but I don’t want you to sign any paperwork while Mercury is retrograde (March 5 to March 28). April 7 would be a good runner-up day when Mercury and Saturn will be working together.

The Libra full moon, on March 20, would be ideal for taking a quick, short trip with the one you love. You have Venus, ruler of this full moon in Libra, in your house of committed partnerships, which points to going away with your steady sweetheart or spouse on a trip that would be quite divine. Venus rules Leo’s prestigious tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, indicating that alternatively, you may be traveling for work with a business partner, collaborator, or expert you have hired to help you advance, such as an agent, publicist, social media manager, ad director, creative director, copywriter, your head of IT, writing partner, or another professional. Like the new moon, this month’s full moon is very positive.

At the time of this full moon, March 20, energetic Mars, still in your fame sector, will reach out to stabilizing Saturn and powerhouse Pluto, two very heavy-duty planets found in your workaday assignment sector (sixth house). Any project that comes up should be highly creative, because on Thursday, March 21, the day after the full moon (and one of the most glorious days of the month), Venus and Jupiter will be in sync. Venus rules your career reputation, and Jupiter rules (and is transiting) your fifth house of creativity. The fifth house is the repository of your greatest artistic expressions, so the creativity you display on March 21 could take your client’s or manager’s breath away—and yours, too!

Here’s another good sign—both Jupiter and Venus relate to profits, so you should do well financially near the full moon, March 20, plus or minus four days. Speak up and don’t be shy.

If your birthday falls on July 22 to July 25, you will do exceptionally well at the full moon on March 20. You will also see success if you have Leo rising at the zero degree or the natal moon at that sign and degree. If you have a planet at the zero degree (plus five degrees) of Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, you, too, will benefit, for that planet will be very lit up.

At month’s end, Mars will move into Gemini, so the thundering emphasis on your career will tone down a little, although surprise-a-minute Uranus will, of course, remain behind in your career house—Uranus alone will help you stay focused and deliver sudden professional news. Next month will be lighter and easier to navigate, with a greater emphasis on friends and fun. Make March work for you, dear Leo—it’s a very special month for career and money progress.


This will likely turn out to be quite an exciting month, one you might always remember. Uranus, the planet of sudden developments and surprises, will move into Taurus on March 6 and make its first appearance of your life in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. Uranus brings unusual breaks and occasional setbacks, but if handled correctly, Uranus here can help you to become very famous. This planet of modern change will remain at the pinnacle point of your chart for seven years and will be the first time you’ve had this influence. (The last time Uranus toured Taurus was from 1934 to 1942.)

In the coming seven years, you will have the right platform to launch your biggest ideas. You can be as innovative as you please—even a bit rebellious and independent—for Uranus will cheer you on. Uranus teaches that you will sometimes need to break a few eggs to jolt people out of their work rut and sit up and listen. This marvelous trend ensures that others will hear your opinions and ideas.

You will begin to see momentum in your career immediately, for Mars is also in this same sector of professional achievement for the first time in two years. Having both Mars and Uranus in your most prestigious professional sector adds up to quite a bit of activity. In two months, in May, you will have a new moon in this same area, brilliantly opening the door to an important opportunity. For now, you will have courageous, assertive Mars with you to lay the groundwork for your new professional chapter, and Mars will remain until the end of this month, March 30 (and then not again until January-February of 2021). You can make enormous career gains now.

The new moon, set to fall on the same day, March 6, will light your sector of other people’s money, suggesting you might be negotiating a lucrative business deal or accepting a new position and working out the compensation and company benefits. If you have your own business, you may be working on raising venture capital or planning your IPO. If you work in the arts or are an actor, or work as a director, director of photography, cinematographer, producer, or another member of the team selected to make a movie, you may have a dream opportunity to work on a new project. Give it your all.

Before you sign any papers, however, keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde March 5 until March 28, creating a month of thick smoke and mirrors and making it impossible to see the finer points of a contract clearly. Enlist an attorney, and don’t even think of trying to save money by not having a lawyer on your side—you need one. Mercury will retrograde in the same financial house that we have been talking about, so you will want to secure the best deal possible by not overlooking details that the trickster planet might cloud.

See if you can take a romantic break at the full moon in Libra, on March 20. Venus will be in your seventh house of partnership, so if you are attached, you will have an especially close relationship with your one-and-only. With Venus speaking to Jupiter, the giver of gifs and luck, in your most romantic sector, this full moon could bring a banner episode of the heart.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2019-03-03 06:14:32
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 66 
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